New Letter Appeal To Get Jerome White-Bey The Medical Treatment He Needs
Brighton ABC | 24.05.2010 16:56 | World
You may remember we were asking people to write letters of complaint on behalf of Jerome White-Bey to get him some urgent medical treatment for a kidney infection. Details of this letter appeal are here:
Jerome had been told over a 3-4 year period by doctors at three different prisons that he had kidney problems which was a result of having diabetes. This kidney infection had been left untreated for a long period of time and after the letters of complaint and phone calls made to the prison from his last letter appeal Jerome was then sent for tests and told that it was not in fact his kidneys that had been making him unwell but that he has liver problems from having Hepatitis C, which he was unaware he had till that point. He was then told that he needs a course of treatment that will last for 12 months and he'll have to be transferred to another prison to have the treatment.
Jerome now faces a new problem. He has been unwell for a long period of time but the head doctor at Jefferson City has not approved his need for medical treatment and the transfer to start it. The longer they take approving this the worse his condition becomes.
Jerome thanks everyone for the complaints that were made last time to get him this far but asks that we write letters or call the prison again to get him transferred and started on the treatment he needs.
Please write letters of complaint to:
The Governor
2727 Highway K
Bonne Terre, MO 63628
+001 573 358-5516
Write letters of support to:
Jerome White-Bey
2727 Highway K
Bonne Terre, MO 63628
Jerome now faces a new problem. He has been unwell for a long period of time but the head doctor at Jefferson City has not approved his need for medical treatment and the transfer to start it. The longer they take approving this the worse his condition becomes.
Jerome thanks everyone for the complaints that were made last time to get him this far but asks that we write letters or call the prison again to get him transferred and started on the treatment he needs.
Please write letters of complaint to:
The Governor
2727 Highway K
Bonne Terre, MO 63628
+001 573 358-5516
Write letters of support to:
Jerome White-Bey
2727 Highway K
Bonne Terre, MO 63628
Brighton ABC