RMT Backs JOHN MCDONNELL in Labour Party Leadership Bid
little person | 22.05.2010 22:26
Why socialists should back him: Bob Crow explains it clearly...
John McDonnell is the biggest rebel MP in the Labour party
He voted consistently against the Government on all important issues
He is the Chair of 'Public Services Not private Profit' campaign
John McDonnell is the biggest rebel MP in the Labour party
He voted consistently against the Government on all important issues
He is the Chair of 'Public Services Not private Profit' campaign
The RMT already supports McDonnell:
"John McDonnell leads the RMT group in parliament and no MP has done more to fight against attacks on jobs, public services and workers rights. John is a tireless worker on behalf of trade unionists and the communities that will be there in the front line of the ConDem attack and he is the perfect alternative to the assorted candidates from Continuity New Labour.
"John McDonnell has a reservoir of support that extends way beyond the ranks of the Labour party membership. It would be an absolute travesty if he was kept out of the race for the leadership and would send out a signal that the Labour party machine has learned absolutely nothing.
"On the big issues; defending public services, opposing privatisation, repealing the anti-trade union laws, bringing our troops home and supporting workers rights, John stands shoulder to shoulder with RMT and the trade union and socialist movement. He deserves our full support."
"John McDonnell leads the RMT group in parliament and no MP has done more to fight against attacks on jobs, public services and workers rights. John is a tireless worker on behalf of trade unionists and the communities that will be there in the front line of the ConDem attack and he is the perfect alternative to the assorted candidates from Continuity New Labour.
"John McDonnell has a reservoir of support that extends way beyond the ranks of the Labour party membership. It would be an absolute travesty if he was kept out of the race for the leadership and would send out a signal that the Labour party machine has learned absolutely nothing.
"On the big issues; defending public services, opposing privatisation, repealing the anti-trade union laws, bringing our troops home and supporting workers rights, John stands shoulder to shoulder with RMT and the trade union and socialist movement. He deserves our full support."
little person
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Ditch the New Labour progect - reclaim OUR Labour Party!
23.05.2010 11:58
In 1946 the UK was building about 100 000 houses each year, with the the annual build increasing year by year until 1968 when it reached 628 000. Since 1968 the housebuilding rate has declined steadily to about 90 000 in 2008 (an alternative strategy which should exist alongside greater council housing, of course, is more provision in the planning system for self-build in rural areas for low-impact smallholding communities, to embrace a low-carbon future, with grants for low-income people to buys plots of land for a pursuit largely the domain of people who have money to buy land).
The Tories of course will not only not provide investment for council housing, but are likely to slash spending on housing provision (like in Hammersmith & Fulham where the Tory council sold off 12 homeless shelters, handing them to large property developers). The Tories are for the de-socialisation of housing through ending capital investment and the requirement to provide housing to those in need that right-wing ideologues see as a first step to deconstructing the welfare state.
For New Labour this is also the crux of the matter, ie. their capitulation to neoliberal dogma throughout their 13 years in power. Dispensation for the rich elite through tax breaks, bailout of the bankers, a meagre stab at readressing the shortfall in redistribution of tax from the well-off with their flat-rate Capital Gains tax (now overhauled to include a higher rate of 40% by the Tories of all people!)
Evidence if ever in doubt that the New Labour project was a right-wing coup on the Labour Party. The Millibands, Balls and Burnham are all fully paid-up members of this travesty and should be utterly rejected (.. an Abbot a diversionary caberet act).
More Info: Save the Labour Party: http://petergkenyon.typepad.com/peterkenyon/save_the_labour_party/
[taken from this website above: "Save the Labour Party continues to campaign for an ethical, solvent, democratically run, mass membership organisation. Many say, rightly, it never has been. But that doesn't mean it shouldn't aspire to those goals. On the contrary, a radical manifesto presented to the electorate in less than 100 days time by such a party would be far more credible with the electorate than farcical efforts to revive 'New Labour'."]
The LabOUR Commission report: http://www.savethelabourparty.org/labourcommissioninterimreport.pdf
Keir Hardie