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Dissident Island Radio tonight - a sizzling show

Dissident Werewolf | 21.05.2010 13:40 | Anti-racism | Climate Chaos | Social Struggles

Greek unrest // Resisting the EDL // Middlesex uni occupation // Conservatives save the environment // BPM on the decks

disco inferno
disco inferno

Dissident Island Radio - episode 58 - 21 May 2010:

On this week's show we'll be talking with Antonis from Occupied London about the current unrest in Greece and any possible wider implications. We'll have a discussion on the history of the EDL as well as looking at more pressing strategic matters in dealing with this new and slippery form of ultra-nationalism.

There'll be words from the recent Middlesex university occupation, why occupy and where now? As a way of welcoming our new lords and masters in the Conservative party we'll be hearing about how they're going to fix all things environmental - joy!

Dotted throughout the show we'll be playing music from bands who'll be performing at our celebration of indymedia's 10th birthday and BPM will be providing a preview of the dj action to be had.

Go to to listen live from 9pm

+++++++++++++++++++++++++ OUR PREVIOUS SHOW ++++++++++++++++++++++++++

May 7th -

• Anja on Dissident Island Disks

• Merthyr to Mayo bikeride

• Post election rabble rousing from the WAG

• Wietse, part of Sea Shepherd: The antartic and beyond

• Jammy Bastard pumpin' it up

Dissident Werewolf
- e-mail: dissidentisland (at) riseup (dott) net
- Homepage:


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What a sick joke

21.05.2010 14:14



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