"Permaculture Allotment Gardening Techniques" with Mike Feingold
[Bristol] ShiftBristol | 20.05.2010 12:22
The day will start with a shared lunch, followed by a practical workshop at Royate Hill allotment, finished by a slideshow on permaculture horticultural techniques.
One day workshop
Royate Hill Allotments
Saturday 17th July 1pm to 7pm
Sliding scale from £20 see www.shiftbristol.org.uk for details
Come for a tour of Mike’s fantastic permaculture allotment – a work in progress for over 20 years. Low impact and sustainable practice at its most radical and experimental.
For over 20 years Mike Feingold has been teaching Permaculture to and learning from communities around the world including Nepal, India, Palestine, Kenya and beyond. He has also been maintaining an inspiring Permaculture allotment in Bristol for most of that time. He is a founder member of the Bristol Permaculture Group and organiser of the Glastonbury Festival Permaculture demonstration garden. Mike is one of the UK’s leading experts in sustainable and experimental gardening.
One day workshop
Royate Hill Allotments
Saturday 17th July 1pm to 7pm
Sliding scale from £20 see www.shiftbristol.org.uk for details
Come for a tour of Mike’s fantastic permaculture allotment – a work in progress for over 20 years. Low impact and sustainable practice at its most radical and experimental.
For over 20 years Mike Feingold has been teaching Permaculture to and learning from communities around the world including Nepal, India, Palestine, Kenya and beyond. He has also been maintaining an inspiring Permaculture allotment in Bristol for most of that time. He is a founder member of the Bristol Permaculture Group and organiser of the Glastonbury Festival Permaculture demonstration garden. Mike is one of the UK’s leading experts in sustainable and experimental gardening.
[Bristol] ShiftBristol
Original article on IMC Bristol: