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ALF Support Group founder faces jail

Mark Organ | 19.05.2010 12:41 | Animal Liberation

The founder of the ALF SG has been convicted of attempting to liberate chickens from a battery hell hole.

The founder of the ALF SG has been convicted of attempting to liberate chickens from a battery hell hole.

Normally he would not be deemed suitable for a term of inprisionment but due to his connections to the ALF and the AR movement the courts may well come under pressure from NETCU to impose a draconian sentence.

The ALF SG will continue it's good work regardless.

For the animals

Mark Organ
- Homepage: http://ALF SG


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Praise our founder oh gracious one!

19.05.2010 13:20

and what does SG stand for?

pussy galore

Ronnie Lee? Keith Mann?

19.05.2010 14:09

SG stands for supporters group I think.


troll post - please delete

19.05.2010 18:16

From the (deliberate?) inaccuracies, this is obviously a troll post designed to promote speculation and gossip. I think it should be removed.
