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Anthony Wall's house in Leeds attacked

Antifascists | 17.05.2010 18:17 | Anti-racism

Anthony Wall's house attacked

A small number of us have gone on a nice Friday night to Anthony Wall's house in Chappel Allerton, Leeds and shown to him and his BNP scums that their politics are not acceptable by anyone! Wall was a candidate for Gipton and Harehills ward for BNP and has revealed his views a few weeks ago attacking to his black neighbor. We have sprayed his house with "BNP SCUM", glued his door and disturbed his cosy night showing to everyone in the area where the coward lives. We are confident that the multiracial community in the area will send him another message soon making it clear that he is unwanted in the area.

We will keep track of his moves and act again in the very near future. Next time it might be worst.




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Well Done

31.05.2010 11:49

Jus a quick note to say great work. Keep it up. In Solidarity! No Pasaran!

A Supporter