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Protesters attacked at Jolly's Circus - again

Animal Rights Calendar | 14.05.2010 11:32 | Animal Liberation

At least half a dozen ‘men’ came out from the circus to attack people at last night’s (Thursday 13th) Jolly's Circus demo, seriously assaulting one female protester.

The local group are now down to just a handful of folk for each demo. This is emboldening the circus thugs, who are always happy to attack a smaller, weaker group.

They’ve just reiterated their plea for people to journey from Nottingham & elsewhere to attend demos at either of this weekend’s matinée performances.

As stated below, the circus is now located at Atherstone, around 4 miles from the previous site & demos start at 1pm for a 2pm performance.

The full address is Nuneaton Road, Mancester, Atherstone, Warwickshire CV9 1RF

Birmingham Animal Rights Collective is also watching out for Jolly's Circus.

Keep track of Jolly's Circus at

The violence is a sign of the effectiveness of protests. Another is that this circus no longer advertises ats' itinerary in advance. If you see posters for any subsequent venues please let us know. (Remove illegally flyposters, or notice the council for possible enforcement).

"First they laugh at you, then hey fight you, then you win" - Gandhi (and Robbie Williams).

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please put some photos up of these lovely characters please,

15.05.2010 20:25

thats if they dont crack your lense with their image, photos usually stops violence if theres a couple of people at least& lets everyone know who they are as well as the police when they can be bothered.
No need for violence

Jollys circus, sounds like something out of royston vacey, etc, seriously not funny though.
Horses can be trained though without torture seriously ask a decent gypo, what animals are they torturing do you have evidence please, saw a fox on a video, but some foxes arent like cats, some of them can be trained .
details please, with public support the police will have to act as well


What a sad clown , read your link above, for goodness sake

21.05.2010 22:07

theirs enough circuses that dont use any animals like this, from all countries like the shaolin monk circus that regulary comes through forest fields,nottingham all it takes is s.e.l.f training, no need4 abuse of people or animals.
They dont know who their attacking, nevermind the cops turning up to arrest whats left if it goes to far, self defence is legal & no offence.
Let the cameras roll& if necessary enter the dragon
