Anthrax alert issued today. Heroin infected with deadly anthrax in circulation
anon | 13.05.2010 23:26 | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Health | South Coast | World
The BBC reported today that the Department of Health and UK Police have issued a safety alert as heroin infected anthrax has killed a number of people. Heroin infected with anthrax spores killed people in Scotland in December 2009. Today police revealed that more people have died including a person in London. Was it leaked from an animal testing lab?
The police are saying that anthrax spores are somehow getting into batches of heroin. This was reported in Scotland in 2009 and now in London as from today.
Today a new alert was issued as more people have been affected and a person has died in London.
It is possible that the anthrax has been leaked acidentally or deliberately from a lab or that infected lab animals might have escaped carrying the disease.
This anthrax alert is a reason to argue that pathogen labs should not be built in cities or towns.
Today a new alert was issued as more people have been affected and a person has died in London.
It is possible that the anthrax has been leaked acidentally or deliberately from a lab or that infected lab animals might have escaped carrying the disease.
This anthrax alert is a reason to argue that pathogen labs should not be built in cities or towns.
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Fetch the aluminium foil!
14.05.2010 12:43
The reason there's anthrax in the heroin is because of the countries flawed drugs policy. Instead of legalising drugs so that quality safe guards can be put in place they're driven underground into the hands of scumbags who see addicts as profit. They add bulking agents to heroin to increase it's weight and boost their profits. Inevitably these bulking products are usually harmful. Anthrax occurs naturally in the wild especially on animal skins and hooves, if untreated animal products were added as the bulking agents hey presto you've found your anthrax source.
The notion that it escaped from a lab is pure nonsense, it occurs naturally anyway. Ask any sheep farmer about anthrax.
Chips and peas
14.05.2010 22:18
Dear Chips and Peas
14.05.2010 22:24
Animal derived products would not dissolve properly on foil or in a spoon as is necessary for heroin use and it is very unlikely that anyone would use animal derived bulking agents in heroin.
There is a chance that someone has infected heroin deliberately which is why the police are investigating this. Heroin production and importation is run by sophisticated organisations who want maximum profits.
Political groups and criminals have used substances taken from labs in terror attacks and have done so more often than the general public realise.
The police claim it is "bonemeal in the heroin" but bonemeal does not dissolve.
15.05.2010 00:36
I agree that labs should not be built in cities or towns, let alone Camden. To place a lab in Kings Cross is madness. It is not unheard of for criminals or political factions to get their hands on bio weapons. Even a small amount of a bio weapon on the underground is enough to cause chaos and bring London to a halt.
A lab in Camden is the ideal place for an attack. Most whether they believe the CIA or Al Qaida caused 9/11 or whether MI5 or Al Qaida caused 7/7 will agree that Camden is no place for a lab. To put the UKCMRI next to the Channel Tunnel is total stupidity.
The real AR discrediters
15.05.2010 00:51
The residents in the Stop Camden Lab group are against extremism, they are not against all of AR. Tracy Morgan has said on her Camden Danger Lab blogspot that "Animal Rights extremists give animal welfare groups a bad name". Some may agree with this and some won't. The Animals Count group have said at a public meeting in Housmans bookshop that violence isn't working and it has caused the number of animal tests to go up not down. Again you can agree or disagree with this.
Either way the UKCMRI lab is a terrible thing to live beside. I support the residents group.
Er...why don't docs prescribe heroin to addicts?
15.05.2010 01:18
Prescribing pharma grade smack to addicts would be better than them buying it in the streets. It would solve contaminate problems.
It's labs who are being discredited in the original article not AR. An article criticising the nutto idea to stick a labs in cities is against the labs.
I will say though that whoever is doing that Camden Sanity Brigade alien blog looks like a psycho so if you mean him, yea he's a total twat. Why has he put pictures of naked women on it and things about aliens, like someother AR people? I don't understand all these people getting into this alien thing.
If this is the person that you mean then yes, they are discrediting AR. He's probably from the UKCMRI or Special Branch though and is doing it on purpose...I hope he's not AR but with the current crop of alien nuts he could be, they are all messing things up for the animals by going on about aliens. I would ignore anyone like that though. He's just a nut.
Camden Police want heroin legalised?
15.05.2010 02:37
The Camden Sanity Brigade or CSB : Camden Special Branch.
not Chips and Peas [Camden Police]
not Chips and Peas [Camden Police]
15.05.2010 12:48
We can work with people who use heroin to help them manage and readjust to a life without it when they choose the time is right, but we cannot do this when they're dead because some nasty dealer mixed in god knows what and killed them.
And I'm most certainly not the Camden police, although it's difficult to read your post because it is so disjointed. The police by and large make my job far more difficult, by criminalising the very people I am trying to help they are part of the problem.
Chips and peas
Re : Chips and Peas, heroin, anthrax and animal parts.
16.05.2010 19:08
Heroin kills if used wrongly, used as a poison against another or when purity changes. Bulking agents that can cause gangrene, blood poisoning, oedema, cellulitus etc.
Heroin can be used to murder people and in date rape. Legalising it is a minefield debate. It is very physically and psychologically addictive and it is better to manage it via a controlled prescription than legalising it. Prescribing heroin is far more sensible than prescribing methadone. Most addicts know far more about drugs than drugs project workers.
Nurses who work with addicts, drugs projects have a 5% - 15% success rate and even then the patients often relapse. Drugs rehabs and prjects do more harm than good much of the tinme. Most addicts despise the people who work in the drugs projects. Most of the staff are middle class do gooders who have never been addicted to heroin and haven't got a clue. They might have taken a few E's in their time but that's about it.
However, the Healthy Options Teams in Mile End, East London is run by addicts and former addicts [I think it is still there] and is much more helpful than most drug projects.
Some drug projects employ drugs squad staff [they deny it but it does go on] and they do pass information about dealers and users to the police even though they deny this.
The animal products question regarding anthrax is an interesting one and it's enough to turn anyone off buying a leather item ever again and will lead to a few more veggies. If imported animal products can lead to anthrax infection it's enough to put anyone off. Animals and animal parts including illegal fur are smuggled into the UK which adds to risks.
The thought of an animal testing lab in Camden is repulsive. It's dangerous. The idea that a level 3 lab that might hold SARS, Yellow Fever, TB, Swine Flu, Bird Flu and maybe even anthrax being built next to a major international and national transport network is terrifying.
I think that its great that there is a London community campaign group against the Kings Cross lab, rather than the "usual suspects" of animal rights. Tracy Morgan is very brave and very sensible to stand against extremism and should be supported not criticised. Other groups too such as Animals Count are doing the same and they too should be applauded.
Chip and Peas with anthrax? Sounds like the CIA could be French Breading again.
19.05.2010 19:04
The thought of anthrax in anything at all is frightening and it could well be the CIA behind this. It has been documented that they put LSD in French Bread and caused a whole village to suffer hallucinations. They are capable of it and could easily have done this to get at the Taliban.