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The Anti Neoliberal Fightback Begins...

little person | 12.05.2010 16:54


Left and trade unions organising coalition to defeat cuts by ‘neoliberal coalition government’
7th May 2010

The left and trade unions have started organising a broad coalition against the incoming coalition government and its plans to cut public services, jobs, pensions and benefits. There is no popular mandate for cuts and, as in Greece, any attempt to impose them will be firmly resisted.

John McDonnell MP, LRC Chair, said:

“The public and private horse-trading masks the fact that whatever government emerges will be somewhere on the neoliberal spectrum, and will soon be driving through large scale cuts in public services, pensions and benefits.

“To face a neoliberal coalition government, the left and trade unions will be forging a coalition to resist attacks on our communities. The disgusting sight of the bond markets opening during the night to speculate at our expense demonstrates starkly what we are up against: the return of the casino economy backed by a neoliberal coalition government.”

John McDonnell MP will be opening the After the Election . . . Join the Resistance! conference next Saturday, 15th May, sponsored by a dozen trade unions, campaigns and socialist organisations. Other speakers at the conference include Mark Serwotka (PCS General Secretary) and Billy Hayes (CWU General Secretary).

Fightback starts: Saturday 15th May 2010
10.30am - 3.30 pm
University of London Union Building, Malet Street, London
There will be plenary sessions with contributions from John McDonnell MP, Sarah Evans (Labour PPC in NW Hampshire), Billy Hayes (CWU General Secretary) and Joe Marino (BFAWU General Secretary)

Co-sponsored by the Labour Representation Committee (LRC), CLPD, Convention of the Left, CWU, Labour Briefing, NUJ, Save the Labour Party, Right to Work and the Socialist Campaign to Stop the Tories and Fascists.

little person


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Other Issues

12.05.2010 18:25

And what statements and actions will you be taking against the war?

Bigger Person.

Sponsored By Who?

12.05.2010 20:04

Sponsored by who? Save the labour party, aren’t these the B******S that pissed on the unemployed and then went for the jugular.. the disabled. Oh and don’t get me started on about the rest which idly stood by while all this was happening and they have the audacity to say their standing up for those getting benefits...Me thinks they shout to loudly about keeping their own jobs and keeping the status quo going (Workers are fine they pay dues, but shit fight for the Jobless we get nothing from them).

I don’t know how many times I`ve been told that by fighting for workers rights I would be fighting for the unemployed... what left wing twaddle, no worker ever fought or stood on strike for me `The Unemployed`, so to say they will be fighting for `Benefits` is a Lie and when those workers save their jobs they will then turn round and call us Dole-Scum.

- Homepage:

Join Labour and Vote for THE ANTI-NEOLIBERAL candidate

13.05.2010 07:42

The anti-neoliberal candidate that will be put forward by the Labour Representation Committee and other groups will be against welfare reform and cuts, against the war, for restoration of trade union rights.

John McDonnell and Jeremy Corbyn have an impeccable voting record, Consistently voted against pretty much every New Labour policy.
Join the Labour Party so you can have a voice and decide who you want to lead the Left Resistance.

See the Labour Representation Committee website

little person