More Zippos Protests
ACATA | 10.05.2010 21:26 | Animal Liberation
Either we missed something, or Zippos Circus was pretty quiet this afternoon. For a circus which boasts being able to host an audience of hundreds, we saw barely anyone going into or out of the circus
Undeterred by the lack of audience, we continued to let Zippos circus know that locals activists and members of the public alike were genuinly disgusted by what happend to animals in circuses.
Members of the public were so appauled by the notion of a circus with animals in their neighbourhood that they even joined in our protest, holding placards and distributing leaflets.
Zippos had already packed up the animals 'play space' when we arrived, which obviously means the animals won't be properly exercised before their show tomorrow evening, however, over the time we have protested Zippos, we didn't see the play space used once. This fits in well with the complaints we know other animal rights groups have had about the 'play space' being 'just for show'.
London Animal Rights confirmed with us yesterday that they have organised protests for Zippos at the next four of their tour dates and we wish them the best of luck with this venture. To be put in touch with London Animal Rights, check out our links page!
We bid Zippos farewell and wished informed them that we hope not to have to see them again whilst there are animals touring in their show.
Circuses which use animals by their definition will never be able to cope with the complex and delicate needs that these special creatures have.
Remember you can still sign our petition to Bexley Bourough Council by emailing us your name, house number and postcode to
Look out for ACATA's next campaign being launched very soon indeed!
Members of the public were so appauled by the notion of a circus with animals in their neighbourhood that they even joined in our protest, holding placards and distributing leaflets.
Zippos had already packed up the animals 'play space' when we arrived, which obviously means the animals won't be properly exercised before their show tomorrow evening, however, over the time we have protested Zippos, we didn't see the play space used once. This fits in well with the complaints we know other animal rights groups have had about the 'play space' being 'just for show'.
London Animal Rights confirmed with us yesterday that they have organised protests for Zippos at the next four of their tour dates and we wish them the best of luck with this venture. To be put in touch with London Animal Rights, check out our links page!
We bid Zippos farewell and wished informed them that we hope not to have to see them again whilst there are animals touring in their show.
Circuses which use animals by their definition will never be able to cope with the complex and delicate needs that these special creatures have.
Remember you can still sign our petition to Bexley Bourough Council by emailing us your name, house number and postcode to

Look out for ACATA's next campaign being launched very soon indeed!