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Contact Greens of Gloucestershire to get them to stop selling NAZI flags!

Bobby Roberts | 07.05.2010 15:44 | Anti-racism | Repression

Please ring / email or write to get these assholes to stop selling fash memorabilia.

Greens of Gloucestershire


The Stables, Whitelands
Whitehall Ln, Rudford, Gloucester, Glos GL2 8ED

01452 790 796

Please share this with friends!

Bobby Roberts


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are there any legitimate uses for these?

07.05.2010 16:22

Maybe historical re-enactment societies or something? Amateur dramatics? It would be interesting to know what kind of people buy these things and for what reasons. I'm sure it can't be all fascists or neo-Nazis.



07.05.2010 17:15

Surely trying to stop people from buying Nazi flags for whatever reason they want is a bit fascistic?


Common Sense


07.05.2010 18:29

There's more than the odd swastika for historical purposes there. The white power crosses for legit. reasons, such as what? Being a fash scumbag.

Good luck with the campaign.

Kitty's Titties

Great Site!

08.05.2010 07:29

I'm sure it wasn't the intention to advertise the firm, but, Nazi flags aside, there's some great left-of-centre stuff too: Anarchist Black flags, Hammer and Sickle, pink Union Jack, CND symbol and rainbow, to give a few examples.

Gregory Beetle

Leave em alone

08.05.2010 09:40

This is pretty ridiculous knee jerk stuff.
