Forthcoming Nottingham Animal Rights Events
Pat | 07.05.2010 13:33 | Animal Liberation
Now that the cruel circuses are moving on to new locations, Nottingham Animal Rights campaigners continue with core campaigns, including Proctor and Gamble, greyhound racing, KFC and plans for new vivisection labs in Leicester.
On a more positive note workdays continue at Brinsley Animal Rescue, and Veggies continues with the spreading of Vegan goodness at an alternative housing event in Leeds.
On a more positive note workdays continue at Brinsley Animal Rescue, and Veggies continues with the spreading of Vegan goodness at an alternative housing event in Leeds.
So, here's the rundown for the next couple of weeks:
Jolly's animal circus is at Tamworth until Sunday 09/05, with a bear, camels, zebra, mules, cow, ponies, horses, llamas, goats, geese, ducks, snakes and birds.
The local group has put the call out for anyone to assist in demos. If you can help contact Nottm AR and we will forward you the details. See info on Jolly's at
The Great British Circus also continues in Leicester until Sunday, although we do not know of further coordinated demos.
The 'g'bc then moves on to Sutton Coldfield from 11th - 23rd May.
Those protesting on their own initiative at the 'great' british circus (or other animal circuses) should take care following the assault on a protester by a circus worker in Nottingham.
Leicester Vivisection Lab.
The University of Leicester currently kill 101 animals every day in their laboratories. Now they want to build ANOTHER lab.
Plans have been shelved twice before due to opposition, now they are trying a third time.
A demo was planned for today, Friday.
Please let us know if you would like to support future demos, when there might be more advance notice.
For more information see
Saturday 08/05/2010 : Global Boycott Proctor and Gamble Day.
Informational event in Nottingham town centre, the more people attend the shorter the shifts.
Meet outside Debenhams in Market Square at 12:30.
More info at
Sunday 09/05/2010 : Planning meeting in Northampton for the AR gathering (August) and anti meat march (to be held in September).
Veggies and hence Nottm AR will be involved in these events, but cannot make the planning meeting, so it would be useful is others locally came on board.
Call 07899 775493 or directly if you can help.
Thursday 13/05/2010 : Brinsley Animal Rescue work evening.
Volunteers needed at our local sanctuary to help look after the animals. Transport leaving Bramcote at 18:15.
Friday 14/05/2010 : Greyhound demo.
Every year tens of thousands of dogs are killed by the racing industry in the UK. Join the fight to end this madness.
Meet outside Colwick race track at 18:30.
Saturday 15/05/2010 : Veggies Catering Campaign event.
Veggies are providing vegan catering at the Leeds DIY housing fair.
Volunteers needed! Come and spread the vegan message to some otherwise right-on folk in a highly positive way - with delicious, award winning food. For more information see
Thursday 20/05/2010 : KFC demo
Come and picket one of the cruellest "food" companies.
For more information see:
Meet at 18:15 outside the parliament street branch next to the Victoria centre.
Thursday 20/05/2010 : Next Nottm AR planning meeting.
7.30 sharp at Broadway Cinema's Mezz Bar, Broad St, Nottm, NG1 3AL.
Broadway have kindly offered exclusive use of the room at the end of the upstairs bar, so meetings can be more focussed and productive. This venue provides is a great introductory opportunity for those that may not have been before.
Midland regional ARC meeting coming up on Sunday 23/05/10, in Coventry. Group representatives needed. Contact us if you would like to go. Details:
This is also the date of the Nottingham Green Festival, so help is very much needed from anyone not attending the Coventry meeting, or already involved with the many other like-minded stalls at the Green Festival.
National Vegetarian Week
24/05/2010 - 30/05/2010
People are encouraged to obtain appropriate literature from the vegetarian society to get their favourite/local veggie friendly venue on board.
Ideas for activities for Nottm AR in this week include:
A free food give-away on Monday 24/05/2010
A veggie(vegan) BBQ in the arboretum on Sunday 30/05/2010
A carefully pitched lobbying event to encourage the council to get on board with a veggie day along the lines of the veggie day supported by the council in our twin city of Ghent (Belgium). (
Plotting to be finalized at next meeting.
Brinsley Animal Rescue volunteering.
There maybe ad-hoc daytime transport opportunities from Nottingham. Contact the group if you are interested in this.
More Re Leicester lab:
A new campaign has been launched to oppose and stop the construction of a new animal testing laboratory on Lancaster Road at the University of Leicester.
101 animals already die every day inside Leicester Uni's existing labs, which is amongst the highest numbers in the country. At a cost of £15million, the new 4,000 square meter facility aims to add to this.
For more information, please visit the National Anti-Vivisection Alliance (NAVA) website -
To join up to the action alerts list, send an email with the subject as "Subscribe" to
Please also politely contact the University of Leicester and ask that they scrap the plans for a new animal torture lab:
University Road,
Leicester, LE1 7RH
Tel: 0116 252 2522
Fax: 0116 252 2200
Other University of Leicester sites:
Northampton Centre,
Northampton College Building,
Lower Mounts,
Northampton, NN1 3DE
Tel: 01604 736215
Departmental contacts directory
Professor Robert George Burgess (Vice Chancellor)
Tel: 0116 252 2322
Professor Martin A Barstow (Pro-Vice Chancellor)
Tel: 0116 252 3492
PA - Sue Howell - Tel: 0116 252 3497 //
Ms Christine Fyfe (Pro-Vice Chancellor)
Tel: 0116 252 2320
Fax: 0116 252 2066
Professor Elizabeth Murphy (Pro-Vice Chancellor)
Tel: 0116 252 2842
Professor Douglas Tallack (Pro-Vice Chancellor)
Tel: 0116 252 2679
Professor David Wynford-Thomas (Pro-Vice Chancellor)
Tel: 0116 252 2962
Jolly's animal circus is at Tamworth until Sunday 09/05, with a bear, camels, zebra, mules, cow, ponies, horses, llamas, goats, geese, ducks, snakes and birds.
The local group has put the call out for anyone to assist in demos. If you can help contact Nottm AR and we will forward you the details. See info on Jolly's at

The Great British Circus also continues in Leicester until Sunday, although we do not know of further coordinated demos.

The 'g'bc then moves on to Sutton Coldfield from 11th - 23rd May.

Those protesting on their own initiative at the 'great' british circus (or other animal circuses) should take care following the assault on a protester by a circus worker in Nottingham.
Leicester Vivisection Lab.
The University of Leicester currently kill 101 animals every day in their laboratories. Now they want to build ANOTHER lab.
Plans have been shelved twice before due to opposition, now they are trying a third time.
A demo was planned for today, Friday.
Please let us know if you would like to support future demos, when there might be more advance notice.
For more information see

Saturday 08/05/2010 : Global Boycott Proctor and Gamble Day.
Informational event in Nottingham town centre, the more people attend the shorter the shifts.
Meet outside Debenhams in Market Square at 12:30.
More info at

Sunday 09/05/2010 : Planning meeting in Northampton for the AR gathering (August) and anti meat march (to be held in September).
Veggies and hence Nottm AR will be involved in these events, but cannot make the planning meeting, so it would be useful is others locally came on board.
Call 07899 775493 or

Thursday 13/05/2010 : Brinsley Animal Rescue work evening.
Volunteers needed at our local sanctuary to help look after the animals. Transport leaving Bramcote at 18:15.

Friday 14/05/2010 : Greyhound demo.
Every year tens of thousands of dogs are killed by the racing industry in the UK. Join the fight to end this madness.
Meet outside Colwick race track at 18:30.

Saturday 15/05/2010 : Veggies Catering Campaign event.
Veggies are providing vegan catering at the Leeds DIY housing fair.
Volunteers needed! Come and spread the vegan message to some otherwise right-on folk in a highly positive way - with delicious, award winning food. For more information see

Thursday 20/05/2010 : KFC demo
Come and picket one of the cruellest "food" companies.
For more information see:
Meet at 18:15 outside the parliament street branch next to the Victoria centre.
Thursday 20/05/2010 : Next Nottm AR planning meeting.
7.30 sharp at Broadway Cinema's Mezz Bar, Broad St, Nottm, NG1 3AL.
Broadway have kindly offered exclusive use of the room at the end of the upstairs bar, so meetings can be more focussed and productive. This venue provides is a great introductory opportunity for those that may not have been before.

Midland regional ARC meeting coming up on Sunday 23/05/10, in Coventry. Group representatives needed. Contact us if you would like to go. Details:

This is also the date of the Nottingham Green Festival, so help is very much needed from anyone not attending the Coventry meeting, or already involved with the many other like-minded stalls at the Green Festival.
National Vegetarian Week
24/05/2010 - 30/05/2010

People are encouraged to obtain appropriate literature from the vegetarian society to get their favourite/local veggie friendly venue on board.
Ideas for activities for Nottm AR in this week include:
A free food give-away on Monday 24/05/2010
A veggie(vegan) BBQ in the arboretum on Sunday 30/05/2010
A carefully pitched lobbying event to encourage the council to get on board with a veggie day along the lines of the veggie day supported by the council in our twin city of Ghent (Belgium). (

Plotting to be finalized at next meeting.
Brinsley Animal Rescue volunteering.
There maybe ad-hoc daytime transport opportunities from Nottingham. Contact the group if you are interested in this.
More Re Leicester lab:
A new campaign has been launched to oppose and stop the construction of a new animal testing laboratory on Lancaster Road at the University of Leicester.
101 animals already die every day inside Leicester Uni's existing labs, which is amongst the highest numbers in the country. At a cost of £15million, the new 4,000 square meter facility aims to add to this.
For more information, please visit the National Anti-Vivisection Alliance (NAVA) website -

To join up to the action alerts list, send an email with the subject as "Subscribe" to

Please also politely contact the University of Leicester and ask that they scrap the plans for a new animal torture lab:
University Road,
Leicester, LE1 7RH
Tel: 0116 252 2522
Fax: 0116 252 2200
Other University of Leicester sites:
Northampton Centre,
Northampton College Building,
Lower Mounts,
Northampton, NN1 3DE
Tel: 01604 736215
Departmental contacts directory

Professor Robert George Burgess (Vice Chancellor)
Tel: 0116 252 2322

Professor Martin A Barstow (Pro-Vice Chancellor)
Tel: 0116 252 3492

PA - Sue Howell - Tel: 0116 252 3497 //

Ms Christine Fyfe (Pro-Vice Chancellor)
Tel: 0116 252 2320
Fax: 0116 252 2066

Professor Elizabeth Murphy (Pro-Vice Chancellor)
Tel: 0116 252 2842

Professor Douglas Tallack (Pro-Vice Chancellor)
Tel: 0116 252 2679

Professor David Wynford-Thomas (Pro-Vice Chancellor)
Tel: 0116 252 2962

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