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BNP Candidate Gets a Gobfull in the Face

Krop | 06.05.2010 20:24

A repost, but surprisingly good footage of about 5 grown adult BNP men attacking 3 Asian youth in Barking:

A repost, but surprisingly good footage of about 5 grown adult BNP men attacking 3 Asian youth:



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Who's the lying shit?

06.05.2010 21:37

I'm not Asian but I understand exactly where they are coming from. The British Nazi Party and their Combat 18 thugs have been targetting Asians for many years... do they still go round singing "Paki bashing" songs?

Yes, that guy did seem quite handy at street fighting, must have had some previous experience. The Asian kids are young... they will sharpen up their skills no doubt and they will have plenty of Anti Fascist, white friends like myself to back them up when and where possible.

So stick that in yer crack pipe and smoke it you Fascist scum!


Long words

06.05.2010 21:52

This same incident is posted further down the list with a slightly higher level of debate

aint it wierd how quick the fascist shits are to respond to articles on indymedia aint they got better things to do?
