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The murderers “mourn” their victims-(Regarding the tragic death of 3 people)

edw eimaste | 06.05.2010 15:26 | Repression | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | World

Thursday, May 6, 2010": Statement by the Skaramanga squat in Athens regarding General Strike's events
regarding of what happend yesterday 05/05/21010

The murderers “mourn” their victims

The enormous strike demonstration which took place on 5th of May turned into a social outflow of rage. At least 200,000 people of all ages took to the streets (employees and unemployed, in the public and private sector, locals and migrants) attempting, over many hours and in consecutive waves, to surround and to take over the Parliament. The forces of repression came out in full force, to play their familiar role – that is, of the protection of the political and financial authorities. The clashes were hours long and extensive. The political system and its institutions reached a nadir.

However, in the midst of all this, a tragic event that no words can possibly describe took place: 3 people died from infusions at the branch of Marfin Bank on Stadiou Avenue, which was set ablaze.

The state and the entire journalistic riff-raff, without any shame toward the dead or their close ones, spoke from the very first moment about some “murderer-hooded up youths”, trying to take advantage of the event, in order to calm the wave of social rage that had erupted and to recover their authority that had been torn apart; to impose once again a police occupation of the streets, to wipe out sources of social resistance and disobedience against state terrorism and capitalist barbarity. For this reason, during the last few hours the police forces have been marching through the center of Athens, they have conducted hundreds of detentions and they raided – with shootings and stun-grenades – the anarchist occupation “space of united multiform action” on Zaimi street and the “migrant haunt” on Tsamadou Street, causing extensive damage (both these places are in the Exarcheia neighbourhood of Athens). At the same time the threat of a violent police eviction is hanging over the rest of the self-organised spaces (occupations and haunts) after the Prime-ministerial speech which referred to soon-to-come raids for the arrest of the “murderers”.

The governors, governmental officials, their political personnel, the TV-mouthpieces and the salaried hack writers attempt in this way to purify their regime and the criminalise the anarchists and every unpatronised voice of struggle. As if there would ever be the slightest of chances that whoever attacked the bank (provided the official scenario stands) would possibly know there were people inside, and that they would torch it alight regardless. They seem to confuse the people in struggle for themselves: them who without any hesitation hand over the entire society to the deepest pillage and enslaving, who order their praetorians to attack without hesitation and to aim and shoot to kill, them who have lead three people to suicide in the past week alone, due to financial debts.

The truth is that the real murderer, the real instigator of yesterdayas tragic death of 3 people is “mister” Vgenopoulos, who used the usual employers’ blackmailing (the threat of sacking) and forced his employees to work in the branches of his bank during a day of strike – and even in a branch like the one of Stadiou Avenue, where the strike’s demonstration would pass through. Such blackmailing is known only too well by anyone experiencing the terrorism of salaried slavery on an everyday level. We are awaiting to see what excuses Vgenopoulos will come up with for the relatives of the victims and for the society as a whole – this ultra-capitalist now hinted by some centers of power as the next prime minister in a future “national unity government” that could follow the expected, complete collapse of the political system.

If an unprecedented strike can ever be a murderer…

If an unprecedented demonstration, in an unprecedented crisis, can ever be a murderer…

If open social spaces that are alive and public can ever be murderers…

If the state can impose a curfew and attack demonstrators under the pretext of arresting murderers…

If Vgenopoulos can detain his employees inside a bank – that is, a primary social enemy and target for demonstrators…

…it is because authority, this serial murderer, wants to slaughter upon its birth a revolt which questions the supposed solution of an even harsher attack on society, of an even larger pillage by capital, of an even thirstier sucking of our blood.

…it is because the future of the revolt does not include politicians and bosses, police and mass media.

… it is because behind their much-advertised “only” solution, there is a solution that does not speak of development rates and unemployment but rather, it speaks of solidarity, self-organising and human relationships.

When asking who are the murderers of life, of freedom, of dignity, the ferments of authority and capital, they and their tuft hunters only need to take a look at their own selves. Today and every day.





edw eimaste


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06.05.2010 17:16

Listen you trumped up idiot.

Mr. Vgenopoulos may have been a nasty boss but he didn't murder anyone. Locking people in a building is not murder.

The murderer(s) are the people who threw the petrol bomb into the building with total disregard as to if there was anyone in the building. Thats dangerous and puts people's lives at risk. Sooner or later someone was going to get killed.

Think about it.... If i went around and threw 100 petrol bombs into 100 randomly selected buildings then I can be reasonably sure that I am going to kill someone at some point.

People like you and the offenders will plead innocence, but thats for a court of law to decide not you. I suppose if it was right-wing extremists throwing a petrol bomb into a building that killed some asylum seekers then you would quickly change your tune. Thats the sick part - you are just SO biased. "If they are anarchists - then we must show solidarity even if they kill" is what you are really saying.

From here its look obvious..........
A petrol bomb was thrown into a building, the resultant fire killed 3 people.
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out who is to blame.

As to the stab at the media and journalists. Pretty fucking sad. You are complaining that they are using teh news to their own ends. So therefore it should not be reported because it is damaging to the anarchists cause. Does anyone else feel like this guy is some kind of communist?


fucking excuses

06.05.2010 17:22


anti anarchist


06.05.2010 17:24

Listen you trumped up idiot. Mr. Vgenopoulos may have been a nasty boss and the creator of a complete clusterfuck but he didn't murder anyone. Locking people in a building is not murder (if that even actually happened - which it didn't).

The murderer(s) are the people who threw the petrol bomb into the building with total disregard as to if there was anyone in the building. Thats dangerous and puts people's lives at risk. Sooner or later someone was going to get killed.

Think about it.... If i went around and threw 100 petrol bombs into 100 randomly selected buildings then I can be reasonably sure that I am going to kill someone at some point.

People like you and the offenders will plead innocence, but thats for a court of law to decide not you. I suppose if it was right-wing extremists throwing a petrol bomb into a building that killed some asylum seekers then you would quickly change your tune. Thats the sick part - you are just SO biased. "If they are anarchists - then we must show solidarity even if they kill" is what you are really saying.

From here its look obvious..........
A petrol bomb was thrown into a building, the resultant fire killed 3 people.
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out who is to blame.

As to the stab at the media and journalists. Pretty fucking sad. You are complaining that they are using teh news to their own ends. So therefore it should not be reported because it is damaging to the anarchists cause. Does anyone else feel like this guy is some kind of communist?


Answer to DUMB comment

06.05.2010 19:52

You wanna break things down simply?

Come here to Athens you part timer and try and go up against the police and their tactics here. Petrol bombs suddenly dont seem so hardcore in relation to what they do.

But then again you're probably used to being kettled in some Shell garage occupation for an hour or two and then being politely escorted away by the cops.

Keep those comments to yourself you dirty activist, there is a war going on here!

from athens

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06.05.2010 21:00

> Come here to Athens you part timer and try and go up against the police and their tactics here. Petrol bombs suddenly dont seem so hardcore in relation to what they do.

I wouldn't go to Greece because it is a shithole. Full of corrupt and violent people.
So the petrol bomb was meant for the police? Is that your excuse?
So tell me why the fuck did it end up burning inside a bank then and didn't hit a policeman?
Get your story straight twat. I think you are lying. The bomb was meant for the bank not the police.

By the way, this is a UK site, not a greek site. So stop trying to big up greece because we arnt interested in you trying to take our money. Truth is your country has got plenty of assets to sell to raise funds. Why not sell all those pretty islands you got? I'm sure turkey would buy them, then you'd have enough money to pay off your debts.


to robocock and the rest of idiots

06.05.2010 22:41

can you just please fuck off back to the hole you crawled from? not enough good siscussion going on daily mail forum you muppet? are yo ureally so bored that yo uhave to come here with your shit?


calm it down, the whole world supports greece, a strategy of tension helps fasci

07.05.2010 12:27

has it been proven that it was anarchists who threw the petrol in????????
PROVEN beyond all reasonable doubt by L@W!!!!!???

No one I know would do anything like this except in direct self defence, never a building with employees or bosses in, even with fascists we usually are vvvcareful.

Sounds like a set up,kids or absolute idiots!!

either way calm down, this is bringing it on top across the whole EU,

if a anarchist did it they need to be put fairly before a peoples court& allowed to rot in a state jail,
that is better than a death sentence which many people including anarchists in unions might ask for.

above people are right MR V in this case doesnt seem to be a murderer,
the Greek police-"golden dawn fascist cells""gladio?rogue nato cells maybe" especially should be vvvvcareful & other forces+governments etc should demand this, if they set things off again the who world could erupt& that would not be good for r-evolution or anyone!!!

Iam not being "crass"
middle class, working class,its all a load of shit
Love J@mes Pond

J@mes Pond

Greece is often call the"birthplace"of democracy,direct democr@cy needs a plan

07.05.2010 12:38

anarchism is not about chaos, its about direct democracy with a universal constitution that protects EVERYONES rights FAIRLY! or we are sunk!
We need a new international federation of Jura meetings ESF,zapatista intergalactic or whatever,

we are not terrorists!!!
let us not be intimidated,
let us not fall into a fascist strategy of tension!!
its good for no one!!

for mutual&cooperative direct democracy with a universal constitution:)
@ll4 1&1 4@ll or nothing

J@mes Pond

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