outside the just burned Marfin bank of Mr Vgenopoulos.- ATHENS ..
http://garizo.blogspot.com/2010/05/blog-post_05.html | 05.05.2010 17:59
outside the just burned Marfin bank of Mr Vgenopoulos. Three employees burned alive , after the bank was set to fire with Molotof . Earlier today the employess had to work although a day of general strike, and although the obvious risks, as the bank was on the main route of the Demo with extensive window glasses in the ground floor and no usable fire exit.
Communist party accuses and suggests that this was a provocative set up to demoralize the working class movement .
video >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RP6E-mUEP0&feature=player_embedded
Communist party accuses and suggests that this was a provocative set up to demoralize the working class movement .
video >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RP6E-mUEP0&feature=player_embedded
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It was the banks fault?
05.05.2010 19:05
troll alert
05.05.2010 19:59
05.05.2010 20:21
human shields
05.05.2010 20:26
Marfin tried to use the personel as human shields.
the employees .. when the blocks arrived .. locked the doors , shut the lights off and went to the 1st floor ..
it was not obvious that someone was in
these ate wrighten according people had passed earlier from there,
troll troll troll away
05.05.2010 20:28
05.05.2010 20:35
That makes it ok then. Listen you baffoon - just because i don't think someone is in a building doesn't mean I can torch it and then claim impunity for killing the people inside it.
Plenty of deaths occur because people "didn't know". Many of them are arson attacks.
"I didn't know the little old lady was in the flat - the lights were off". Thats no excuse. If it was a legitimate excuse then tens of thousands of people would be killed every day with total impunity by just using the magic words "I didn't know someone was in the building"
Fuck sakes - use some common sense
05.05.2010 22:14
"I didn't know the little old lady was in the flat - the lights were off". Thats no excuse. If it was a legitimate excuse then tens of thousands of people would be killed every day with total impunity by just using the magic words "I didn't know someone was in the building" "
You do not monopolise these events, everyone thinks these events are tragic, horrible events. But thats not what you want is it? You want to arrest individuals who are complicit in this act and put them in jail. As if it is only those that allegedly thru the petrol bomb that are guilty. For you context doesn't matter. I'll put you straight that the bank itself was a target, and like in Greece and perhaps no where else in Europe, it means that the employer by forcing the workers to be in the building knew about an increase risk to the building and to those inside. This is reality! Anyone inside banks would be at risk, and when presented with an empty building, symbollic of the capitalist robbery that people live everyday, it is obvious that it would be a target.
Again, its a tragic, tragic event, which no one would wish to happen - if you disagree with the statements and position of the people discussing with you here then fine, but as anarchists we are not above critique, your position shouldn't be either. No one is defending this tragic event, its you who are projecting on to it a character that has been proven to be untrue, something which the media in Greece, with its crocadile tears, is using to further attack and potentially kill more Greek people.
murdering scum
06.05.2010 10:07
anti anarchist
10.05.2010 19:05
so there wont be no bleeding hearts when the real revolution comes calling, friends, at least not from me...x
we dont forget those that die, but we also dont surrender!