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Action Alert #1 - Stop the Leicester Animal Lab

National Anti-Vivisection Alliance | 02.05.2010 18:48 | Animal Liberation

A new campaign has been launched to oppose and stop the construction of a new animal testing laboratory on Lancaster Road at the University of Leicester.

A new campaign has been launched to oppose and stop the construction of a new animal testing laboratory on Lancaster Road at the University of Leicester.

101 animals already die every day inside Leicester Uni's existing labs, which is amongst the highest numbers in the country. At a cost of £15million, the new 4,000 square meter facility aims to add to this.

For more information, please the National Anti-Vivisection Alliance (NAVA) website -

Please also politely contact the University of Leicester and ask that they scrap the plans for a new animal torture lab:

University Road,
Leicester, LE1 7RH
Tel: 0116 252 2522
Fax: 0116 252 2200

Other University of Leicester sites:
Northampton Centre,
Northampton College Building,
Lower Mounts,
Northampton, NN1 3DE
Tel: 01604 736215

Departmental contacts directory >>>

Professor Robert George Burgess (Vice Chancellor)
Tel: 0116 252 2322

Professor Martin A Barstow (Pro-Vice Chancellor)
Tel: 0116 252 3492
PA - Sue Howell - Tel: 0116 252 3497 //

Ms Christine Fyfe (Pro-Vice Chancellor)
Tel: 0116 252 2320
Fax: 0116 252 2066

Professor Elizabeth Murphy (Pro-Vice Chancellor)
Tel: 0116 252 2842

Professor Douglas Tallack (Pro-Vice Chancellor)
Tel: 0116 252 2679

Professor David Wynford-Thomas (Pro-Vice Chancellor)
Tel: 0116 252 2962


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02.05.2010 21:41

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Loss of confidence...

03.05.2010 11:20

I have to admit that after many years supporting AR campaigns confidence in certain spokespersons who head some campaigns is lacking.

When are we going to see some real commitment to a campaign? It doesn't instil any confidence when people set up campaigns only to move on when the going gets tough.



04.05.2010 08:11

Lead by example then, if you think that certain campaigners are not up to standard YOU do better there are more than enough targets to play with. I certainly will be more than happy to come to any demos you organise (if I am able to) and I am sure that other activists will as well. You appear to intimate that some people are "leaders", there is no great mystery to running a campaign it is just a matter of doing it and some hard work. Anyone can research a target, get some leaflets and banners made and put up a website so get on with it, the more the merrier. If you think that some campaigns have withered on the vine maybe you should offer to help?

Dear Peter

Re Mr Peter

06.05.2010 00:41

So let's have a look shall we.

Covance - unacheivable with a hand full of activists, there's no denying that.

B&K - Still getting protests, althought it has now been taken over by Marshall and the site is not currently being used for breeding and is now just a sales office, for the moment.

Leeds Uni - In recent years, has there every been a campaign against Leeds Uni? No, but like any animal lab they get protests.

Bradford Uni - Still regular protests against them and their collaborators and it is, infact, progressing to a national level with the formation of the National Anti-Vivisection Alliance.

The campaign you refer to as further down south, I'm guessing you're meaning Leicester. Leicester is not a campaign of one group, but part of a coalition which is focusing on every university in the country performing vivisection of which Leicester is the consorted campaign which every group involved is taking part in.
