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Company surveying for Welsh badger cull

Bristol Animal Rights Collective | 01.05.2010 19:52 | Animal Liberation | Ecology

This is the company with the contract to survey the Welsh badgers before the gunmen come in and shoot them. These people will be supplying details of badger numbers and setts to the people carrying out the cull. They may as well be pulling the trigger.

Please contact this company and politely ask them to stop their involement in this needless slaughter.

If you live near one of their offices (Guildford or Otley) then please arrange a demo/demos as soon as possible.

More info can be found here:

Head Office
Compass House
60 Priestley Road
Surrey GU2 7YU

Tel: 01483 466000
Fax: 01483 303182

Yorkshire Office
94-96 Pegholme
Wharfebank Business Centre
Ilkley Road
West Yorkshire LS21 3JP
Tel: 01943 467731
Fax: 01943 467472

Bristol Animal Rights Collective


Display the following 2 comments

  1. very hypocritiical of them! — Purple Squirrel
  2. NVT Environment Ltd — Brock