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Coca-Cola took sanctions against two radio DJ's in Poland

RasFufu, Warsaw Ras Tafari Community | 01.05.2010 19:40 | World

In Poland two radio DJ's recorded and released on-line a song criticising Polish nationalist regime and its politicians. They used a parody and sung "I love You Poland", spreading their hands in the way Polish nationalist politicians do. Coca-Cola's European managment announced it cancels its advertisements for this radio show.

Polish national socialists succesfully convinced Coca-Cola Europe to revoke its advertisements from Polish "Eska Rock" radio station that aired a song recorded by radio presenters. Two DJ's made a parody of nationalist Catholic politicians.

The song aired by radio station "Eska Rock" in Poland, mocked the political usage of coffins and victims of tragic plane catastrophe that swept polish president and chiefs of armed forces.

In fact, what followed in Polish politics was quite clear for observers. The songs' refrain could be translated: "Using dead bodies to reach the target" (i.e. to get to the power) or, could be translated as 'dog-eat-dog policy'. The song spread quickly over social media and independent newswires.

Polish mainstream media are controlled by these politicians and recently censored even me personally. TV reporter Ewa Stankiewicz asked me on the street what I think on Polish last president, Mr. Lech Kaczynski, that was killed in a plane crash. I cited "The Economist", revoking his good and bad sides.

My opinion was critical. In the documentary that she created after the interviews (entitled "Solidarni 2010"), all 100 or so opinions of intervieved public were positive to Mr. Lech Kaczynski. I, a normal person, that expressed his criticism, was censored- there was not a place for even one critical commentary.

The song can be heard here:

RasFufu, Warsaw Ras Tafari Community
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02.05.2010 15:07

"Polish national socialists succesfully convinced Coca-Cola Europe to revoke its advertisements from Polish "Eska Rock" radio station" Where's the evidence for this?

The more likely truth is that Coca-Cola probably doesn't want to be associated with anything considered to be offensive or controversial. Nothing unusual about that really, is there?
