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BNP candidate likes a toke...

old-timer | 29.04.2010 18:12 | Analysis | Anti-racism | History

The BNP election candidate for Yeovil, Bob Baehr, will be remembered by older activists as a colourful member of the anti-roads movement of the 1990's. That's not news - the BNP themselves boast about his "environmental credentials". What his new BNP friends may not know, however, is that "Smoky Baehr" has one of the most prodigious appetites for cannabis in the south-west! How does that fit with the fascist party's stance on drugs, Bob?

Smoky Baehr in a suit
Smoky Baehr in a suit

No-one who was active in the campaign to save Twyford Down from roadbuilding in the 1990's can fail to remember Bob - or "Smoky Baehr" as we used to call him! He was nearly always seen with a joint in hand; I remember him skinning up in a TV studio just before being interviewed about the campaign, and he quoted his criminal convictions for drug possession as badges of honour. He was also active in the campaign to legalise marijuana (see his support for the campaign, near the bottom of the page, at

I'm not taking any moralistic view on cannabis here, or condemning Bob for his toking (although, to be honest, a lifetime of cannabis use may have fed his notorious paranoia - which he is now focusing on islam, via the BNP). It's just good to expose politicians for their hypocrisy - especially when they are fascist politicians. It's a fair bet that Bob is a bit less evangelical about the benefits of cannabis when canvassing in Yeovil than he used to be to anyone within range at Twyford Down! It's sad to see anyone who used to be involved in a progressive movement twist their energy into supporting the BNP, to see an ally transformed to an enemy; now, Bob must get ready to see a few skeletons come out of his closet. It's important that the BNP, who try so hard to seem respectable, are exposed as hypocrites as well as racists and fascists.



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He also admitted racially abusing people in his town

30.04.2010 01:25

Well known local BNP supporter, Robert Baehr of New Close, Haslebury Plucknett, Crewkerne was found not guilty of racially aggravavated harassment at Taunton Crown Court. I'm not going to advertise what he was cleared of saying but this is what he admitted to saying to a Mr Kamal, working in the One Stop Shop in Crewkerne.

"I don't like West Africans, half of them are criminals."

"What are you still doing in my country?"

"I hope you're not a Muslim because all Muslims are thieves and liars"

and to police later "I don't like foreigners taking people's jobs in the area"

He also expounds his conspiracy theory that non-organic foods are deliberately created (by ..?) to kill off British people (I suppose recent immigrants to Britain all eat organic then?) I'm all for organic farming but this certainly sounds like drug-induced paranoia!:

It was not until recently that it occurred to me that this calculated contamination of our food was more than merely an exercise in profit maximisation. It was always obvious that the authorities were not unaware of the disbenefits of chemicals in our food, especially as some additives banned as carcinogenic or behaviour modifying in the US were not only perfectly legal in the UK, but were almost ubiquitous here, especially in the sort of food that would be fed to children. In my innocence I put it down to human folly driven by capitalist greed, no more, no less.

I am a wiser man today, and I know now that there was more to it, something far more sinister than plain, mundane, run-of-the-mill avarice. The food processors, owned as they are by multinational business interests, were already involved in the conspirational programme of genocide-by-stealth that is currently being conducted against the native British peoples, the English, the Welsh, the Scots and the Irish. The multi-nationally owned food processors, the suppliers of ready meals, convenience food, breakfast cereals, soft drinks and almost everything found on the supermarket shelves actually WANTED to poison our children, to shorten their lives so as to facilitate more expeditiously the cleansing of our country of the indigenous population. The contamination of our food has been a deliberate act, chemical warfare under the radar. Poisonous chemicals are another weapon in the armoury of the Multiculturalists.


paranoid bob!

30.04.2010 10:02

I remember Bob Baehr too, your'e right about his paranoia, back then it was all masonic conspiracy theory and wierd David Icke shit, now it's led him to the BNP. Unfortunatley some on the fringes of the green movement will be prone to fascist ideology - unless they are challenged!


most hippies are the same

30.04.2010 12:33

Conspiracy loon, racist hippies? Who'd have thunk it? [someone who has never met a hippie, obviously).
