Get Rid of Them
Get Rid of Them G.R.O.T | 28.04.2010 11:53
The 2 main parties, New Labour and the Conservatives are fundamentally corrupt and as another small attempt to clean up parliament we have set up a blog as a way to encourage people to vote out those that were cheating in their local constituency and thus end for now at least the monopoly of the 2 main parties.
We support a basic set of democratic demands for the reform of Parliament and the political system and the punishment of past, current and future Parliamentary wrong doers.
This means: ensuring that all expenses are limited and genuine; there are no payments for second homes; that past double claims should all be taken back retrospectively including the profits from these deals; that the House of Lords is fully elected; that no one found to have taken wrongful expenses or double claimed for second and first homes should be appointed to the Lords; that Proportional Representation is brought in for all votes including both Houses of Parliament.
The people we hope will be targeted and thrown out of office are all those listed with corrupt / obscene claims as per the Telegraph listing, and all those who made profits from double claiming second homes.
If you are to vote then anyone then anyone who is best placed to beat Labour or Tory candidates, obviously not your right-wing lunatics.
The actions we would encourage is to write to local papers, go to election meetings and remind people of the past track record of the sitting MPs and the 2 main parties and encourage support for the progressive candidate most likely to succeed. We would also suggest that the independent parties try not to stand against each other when every progressive vote may count.
Out! Because you over did your expenses
Out! Because you expect to jump into the House of Lords
Out! Because you milked the system and are just hanging around to get some more payouts
Out! Because you are no longer trusted to run for office
Out! Because we don't want you any more.
How does this blog work?
We have different pages on this blog full of information and facts that will arm you with the facts that will help assist your decision on which of your MP's ripped off the system.
The different pages so far are:
1. The Mp's expenses
2. The list of Independents and where they are standing
3. Ten Reasons not to Vote Labour or Conservative
4. Full list of MP's expenses via the Torygraph
5. Full list of MP's expenses payments via the BBC
6. What Labour said and what they actually did.
This means: ensuring that all expenses are limited and genuine; there are no payments for second homes; that past double claims should all be taken back retrospectively including the profits from these deals; that the House of Lords is fully elected; that no one found to have taken wrongful expenses or double claimed for second and first homes should be appointed to the Lords; that Proportional Representation is brought in for all votes including both Houses of Parliament.
The people we hope will be targeted and thrown out of office are all those listed with corrupt / obscene claims as per the Telegraph listing, and all those who made profits from double claiming second homes.
If you are to vote then anyone then anyone who is best placed to beat Labour or Tory candidates, obviously not your right-wing lunatics.
The actions we would encourage is to write to local papers, go to election meetings and remind people of the past track record of the sitting MPs and the 2 main parties and encourage support for the progressive candidate most likely to succeed. We would also suggest that the independent parties try not to stand against each other when every progressive vote may count.
Out! Because you over did your expenses
Out! Because you expect to jump into the House of Lords
Out! Because you milked the system and are just hanging around to get some more payouts
Out! Because you are no longer trusted to run for office
Out! Because we don't want you any more.
How does this blog work?
We have different pages on this blog full of information and facts that will arm you with the facts that will help assist your decision on which of your MP's ripped off the system.
The different pages so far are:
1. The Mp's expenses
2. The list of Independents and where they are standing
3. Ten Reasons not to Vote Labour or Conservative
4. Full list of MP's expenses via the Torygraph
5. Full list of MP's expenses payments via the BBC
6. What Labour said and what they actually did.
Get Rid of Them G.R.O.T
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