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Demo in solidarity with Greek anarchists, Tues 12:00, April 27

Comrades in Solidarity | 25.04.2010 23:16

Rally at Hyde Park Corner at noon, in order to march to the headquarters of the Greek Ministry of Tourism and the Olympic Airways.

As a response to the call-out from Greece, for an international day of solidarity actions for anarchist prisoner Yannis Demetrakis, we call for a demo against the instruments of the Greek state and capital.
Rally at Hyde Park Corner at noon, in order to march to the headquarters of the Greek Ministry of Tourism and the Olympic Airways.

Comrades in Solidarity

Comrades in Solidarity


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and then what?

26.04.2010 13:18

and then what? what you going to do when you get there? what do you hope to acheive? and how about more information about what this demo is about, rather than just daying solidairty for so and so?


Show solidarity

26.04.2010 15:54

"and then what?
26.04.2010 13:18

and then what? what you going to do when you get there? what do you hope to acheive? and how about more information about what this demo is about, rather than just daying solidairty for so and so?

-couch activists and hippies get off Indymedia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you knew anything about the reality of the situation not just in Greece you wouldn't post bollocks like this!!!!!!!!!!



Important correction

26.04.2010 20:47

As many might have guessed already, the rally point is of course Speakers Corner in Hyde Park opposite Marble Arch station and not Hyde Park corner as it was written originally by mistake late last night.

Apologies for the mistake!!!!!

Comrades in Solidarity

so?what happened then?

27.04.2010 12:44

so, what happened then? you actually going to talk about it now?

or should i add a few !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to help get my point across better?