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Free Shaker Aamer from Guantanamo Bay, London - Pictures.

Terence Bunch | 25.04.2010 14:11 | Globalisation | Repression | Terror War | World

Campaigners gather outside Downing Street to bring attention to the case of Shaker Aamer, a detainee who is the last British citizen to remain in incarceration at the notorious US military detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

No injustice can last forever.
No injustice can last forever.

Return Shaker Aamer to the UK.
Return Shaker Aamer to the UK.


Dear Gordon Brown?
Dear Gordon Brown?

A colour revolution.
A colour revolution.

Orange Policy.
Orange Policy.

Public Support.
Public Support.

Signing the petition and demand for release.
Signing the petition and demand for release.

Going into the Getto!
Going into the Getto!

Campaigners gather outside Downing Street to bring attention to the case of Shaker Aamer, a detainee who is the last British citizen to remain in incarceration at the notorious US military detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Mr Aamer, aka Shaker Abdur-Raheem Aamer, has been incarcerated at the facility for the last eight years and has yet to be formally charged with any offence.

In a Summary of Evidence memo prepared by the US military for a "Combatant Status Review Tribunal" (CSRT) Mr Aamer has been accused of a range of offences from travelling internationally on false passports, having travelled to Afghanistan, being in possession of mortar and small arms right through to having taken part in the Bosnia-Serb war, being present at Bora Bora and meeting with, and receiving aid from, Osama Bin Laden and having membership of Al Qaida.

The summary of evidence curiously falls short of him actually being present on the planes that were flown into the World Trade Centre in New York circa September 2001.

To date, the US military have failed to provide evidence that any of these charges constitute anything more than wild speculation and hearsay.

Mr Aamer was also present at the camp when three detainees died after being interrogated by security service personnel, a number of which are suspected of membership of the British MI5, a domestic wing of the British Security and Intelligence Services (SIS).

The British Government have failed to act to ensure Mr Aamer is returned to the UK and, campaigners believe, are attempting to cover-up the role that the British MI5 have played in the deaths of detainees at the facility.

Downing Street, London, UK. 24th April 2010.

Background (Reprieve)

Mr Aamer tortured by MI5 (Guardian) 19th February 2010

Mr Aamer tortured by MI5 (Independent) 3rd march 2010

Terence Bunch
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"British citizen" my arse

25.04.2010 14:32

He's a Saudi citizen. Like most of the 9-11 mass murderers in fact.

Fact checker


25.04.2010 20:26

Thank you for covering this demonstration and showing your support yesterday Terry. Just to clarify, Mr. Aamer is actually a British resident and a Saudi national (legal status). His family, wife and four children, the youngest of whom has never met his father, are all British citizens.

Mr. Aamer is also one of two British residents who remain in Guantanamo Bay. The other is a 39 year old Algerian called Ahmed Belbacha who the government has never asked to be returned to this country. The US is currently trying to send him back to Algeria, having rejected an urgent appeal made to the courts by Reprieve recently; he was also sentenced in absentia (through a questionable "trial") to 20 years' imprisonment last November in Algeria. There is a likelihood he would be tortured and/or killed if returned to Algeria. Like Mr. Aamer, he has never faced charges of any kind in Guantanamo Bay and the US considers him to be innocent.

Mr. Aamer's return was initially sought by the British government back in August 2007. Four other men, whose release was sought at the same time, have since returned to the UK, the last one being Binyam Mohamed in February 2009. Unlike these other four men, however, Mr. Aamer did not have refugee status and his whole family are British. Having sought his release almost 3 years ago, the government clearly believes he is innocent. The Foreign Office has refused to meet campaigners for Mr. Aamer's release to discuss why the process is taking so long when apparently the US does not want him and the UK does... and there we have it, 8 years+ without charge or trial.

What the "commentator" who accuses Mr. Aamer's compatriots of carrying out the 9/11 attacks fails to appreciate is that the correct forum to ascertain all such "facts" is a court of law through what is known as "due process". The arbitrary detention and "interrogation techniques" (a.k.a. torture) prisoners at Guantanamo have been subject to are a flagrant circumvention of due process rights. Everyone has the right to a fair trial and is innocent UNTIL proven guilty. There are no exceptions. Terrorism is criminal activity and must be tried as such.

Furthermore, it has now been more than 3000 days that Guantanamo Bay has been opened, a potent symbol of the diminishing respect for human rights and human life we have all witnessed since it opened. How did WE come to this?

Speakers addressing the demonstration included Jean Lambert MEP, Martin Linton (MP and Labour candidate for Battersea - MP for Shaker Aamer), Yvonne Ridley, Andy Worthington and Victoria Brittain (journalists).

The campaign for justice for men like Shaker Aamer, who have not been charged or tried of any wrongdoing but are instead the victims of it, will continue until Guantanamo and all other illegal prisons like it are closed.

facts checked
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