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WDAIL March 2010

[London] | 24.04.2010 19:02 | London

Today, Sat 24th April, saw the annual World Day for Animals in Laboratories (WDAIL) march through the centre of London. Attracting animal rights campaigners from across the country, the march is considered the most important of the year following it's return last year after a lengthy absence.


- Original article on IMC London:


Hide the following 22 comments

Great stuff!...

24.04.2010 22:16

but doesn't tell us much at all.. Numbers, photo's (faces blanked please!) what happened etc?? C'mon??!!



24.04.2010 22:50

what happened?


click on the link

25.04.2010 02:13

and all will be revealed - the report is on london indymedia


Somers Town estate opinion on the lab and animal rights protesters.

25.04.2010 09:48

People in Somers Town said that the council need to sit up and take notice about this lab and the protests. Any councillors considering giving the lab planning permission must think again. Any funding given to the school by the UKCMRI must be weighed up against how an animal rights campaign will affect people, including children, teenagers and UCL students locally. One resident said "That's SHAC, they are likely to kick off and they are already pissing off the residents. People are really fed up with them and if they continue to piss off people enough there is going to be trouble. They will come back and they are already annoying people. In a way I'm glad they are here so people can see who they are, what they are like and the trouble this lab is going to cause. People need to see it. People don't support them despite what they might think and we don't want it here".

Muku Hira, a local Bengali community leader has been rudely described by animal rights activists as not welcome in a peaceful local campaign he helped to organise. Many of the people on the Somers Town estate are Bengali. Animal rights activists have said "There is no room for the Halal butcher in this campaign". Other residents and scientists from the NIMR who have opposed the lab have been abused and told similar by animal rights activists.

Local people watched from a distance and a group of young local men refused to join in the protest on their doorstep saying "That isn't the Camden residents, that's the animal rights. Don't join in with them. Wait until the Camden residents have their protest and join in with that".

Another resident voiced "Half of them are in the BNP. One was in the paper the other day. They are scum".

Camden council really must put their foot down with this laboratory as these tensions will worsen. The lab will never go away once it's here. The animal rights including SHAC will never go away and the community locally want none of the protestors and people do not want the lab here on their doorsteps at all.

Putting a virus containment lab next to the channel tunnel Eurostar is madness enough. Camden council have to see sense and turn this lab down, or else there will be trouble in Camden that no one wants.

Somers Town tenant

Great demo

25.04.2010 19:22

I don't know much about the local politics around the lab, but I went on the march and it was a great success. Good weather, loads of people, and on a very visible route through central London.


Re local residents supposed comments

26.04.2010 16:44

I attended a very well organised and peaceful demo with activists many of whom are very active anti facists.
Speaking only for myself if the residents of Camden are organising demos regardless of whether they are Halal butchers etc then that is great the risk to humans is enough reason to fight it. I utterly abhore all butchery Halal/Kosher or not but if this man is doing something against the lab' and I was involved in a campaign against the lab (I live too far away to do anything but support occassionally) then our paths would cross and I would be civil and polite. If this post is not a troll post that is.
To be honest I am not going to boycott a future demo because some ignoramous thinks that SHAC are connected to the BNP I really don't care what other people think although I am more than ready to discuss things with locals if I am in the area as I am sure all other activists would be.

Lynn Sawyer

Thanks Lynn re Mukul Hira

27.04.2010 13:55

Thankfully someone can see that fighting against Camden's residents isn't a good idea. Residents live here and have a right ot campaign without being attacked and seen as "rivals" by AR, insulted, threatened or have their religion abused.
Elsewhere on Indymedia Phil Beaven has written an attack on a Camden Mulsim, Mukul Hira, and this is worded in a way that attacks all of Camden's Muslims which is very stupid of P Beaven.
While I disagree with your comments Lynn about the BNP and SHAC - [you should care about this], at least you can be polite to Mukul Hira which is a step in the proper direction.
I wish people would see that a negative or angry response isn't a "troll post". There are genuine and widespread fears and grievences in Camden...all caused by the UKCMRI consortium and their ludicrous decision to put a "superlab" here and the potential for Camden to turn into a war zone because of it.


To Lyn, re: "Ignaramous who thinks SHAC are connected to the BNP"

27.04.2010 14:33

Charlotte Lewis = SHAC / BNP
Dave Gardner = AR and BNP
Roberto Fiore = AR and racist terrorist
Matthew Gibbons = AR and EDL
Jon Procer = links to NF
Troy Southgate = AR and NF
Robin Steele = SHAC and British Peoples Party
Sadie Graham = AR and BNP

There are more of these people and to say that you are not bothered is scary.


Camden residents versus ar

27.04.2010 15:56

It is complete rubbish to say that saturday's demo was anti residents or in any way alienating. Yes most of the speakers spoke from an anti vivisection view point (understanably) there was also speeches high lighting the dangers of a level 3 biocontainment facility at the bliss location. The danger to the local community was highlighted from this perspective. Furthermore the provision of this info should be at the heart of any campaign. There were no fascists on the demo, just the odd delusional femalehidi g behind curtains! As for the residents is very cheap. A Camden resident and participant patiently waiting for action to defend residents rights and ensure continued community development and a future for all working class pepple being forced to live next to this proposed dangerous entity.


Re Charlotte Lewis etc

28.04.2010 07:34

OK Charlotte Lewis is a BNP candidate who is ostracised from the animal rights movement. If she had turned up on Saturday she would have been as welcome as Bryan Cass ditto Matthew Gibbons. I know one of the people mentioned on the list has utterly rejected facism. Others listed I do not know apart from Jon Procer concerning him well I think that if it is proven that he is a facist that he should be ostracised, if not then treated like anyone else.

Facism is the antithesis of animal rights philosophy which clearly states that we should not discriminate against another on account of species let alone race, sexuality, gender etc. Facists are those who would torture and murder others they deem as inferior and they have to be stopped I do not take this threat to what little freedoms we still have lightly at all which is why many animal rights activists are also active against facism.

Lynn Sawyer

There is no Fash in AR – BNP/NF are removed immediately!

28.04.2010 15:17

Yep I agree with Lyn, as a mixed race animal rights activist I would like to emphasise that all animal rights groups reject all people shown to be fascists in the UK. Some people on that list are ex-AR, Troy Southgate is not even AR and all that are proven fascist are unwelcome.

I know Jon and know he is not fash. While there is a single example of minimal involvement in a fash event because of his family background, he now renounces fascism (and members of his family who support it) totally and is an active anti-fascist. People change and grow up.

The UK AR movement including SHAC take a very tough line when it comes to fascists and there are no known fascists in AR – if their were they would be removed from all groups.

Mixed Race SHAC Supporter

oh please

28.04.2010 16:39

this shits getting boring
jons not fash and as for the others only two of them i know and i know only mats the fash
this article is total bullshit and i ask the imc's delete this crap before the audinace gets pissed off

shac supporter ireland

Stop the witchhunts!

28.04.2010 17:22

I think it is ridiculous to ostracise ppl for their politics! I am in no way a supporter of the BNP, NF or EDL, nor ever will be, BUT AR is small enough without pushing ppl out for their political allegiances.
I am appalled that some people would make Charlotte Lewis as welcome as Brian Cass considering the fact that she did jail time for AR! What about loyalty?
I do not know her personally but it seems like a betrayal of someone who is genuinely for the animals.
Quit the witchhunts and work together for the animals!
There are very few far-rightists in AR so what is the problem? They are hardly a big influence or every likely to be, so just accept that we are all different but can still stand together for the animals!

mail e-mail: none
- Homepage: http://none

Re Charlotte Lewis

28.04.2010 18:37

Yes Charlotte did do jail time for animal rights, so what? Hundreds of people have and for far longer, does that mean that she is beyond reproach? If she publicly and genuinely renounced her abhorrent political stance stance I might show some loyalty then. I never knew her that well but I do understand that she is now not only a member of the BNP but a parliamentary candidate for them who has allegedly boasted that she hounded out refugee neighbours for no other reason than that they were not English. I am very open minded about other people's views but let us never ever forget what facists do and what they stand for i.e some sort of master race which intends to kick out every man woman and child who they deem is "foreign" from the UK in some cases to certain death. Read their website and read William Shirer's excellent book "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" which details exactly what happens when you respect facists views.
Facists would send us to the camps in an instant if they had the power, everyone who posted anything on this site. They are the enemy more so maybe than people like Brian Cass who at least do not want to torture and kill their own species which is something I suppose. If facists came to power it is not very likely that compassion towards non human animals will be high on their agenda now is it?
All of us need to make it very obvious that racism, sexism and homophobia are not acceptable (i.e regarding other activists as equal) and why should gay couples and people who are not white have to put up with nazis on animal rights or climate change demos?

Lynn Sawyer

Racism is anti-AR

28.04.2010 23:26

I agree with Lyn. Racism is contrary to AR itself, a belief in AR is based on an understanding that discrimination based on irrelevant characteristics is wrong. AR provides rights for all animals including humans (saying otherwise is clearly speciesist). Equality transcends species barriers, racism is non-AR, like campaigning to kill a type of cat is non-AR.

As stated above fash are not AR by definition, in fact they are anti-AR. Why should we allow anti-AR people on AR demos regardless of their thoughts on non-human animal issues?

Mixed Race SHAC Supporter

Re : Joe and the Islamaphobic attacks on Mukul Hira via Camden Sanity Brigade

29.04.2010 08:47

The Camden Sanity Brigade, including Joe, are not part of the community campaign and are not welcome.
They and he are the people responsible for the comments stating that Mukul Hira [and therefore all other Muslims] are "not welcome" in the residents [and AR?] campaign that was started by residents including Mukul Hira.
As for "delusional females hiding behind curtains" : Residents have been holding open and public meetings re the lab. We were standing at the pub and on Phoenix Road openly watching the demo and talking to AR activists, not from "behind curtains" as you claim.
As for the residents meetings, all of the Camden Sanity Brigade including Joe are barred from these.
Joe and his group the Camden Sanity Brigade [who say they have links to the APP] are the ones that caused alot of problems in Camden for AR in the first place. His anti Mukul Hira / anti Muslim / anti Halal comments can be read on the Camden Sanity Brigade blog.
No one can claim that "no fascists" attended at a march with 2000 people. He or anyone else wouldn't know whether or not out of 2000 people whether fascists or anti fascists or whoever was there, there were far too many people for that.
It doesn't help that Phil Beaven is writing anti Halal comments on here [if it was him].

If the Camden Sanity Brigade truly do have links to the APP and AR, as is claimed by the Camden Sanity Briagde then that is appalling.


PC thought policing

29.04.2010 13:16

Well as someone who has experienced bullying from within AR for my pro-life views, and more recently for asking people not to hurt my lungs with their cig smoke, I wonder who will be next to witchhunt out for not being politically correct enough.. if we tell people they cannot be of certain views it then gets to the stage where we all have to be the same, and there will be very few of us..


To Anonymous

29.04.2010 14:07

Pro-life v Pro-Choice is a debate to be had within a rights movement – where do rights begin? But there is not an argument for racism in AR because it is anti-AR as I explained above. AR provides rights for all animals including humans (saying otherwise is clearly speciesist). Equality transcends species barriers, racism is non-AR, like campaigning to kill a type of cat is non-AR.

We shouldn't let anti-AR people in AR. Simple as that!

Mixed Race SHAC Supporter

There is no AR consensus on...

29.04.2010 19:08

abortion, smoking, drinking and quite a few other issues. People tend to muddle along. I know many fellow AR activists who are anti smoking and anti abortion. We have to muddle along on these issues and often agree to differ. Facism is non negotiable, facists are the personification of the verb to bully.

Lynn Sawyer

Islamphobic bullshit detector

05.05.2010 15:44

My name is Joe. As I have posted here before I was the sole author of the camden sanity blog. No where on that blog are any threats made to anyone. It is still up and available to read!!! I have never threatened anyone and would never over religion or culture. This is a complete load of lies!
However since starting to campaign against bthe BLIss lab I have been accused annonymously of the following:

1. Drug dealing 2. Intimidation 3. Theft of campaign funds from a pub I have never set foot in! 4. Initially threats to rape and eventually rape!!!! 5. Membership of a proscribed organisation: never specified if UVF or IRA but anonymously accused of both!!

I am a council tax paying resident of Camden. I live in close proximity to the site. However since actively voicing my opposition I have been accused of a plethora of lies. The latest racist anti Islamic activity. This has no basis in truth and will be actively challenged through legal recourse.

The only racism I have witnessed in relation to the BLISS lab has been the the anti Irish sentiment of the anonymous poster who states that I am some sort of retired terrorist!!! ( Postings relating to UVF with Bobby Sands Posters???!!!!!!)

I have been linked to a number of people I have never even met and will not stand by and allow further vilification.There is more to this lab that meets the eye> It must not become a reality and I support ALL, whether AR or simply sane people who see the MADNESS of a level 3 bio-containment facility on a council estate between 2 busy London train stations. Is it just me or is this not a sane response?




Islamphobic bullshit detector

05.05.2010 16:17

H are you talking under the affects of it? Down pub? Where are the threats Joe Doyle has not changed one word of his blog since it was written where are these Islamaphobic comments and threats?


Leaflets made by Joe Doyle regarding links to Tracy Morgan's blog

21.05.2010 18:40

Leaflets created by Joe Doyle and distributed in Camden contain links to a Camden Danger Lab blogspot created by a Camden resident Tracy Morgan.
Joe Doyle is nothing to do with Camden Danger Lab or Tracy Morgan and the leaflets and implied links should be ignored.
