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Ian Tomlinson Vigil – Pix-&-Vidz – Thu 01 Apr 10

[London] | 23.04.2010 23:19 | London

Dateline: Ian Tomlinson Vigil, Cornhill, London, UK, 10:55-11:40, Thu 01 Apr 10 – Scenario: Citizen A assaults Citizen B in broad daylight, on video, by striking with a blunt infantry weapon and by shoving Citizen B to the ground; minutes later Citizen B is dead.
Q: What happens to Citizen A?
A1: If it were you or I, no doubt we'd be banged up in jail.
A2: But if Citizen A is a body-armoured, weapon-carrying, riot cop... he gets away with murder, for over a year.
One year after their loved one was slain by unprovoked police assault, the family of Ian Tomlinson, their friends and supporters mourn his death with a vigil at the location where he died.

- Original article on IMC London: