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Obama is masking the real issue: US Threatens to nuke Iran

Michel Chossudovsky | 20.04.2010 11:54 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Social Struggles | World

“What is disturbing about this summit in Washington is the fact that the real threat to global security is nuclear war between countries. It is not Al-Qaeda which in any event is an intelligence asset of the CIA, which is the threat, ”Chossudovsky acknowledged. “It is an elusive network of organizations. The real threat is the threat of nuclear war and particularly the threat of a nuclear attack by the United States and Israel directed against Iran.”

VIDEO: "Nuclear Terrorism": Al Qaeda is an Upcoming Nuclear Power according to president Obama
The US is the most dangerous threat to global security:

by Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research, April 15, 2010

Obama is masking the real issues over nuclear weapons by presenting the idea that nuclear terrorism is a major threat, shared Michel Chossudovsky, Director of the Canadian Centre for Research on Globalization.

“What is disturbing about this summit in Washington is the fact that the real threat to global security is nuclear war between countries. It is not Al-Qaeda which in any event is an intelligence asset of the CIA, which is the threat, ”Chossudovsky acknowledged. “It is an elusive network of organizations. The real threat is the threat of nuclear war and particularly the threat of a nuclear attack by the United States and Israel directed against Iran.”

In addition, the summit was useful for the US to establish dialogue with China and Russia regarding the nuclear program of Iran, thinks Chossudovsky. Both China and Russia are strictly against military actions against Iran and do not support economic sanctions against the Islamic Republic, while Obama recently issued a new military nuclear doctrine that admits using nuclear weapons against “rogue states” – implying Iran to be one of them.

“All the NATO countries, headed by the US and including Israel, they have nuclear weapons targeted at Iran,”noted Chossudovsky.

He stated that “The nuclear summit is in fact a smokescreen, a camouflage of the real dangers of nuclear war.”

America’s demand to transfer nuclear materials to some safe place in the US is an absurd operation, believes Chossudovsky.

Michel Chossudovsky told RT that: “As far as it goes, in the present context, the US is the most dangerous threat to global security and what this conference aims at achieving is to diffuse this understanding. It’s a PR campaign which seeks to present the nuclear threat in some distorted way, so that people who listen to the media report will believe that Al-Qaeda, Bin Laden and global terrorism is the issue, rather than the strategic objectives of the US which include now the preemptive use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states.”

“At this stage the US administration is not interested in negotiating, it is interested in creating an environment which will justify a possible nuclear attack on Iran,” concluded Chossudovsky.

Michel Chossudovsky is a frequent contributor to Global Research. Global Research Articles by Michel Chossudovsky


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Obama is masking the real issue: US Threatens to nuke Iran
Michel Chossudovsky
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20.04.2010 12:06

The US will never again use preemptive nukes. Why would it?
Convential bombing can acheive any tactical objective and there would be far less political fall out.

Last time it was Israel was going to nuke Iran before Bush left office. Now its Obama is going to nuke Iran. No one is going to nuke Iran.



20.04.2010 14:27

its true, stop picking on iran...
nuke america instead, first washington, then new york, then moscow then all the other major cities and then we, the poor at the bottom of the pile, will rise and take the scraps and rebuild, constructing a society based on equality...maybe the war to end all wars is what this fucked up 'civilisation' needs.....

for fuck sake.


Doesn't make sense

20.04.2010 19:21

If the US will 'never again use pre-emptive nukes' then why have they just changed their rules of engagement so that nukes can indeed be used as a first strike against non-nuclear states ?

It's not logical, Captain!

Pre-emptive Ruling