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BNP to appear at Aberdeenshire High School

A concerned local resident | 19.04.2010 23:35

The BNP are to appear at a hustings at an Aberdeenshire high school this coming Wednesday. Please help us to stop this from happening by forwarding your concerns to the principle.

The BNP are to appear at a hustings at an Aberdeenshire high school this coming Wednesday.

Please help us to stop this from happening by calling the principle and voicing your concerns surrounding the promotion of fascism in a school building.

The details are as follows:

Head Teacher:
Tim McKay
Secondary School
Ellon Academy
Schoolhill Ellon
AB41 9AX
01358 720715
01358 723758

Thanks for your support. The school should be open from 8am. Please try and be as polite as possible.

Information about the BNP's campaign in scotland and the hustings itself has been published in a local newspaper.

A concerned local resident


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  1. Coincidence.. — acso