Postal workers: don't deliver fascist garbage!
Liverpool Antifascists | 19.04.2010 00:03 | Anti-racism | Workers' Movements | Liverpool
The BNP in Liverpool and Merseyside are only a small outfit, and will only have the resources to concentrate on a few key areas out of all the places where they are standing. But General Election rules mean that the fascists can co-opt taxpayer money and working class man power to spread their hate.
With Peter Stafford standing in Riverside, Steve McEllenborough in Wavertree, Charles Stewart in Bootle, and Steve Greenhalgh in Knowsley, they will get free postal delivery in those areas. Postal workers, already forced to deliver tons of wasteful, unsolicited junkmail, will have to add fascist propaganda to their workload.
As such, Liverpool Antifascists have released a new poster which we are encouraging people to stick up in their windows.
We heartily encourage everybody who is opposed to the virulent message of the BNP to stick this up in their window. We support each and every postal worker who heeds that message and bins the lies of the far-right.
Why should working people be forced to promote the message of a party which will act against them if elected? We shouldn't. The only place the worthless waste of paper that is a BNP leaflet belongs is the bin.
You can download a copy of our poster for your home here:
As such, Liverpool Antifascists have released a new poster which we are encouraging people to stick up in their windows.
We heartily encourage everybody who is opposed to the virulent message of the BNP to stick this up in their window. We support each and every postal worker who heeds that message and bins the lies of the far-right.
Why should working people be forced to promote the message of a party which will act against them if elected? We shouldn't. The only place the worthless waste of paper that is a BNP leaflet belongs is the bin.
You can download a copy of our poster for your home here:
Liverpool Antifascists
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Are you SURE you understand what fascism is?
19.04.2010 01:04
I hate to break this to you. You are correct in that they are fascists and IF they ever got into power they would tread on the rights of their political opponents to do things like mail out campign literature. Just like YOU seem to want to do.
Fascism isn't JUST a phenomenon of the right. Movements of the left can obviously be fascist too. Not all that much better than the right wing sort.
move on, nothing to see above this.
19.04.2010 03:44
Don't bother feeding the troll, see them for what they are and ignore.
trying again
19.04.2010 12:30
In fighting the fascists we have to be careful not to become fascists ourselves. Fascism isn't NECESSARILY a creature of the right. Not NECESSARILY correlated to economic politics but concerned with the authoritarian vs libertarian spectrum.
19.04.2010 14:40
Personally I think it's OK to beat fascists because that is what they would ultimately do to you if they got power, but I can see MDN's point of view.
Spot on
19.04.2010 18:15
From time to time you've had elements of a libertarian left over your side too. Perhaps the real difference is that over here the authoritarian left never got into power to stand us left anarchists up against a wall.
I wouldn't quite put it as saying that I placed "free speech" and "the right to vote" above things like "discrimination" and "racism". But making progress on one front by major sacrifices on another might not be much progress. And yes, a "right to vote" does imply that the a*holes get to organize parties and vote too.
Is it really that hard to see? Being willing to mix it up with them on the streets isn't the same thing as trying to interfere with their right to vote. Might be able to defeat RIGHT WING fascism that way but the price would be insitituting LEFT WING fascism. From an anarchist perpective not that great an improvement.
Over here we tend to "populist" rather than strictly speaking "fascist" movements. But that's equally susceptible to flipping left to right as fascism is. Look more closely at history. Not all the right wing fascist movements of the past century started out on the right.
19.04.2010 23:39
Also, fascism implies centralisation, so I don't think anarchist individuals physically attacking fascists can be described as "left fascism" either. If a left-wing government organisation did it, then sure, but that isn't the case.
There's a danger that fetishising free speech becomes wooly-minded liberalism.
where have all the comments vanished to?
20.04.2010 22:52
You can see the hidden ones here:
I don't think they were trolls or that controversial - I think the Indymedia admins are being a bit heavy-handed here.
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