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Redditch people urged to join march against vivisection

Kevin White | 16.04.2010 12:35 | Animal Liberation | Birmingham

Redditch campaigners have urged local people to speak out against the shocking cruelty of animal testing by joining them on a coach to the World Day for Animals in Laboratories march and rally in London on Sat 24 April.

Press Release - 16/4/10

Call to March against Vivisection

On Saturday 24 April, thousands of people from across the UK and beyond will gather in London for the biggest demonstration against vivisection (animal testing) in recent years. Coach transport has been organised from Redditch.

The national march and rally coincides with World Day for Animals in Laboratories, a United Nations recognised day of international commemoration of the suffering and killing of millions of innocent sentient beings in laboratories throughout the world.

Kevin White, organiser of the coach from Redditch and Green Party Parliamentary Candidate for the town said, "Annually in Britain, over 3 million animals are used in experiments. They are poisoned, scalded, infected with diseases, crippled, blinded, starved and brain damaged, all to "safety test" household products, cosmetics, drugs and chemicals."

"Those involved in animal research have a vested interest in perpetuating the myth that animal experiments are somehow vital to human health and medical progress, but in fact it is quite the opposite. There are fundamental physiological differences between species, and even within species, which make animal tests unreliable and dangerous. Side effects from medical drugs are responsible for 18,000 deaths in the UK every year, the fourth biggest cause of premature death after heart disease, cancer and stroke. Yet all of these drugs were passed as "safe" following tests on animals."

"The Labour Party came to office in 1997 having promised a Royal Commission (Independent Inquiry) into the effectiveness of animal experiments, something supported by 250 MP's, 83% of GP's and increasing numbers of scientists. The inquiry never materialised and we've actually seen a rise in the number of animals used in experiments."

"The Green Party oppose animal experiments on both moral and scientific grounds. We would end all animal experiments in favour of viable alternatives including epidemiology, the use of cell cultures, human tissue, computer simulation and many more increasingly sophisticated methods."

"A vote for the Green Party is a vote for compassion and medical advancement, but we must also make our voices heard on the streets and in the corridors of power. Please join us on Sat 24 April in London."

Anyone wishing to book seats on the coach from Redditch should call 01527 458395 or see for further details.


Kevin White
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