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BNP candidate dresses up in a kinky burqa!

antifa | 15.04.2010 13:33 | World

A BNP parliamentary candidate today defended as “hilarious” pictures of her wearing a burqa and fishnet stockings at a party.

A BNP parliamentary candidate today defended as “hilarious” pictures of her wearing a burqa and fishnet stockings at a party.

Charlotte Lewis, standing in Carshalton and Wallington, also used her Facebook account to post racist messages, including one calling for foreign “Paki” criminals to be executed.

In another message she encouraged attacks on the home of a teenager who hurt a cat and said: “I hope she gets cancer.”



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15.04.2010 14:35

And what point are you trying to make? Are you advertising the Evening Standard?

Polly Pot

sh! don't tell anyone

15.04.2010 17:16

she's part of the animal rights movement - "Miss Lewis was jailed in 2001 for sending death threats to a drugs company over animal testing. She pleaded guilty to four charges of harassment after threatening letters were sent to staff at the Huntingdon Life Sciences centre in Cambridgeshire." which as we all know is entirely free of fascist scum, so please keep quiet everybody!


Why is Islam always targetted?

15.04.2010 17:30

...and the bloodthursty fascist christian crusades ignored? let alone all of the secret dealings going on in the Chruch of England nowadays.

Ginger Militant
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15.04.2010 18:55

This stupid little girl has never done a days work in her life, who contributes more to society Muslim immigrants or this benefit scrounging loser?

How comes she manages to run the Croydon Branch of the BNP but is claiming long term sickness benefit- What a Sham??



15.04.2010 20:11

Anyone who is claiming long term sickness benefit whilst doing stuff (including drinking alcohol at parties) is liar.

Kick her out of the country

I'm always deeply suspicious of people on long-term sickness benefits or leave.
Sounds like people who just don't want to work but know a good thing when they see it.


she USED to be part of the animal rights movement...

15.04.2010 20:52

She USED to be part of the animal rights movement... It's not exactly a secret and no-one has any dealing with her since she came out with her racist views.

But really, who gives a shit if someone wants to dress up in a burkha and fishnets? People dress up as sexy nuns all the time. Vicars and tarts? It's her fascist and racist views that are repugnant, not her fancy dress.


@Ginger Militant

16.04.2010 10:23

The crusades were centuries ago you tool. Islam is not the only superstition that is criticised at all. The Papal visit to the UK this September is being challenged, in the US fundamentalist Christianity is having to be constantly opposed in its attacks on women's rights and it's fucking with the education system.
Islam, and all religions, are fucked up and need to be opposed. They breed bigotry, intolerance and hatred just like scum like the BNP and *DL.

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16.04.2010 20:16

Well in the U.K Islam is scrutinised & attacked every day either by the ultra-protestant racist-loving Daily Mail & the rest of the media or physically by boneheads nearly every month. In no way do I agree in any shape or form with the fundlementalist issue with Islam at the moment am I only defending what certain people in the U.K seemingly love to bully

Ginger Militant
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@Ginger Militant

16.04.2010 21:50

So you're just uncritically defending something because right wing fuckwits criticise it? They criticise the government as well, are you going to defend that as well? Islam is fucking vile.
Plus, do you not read the papers at all? Have you not noticed the amount of anger there is towards the Catholic Church at the moment? Now Catholics in this country have traditionally been a target for the far right so are you going to defend the Pope from the criticisms levelled at him and his church?
No, of course you're fucking not.

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She "used to be part of the animal rights movement". As for her sick benefit....

17.04.2010 04:24

There is no such thing as "used to be" in the animal rights "movement' ".

Unless you start eating meat then you are still AR if you were AR before being asked to "leave the movement"...just because some found her overt racist politics embarrassing and told her to "leave the movement" doesn't mean that she stopped being AR active and it doesn't mean there aren't any other right wing AR "movement" members. Define the "movement" anyway. I thought it had no "leaders" anyhow.
Do you think that just because one GROUP of AR people have chucked her out of their group that she's just stopped doing AR? How naive are you? It's no good keep saying that either. Until and unless other right wing people like Robin Steele are asked to leave with her then a show of asking people to leave because they are right wing is simply that, a show by just one group. There are probably still some right wing AR people lurking in your group. Not only that but there are a number of right wing AR people that half of AR know nothing or little about and who are forming and have formed their own right wing AR groups. There are a significant number of these people too.

Charlotte Lewis's mental health problems are long term that's why she is on sickness benefit. Mental ill health is rarely something that just goes away unless it's caused by a trauma such as bereavement. I'm more concerned with someone who isn't mentally well being in charge of a BNP ward as a COUNCILLOR more than whether or not she is in the AR "movement". People might vote for her. An elected councillor makes decisions that affect all people in that ward. If anyone should chuck her out of their movement it's the BNP. Mark Collett has been let off with plotting to kill Nick Griffin for heaven's sake! So Charlotte Lewis thinks it's OK to kill people too does she? Would you want her running a ward in Croyden? A mentally ill person should not be running a BNP set in Croyden or anywhere else.

Her wearing a burqa as a joke is part of the latest Muslim bashing fashion. Islam in it's extremes is unpleasant like any religion taken to extremes but targeting female Muslims who are in some countries [including UK] forced to wear burqas isn't funny.

The latest Muslim bashing craze is no different to what the Nazis did during and prior to WW2.

I don't have any time for people who are cruel to animals.

I don't have much time for Islam but I abhor people who attack Muslims.

I dislike Charlotte Lewis and think the BNP should drop her.



17.04.2010 08:03

If her mental problems do not stop her running Croydon BNP then why should they stop her from contributing towards society. If she is well enough to deal with the paperwork, organise meetings and spend her days leafleting then she should get of her arse and work. These morons in the BNP must be worried, if the Tories get elected half of them will probably lose their benefits and have to work for a living. How can someone critisise the ethnics of Britain most of who work, when they can't even get out of bed and do a days work.

In fact I am right on to the Expose a scrounger hotline of the Social Security.


Lewis and the "execution of Paki criminals".

18.04.2010 08:41

Why doesn't she go to Pakistan and take that up with them. She's a politician, she should deal with this via the political route. She should go there and tell them that she thinks the people of their country should die in Britain if they commit crimes, [in her burqa obviously], and then get back to let us all know what they said. Lewis is a nasty pice of work.


the animal rights "movement"

18.04.2010 17:42

re: >

Not sure if you're just trolling, but this is a pointless argument anyway. Of course no movement can stop people with repugnant views like fascism acting on their own on behalf of the movement's aims. What if there are some people in the anti-fascist movement with dodgy views of some sort? All you can do is make it clear they aren't welcome, you can't stop them doing anti-fascism on their own. And who said anything about "leaders"? You can have a leaderless movement that still makes fascists unwelcome.

It doesn't sound very "PC" either to imply that people with mental health issues can't contribute towards society. Half the existing politicians seem to be alcoholics or have other issues. Although I guess you might say politicians aren't making a positive contribution to society anyway... The fact you made this point makes me a little suspicious I'm just being trolled.
