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Champagne politics

Stop the Tories, RED REVOLUTION in stead.. | 11.04.2010 14:05 | Analysis | Climate Chaos | Social Struggles

Vote Conservative and get:

Tax reform for the aristocracy,
lower taxes for the mighty and
more to pay for the poor!

No VAT on champagne!

Reduced salary for butlers and domestic staff.

No taxes on Bentley and Rolls Royce.

David Cameron: More to the upperclass....
David Cameron: More to the upperclass....

Immediate, massive cuts in
the public sector!

Especially with regard to
pension and unemployment

Privatize the NHS

No property tax on
grand country estates and

Stop the Tories, RED REVOLUTION in stead..
- Homepage:


Hide the following 3 comments

i never new this

11.04.2010 14:52

thank you for this insightful "news".


The dummy guide to politics

11.04.2010 18:44

Let dumb things down to the stupid people.

Too stupid for the Daily Mail? Why not try Indymedia instead


Vote conservative

11.04.2010 22:00

I just read the first line: "Vote conservative"

Ok. good call - will do.

yes sir