IMF Thuggery at Kings College Cambridge: VIDEO + PIC
Cambridge Anima | 11.04.2010 00:21 | Globalisation | Repression | Social Struggles | Cambridge | World
Security goons attack students and Cambridge people protesting the IMF!

On Saturday 10th April 2010, protesters sent a message to Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) who was giving a speech at the inaugural conference of the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) conference in Kings College, Cambridge.
A banner was successfully dropped behind the platform where Strauss-Kahn was delivering his address reading 'IMF part of the Problem not the Solution'.
Other protesters attempted to enter the conference hall to get the message across that IMF's corporate 'solutions' are unwelcome, however they were violently removed. Security goons made no attempt to ask protesters, who were all lawfully on site, to leave but instead attacked them.
Campaigners were pushed aggressively and dangerously on stone staircases and a goon head-butted a young protester, unfortunately this only lead to the goon's own head bleeding.
This is a good illustration of the true nature of corporate thugs, like the IMF. The truth behind their respectable façade is that they are nothing more than an anti-social menace destroying and taking for their own gain while the majority of the world suffers.
Another report from the day can be found at
This report is by Anima Cambridge and does not necessarily reflect the views of all the protesters on this action.
Anima aims to take action for positive change whether that be for humans, animals or the environment. We believe that we can work together to achieve our goals, even when it seems we differ on a lot of points. We are about solidarity and want to see movements working together when ever possible.
Anima is a newly formed movement, there is no central control and no leaders anyone and everyone can be Anima, as long as they follow the Mission Statement. More info on the Anima site.

On Saturday 10th April 2010, protesters sent a message to Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) who was giving a speech at the inaugural conference of the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) conference in Kings College, Cambridge.
A banner was successfully dropped behind the platform where Strauss-Kahn was delivering his address reading 'IMF part of the Problem not the Solution'.
Other protesters attempted to enter the conference hall to get the message across that IMF's corporate 'solutions' are unwelcome, however they were violently removed. Security goons made no attempt to ask protesters, who were all lawfully on site, to leave but instead attacked them.
Campaigners were pushed aggressively and dangerously on stone staircases and a goon head-butted a young protester, unfortunately this only lead to the goon's own head bleeding.
This is a good illustration of the true nature of corporate thugs, like the IMF. The truth behind their respectable façade is that they are nothing more than an anti-social menace destroying and taking for their own gain while the majority of the world suffers.
Another report from the day can be found at

This report is by Anima Cambridge and does not necessarily reflect the views of all the protesters on this action.
Anima aims to take action for positive change whether that be for humans, animals or the environment. We believe that we can work together to achieve our goals, even when it seems we differ on a lot of points. We are about solidarity and want to see movements working together when ever possible.
Anima is a newly formed movement, there is no central control and no leaders anyone and everyone can be Anima, as long as they follow the Mission Statement. More info on the Anima site.
Cambridge Anima
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back to the future
11.04.2010 00:42
Good to keep up the pressure on the IMF and WB!
Irreparable Monetary Farce!
11.04.2010 01:23
Didn't know this was happening, and you are right re: YouTube vid, they were illegally detaining you, as Proctors and security gaurds do not have legal powers to imprison anyone, although bizarrely under English law they could make a citizens' arrest (I'm assuming they didn't exercise this power)!
As for the bovver boys who roughed you up, well so much for the IMF coming to Cambridge for some good PR and the frankly transparent attempt to earn kudos by hosting an event in an Oxbridge town - it all backfired, didn't it?
That'll teach 'em!!
Infamous Mutha Funka
video edited
11.04.2010 12:30
If you're gonna do something just do it, don't cry about the security stopping you (which they're obviously gonna do) then edit the footage to make them seem more brutal than they were. What's the point?
11.04.2010 16:10
Just trying to be a bunch of pain in the arses and then going "Thats against the law." every 5 seconds. There is something really, really sad about people spending their life doing this.
So what if the security pushed you around. Unless you are going to get their charged or sue them, tough - thats life.
@ idjiots mike
11.04.2010 17:48
We are not 'crying' about anything, we are just exposing the fact that went it comes down to it they will fight to defend there position of control and exploitation – as we will defend our and the oppressed's freedom and rights.
They cannot hide behind their 'moral superiority' by claiming to act legally – because when push comes to shove, they have no respect for the law. They want power by any means. We are happy to make the battle lines clear.
We are not 'crying' this was great for us, mate. See you all soon!
11.04.2010 18:44
There is a misleading edit at 38 seconds.
At 37 seconds, the videos timecode (which you added in post production) jumps from 12:54:08 to 12:58:08, it then cuts to a frame showing the security guard with his fist raised, then there's a jump cut to the guard leaning out of the frame then stepping back, to give the impression the guard punched someone when he didn't... however the timecode continues over this cut to try and disguise it.
I don't know if you edited this yourself, but it's clear to me what whoever did was trying to do. It's only a small thing, but if you don't report the facts you lose all credibility.
@ mike
11.04.2010 20:14
why not
11.04.2010 22:43
If you all got your cocks out and ran around naked it would be ace
nice one...
11.04.2010 22:43
well done
11.04.2010 22:49
And it would be better to all get down the gym and build some muscle. That way you do just stand there and be immovable. Eat some protein as well. And get some dress sense.
And stop masturbating and reading the guardian. Also, stop slurping lattes an drink decent coffee. You'd be better learning a trade rather than some poncy middle-class student crap like history of bollox.
Good banner, excellently dropped, a solution?
12.04.2010 07:50
"Imagine a world without war, poverty, misery or money. Imagine a world where all people work together in a spirit of cooperation and not competition. Imagine this safer saner world and you are closer to understanding what the Zeitgeist Movement is about."
Peace LOUD!
Pan xXx
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