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Leeds Market Stall Removes Nazi Icons

Yorks Antifash | 10.04.2010 02:32 | Anti-racism

The Towel Shop in Leeds Kirkgate Market, who were reported as selling neo-nazi memrobelia (, have been forced to take the white power flags off sale perminantly as a result of continued actions by local anti-fascists; including giving the owner a regular reminder of the opposition to his disgusting items on sale.

The final straw was when Leeds Council had received so many complaints, they wrote a letter to the stall owner requesting that the offending articles were taken off show and not sold on their property.

This is a victory for local anti-fascist activists and goes to show that no symbol or part of fascism will be tollerated on our streets.

Yorks Antifash


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10.04.2010 12:56

good work

steve scum

one item, one flag

10.04.2010 19:46

featuring a celtic cross that isn't even illegal.

Amazing. Talk about a lot a hoo-har about nothing.
The amount of man-hours taken to get this removed is staggering. Very ineffecient and could of been applied to some of worth.
