Ambush The Ambassador! - Israel's PR Man coming to Cardiff
Huey Newton | 09.04.2010 11:31 | Palestine
Monster human rights demonstration outside the Israeli Ambassadors speech at Cardiff University
Main Building, Cardiff University, Park Place (opp. Student Union)
Wednesday 14 April, 5.30 pm onwards
We will also have people on the inside . . .
Main Building, Cardiff University, Park Place (opp. Student Union)
Wednesday 14 April, 5.30 pm onwards
We will also have people on the inside . . .
The Israeli Ambassador Ron Prosor (AKA Ron the Con) has been invited to deliver a "keynote speech" by Cardiff University Debating Society, but no supporter of Palestinian rights has been invited to speak at the 'debate'.
Let's non-violently ambush the ambassador and make sure he sees that apologists for war crimes, ethnic cleansing, occupation and racism are not welcome in Cardiff!
Law students are currently seeking legal advice on making a citizens arrest on his eminence!
Let's non-violently ambush the ambassador and make sure he sees that apologists for war crimes, ethnic cleansing, occupation and racism are not welcome in Cardiff!
Law students are currently seeking legal advice on making a citizens arrest on his eminence!
Huey Newton
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Law students?
09.04.2010 12:53
He's the AMBASSADOR and as such has total diplomatic immunity. You CAN'T (legally) arrest him no matter what.
To give a totally ridiculous example, if as a bunch of you laid hands on him for this arrest he pulled out a pistol and blew a number of you away in front of all those witnesses ALL you get to do is declare him "non grata" and expelled. In order to arrest/try an ambassador you need his or her country's consent.
There is a VERY good reason for the convention of "diplomatic immunity". Keep in mind that one might be needing to negotiate with enemies, even when at war with them.
"Law" depends on who is holding the gun
09.04.2010 17:35
MDN speaks of "diplomatic immunity" as one of the holy principles of the West.
Well this legal principle was quickly thrown out the window, along with several dozens other cumbersome legal principles, when the USA kidnapped and tortured Afghanistan's (Taliban) legal Ambassador and Spokesman, Abdul Salam Zaeef before the end of the (illegal) War against Afghanistan in 2001.
So much for legal principles of the West.
Clearly, giving Ron Prosor a platform to further the goals of a rascist government guilty of War Crimes deserves all and any protest we can muster ! ! !
legal advice
09.04.2010 18:51
I don't think you can citizen arrest him - because he personally hasn't done anything wrong
If you did do a citizens arrest on him, be aware that you can be charged and prosecuted or face civil action, if that arrest was found to be wrong. You can't just arrest someone and then expect no consequences.
I think you are the one confused?
09.04.2010 19:09
The "sacred" immunity of ambassadors isn't (and never has been) with regard to their status as ambassadors ANYWHERE. For example, an ambassador FROM Germany TO France wouldn't have diplomatic immunity with regard to Britain. Status as a "diplomat" has to be applied for and accepted by the country. Countries HAVE in the past said "no" to this or that proposed ambassador. .
As to whether the US respects "dimplomatic immunity" there's the current case of the consul just expelled (but not otherwise prosecuted).
Would be perfectly "good form" to demand YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT remove the Israeli ambassador's credentials and send him packing.
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