Great British Circus protests and much more
Pat | 08.04.2010 23:05 | Animal Liberation | Sheffield
Campaign against deaths and injuries in horse racing; the captivity of animals in cruel circuses; the suffering of animals in the false 'science' of vivisection; and much more...
Saturday 10th: Grand National Demo. Meet at noon at William Hill (ex-V1) Hounds Gate, Nottingham. Visiting several betting shops so contact c/o 07870 861837 if arriving later.
Also East Midlands League Against Cruel Sports Stall in Derby. Contact 0750 200 6667 or
Tuesday 13th: Nocton Dairy: demonstration outside the North Kesteven District Council Offices on Kesteven Street in Sleaford, Lincs, NG34 7EF from 12:40 pm sharp.
Also Anti-vivisection demo in Sheffield
Sheffield Animal Friends
Great British Circus Demos
The Japanese Water Gardens, near Nottingham, plays host to Martin Lacey's Lincolnshire-based circus, one of just three in Britain to still use wild animals. Animals used in the circus include tigers, zebra, camels, llamas, horses, ponies, dogs, goats and reindeer, and elephants.
There will be demos at various times throughout the 13th - 25th April run.
Tuesday 13th: 6pm for 7pm opening show
Thurs 15th + Friday 16th: 6.30pm for 7:30 show
Saturday 17th: 4pm for 5pm show
Sunday 18th: 2pm for 3pm show.
Monday 19th - Saturday 24th to be arranged.
Sunday 25th: 2pm for final 3pm show - Confirmed
Saturday 16th: Animal Aid Slaughterhouse Campaign.
Demo to be announced, probably in Nottingham at 11am, and many other towns.
Details from
Saturday 24th April
World Day for Animals in Laboratories National Rally in London
National Express Coach seats from £10 return ('funfare')
Coming Soon
Shark's Fin Soup protest at The Mandarin, 42 Belward St, Hockey Mill, Nottingham NG1 1JZ
Animal Protection Agency need help for awareness raising campaign for families & children re exotic pet trade, in summer hols.
Find Animal Rights groups in the Midlands (and elsewhere) at
Also East Midlands League Against Cruel Sports Stall in Derby. Contact 0750 200 6667 or

Tuesday 13th: Nocton Dairy: demonstration outside the North Kesteven District Council Offices on Kesteven Street in Sleaford, Lincs, NG34 7EF from 12:40 pm sharp.

Also Anti-vivisection demo in Sheffield
Sheffield Animal Friends

Great British Circus Demos
The Japanese Water Gardens, near Nottingham, plays host to Martin Lacey's Lincolnshire-based circus, one of just three in Britain to still use wild animals. Animals used in the circus include tigers, zebra, camels, llamas, horses, ponies, dogs, goats and reindeer, and elephants.

There will be demos at various times throughout the 13th - 25th April run.
Tuesday 13th: 6pm for 7pm opening show
Thurs 15th + Friday 16th: 6.30pm for 7:30 show
Saturday 17th: 4pm for 5pm show
Sunday 18th: 2pm for 3pm show.
Monday 19th - Saturday 24th to be arranged.
Sunday 25th: 2pm for final 3pm show - Confirmed
Saturday 16th: Animal Aid Slaughterhouse Campaign.
Demo to be announced, probably in Nottingham at 11am, and many other towns.
Details from

Saturday 24th April
World Day for Animals in Laboratories National Rally in London

National Express Coach seats from £10 return ('funfare')

Coming Soon
Shark's Fin Soup protest at The Mandarin, 42 Belward St, Hockey Mill, Nottingham NG1 1JZ

Animal Protection Agency need help for awareness raising campaign for families & children re exotic pet trade, in summer hols.

Find Animal Rights groups in the Midlands (and elsewhere) at
