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wikileaks release US Military Murder cover-up Video

w | 05.04.2010 16:19 | Smash EDO | Terror War

shocking proof of murder and wounding of journalists and civilians in afghanistan including children.

people killed while trying to take wounded to hospital

bodies run over by armoured vehicles

video from US Apache helicopter gun sites



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05.04.2010 17:19

this is iraq, not afghanistan


US War Crimes.

05.04.2010 20:30

The incident relates to the murder and deliberate mis-identification of two Reuters journalists while working in Iraq during 2007. They were working alongside a group of Iraqi's while Apache helicopters were openly committing war crimes in the region. The two journalists were collecting evidence of those crimes.

At one point Reuters photographer Namir Noor Eldeen attempts to take some photographs from around the corner of a building and is identified by the Apache pilot as preparing to use an RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade). Weapons of this sort do not have the range to hit airbourne helicopters especially Apache's which sit away from their targets at considerable distance while engaging targets. This would have been fully known by the pilot at the time.

As the Apache helicopter circles around to the front of the building it achieves a direct line of sight with Mr Eldeen and his group and Mr Eldeen's camera is clearly visible as he slings it over his shoulder after looking at his photographs by viewing the digital screen found at the back of the camera. This is a very common practice among professional photographers using professional spec equipment. The pilot chooses not to see this.

A few seconds later the apache opens fire with side mounted cannon and a number of people are killed immediately. Mr Eldeen stumbles as he tries to escape but the helicopter fires again at him and his body is decimated as a result.

As can be seen as the video progresses there is little or no attempt by any of the Apache crew to see anything other than insurgents. None of the people attacked and killed have acted in any way that fits the type of behaviour shown by military insurgents.

Firing on a vehicle as it arrives to collect the wounded, deliberately running over the bodies of those who had been murdered with military vehicles by late arriving troops, and the casual tone of those taking part in these crimes indicates what the nature of the occupation of Iraq has been from the start. A slaughterhouse for deranged US citizens parading as military forces after 9/11.

There is also evidence that US forces senior command were aware that these two journalists were working in the area at the time. During the initial 'stalking' of this group by the Apache crew, Mr Eldeen is very quickly identified as carrying a weapon by an Apache crew member. The weapon is an SLR camera Mr Eldeen is carrying. This is the same SLR camera later again identified as a weapon, this time an RPG. At no time during any part of the filming of this video is any weapon discharged at the Apache crew.

This video has only been released after a long period of severe fighting between media organisations and the US Military. Throughout, the US military has relied on propaganda, deception and blatant fraud in an attempt to prevent the publication of yet more evidence that the US military has been engaged in the organised commission and execution of war crimes in Iraq.

Justice for the murdered.