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Benjamin Fulford's point of view (The Rothchilds and Rockefellers vs The Black D

Edited by Arch Stanton | 03.04.2010 15:21 | Analysis | Globalisation

Basically we're dealing with the Royal families of Europe, the Thule Society, and the people who own the printing machines for money worldwide, except for the bank of China... they've been ruled by terror and murder for hundreds of years and they've been very scared. I need to make this clear: there is a different Black Dragon Society that was responsible for trying to create the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere during World War II. And there are still… there are descendants of these people who run an organization that has the same name. We know them, we talk with them, we have similar goals in many ways, but they're a separate organization.

I chose the name "Black Dragon Society" because they set up martial arts centers all over the world, and these are run according to a meritocracy. And they've always had a philosophy against nepotism. So, we're saying, no, the original Black Dragon philosophy was to build a world-wide network for self defense, and never attack.

Benjamin Fulford's point of view
(The Rothchilds and Rockefellers vs The Black Dragon Society)

"It may be considered 'better' to focus on the solutions to problems, rather than the causes. However it is important to cure the roots of the problem rather than merely the symptoms." Arch Stanton.

All and more of the follwong discussion between Benjamin Fulford and David Wilcock can be found here - AND the original article was From David Wilcock's 'Divine Cosmos' web site.

What follows are extracts from a transcipt of an interview with Benjamin Fulford by David Wilcock. I don't necessarily believe everything or anything in the following, however it's a really good story ;-) I am not skeptical, I try to remain open-minded, however although I trust Mr Fulford I'm not sure I trust his sources. There are far more stunning revelations in the full interview, this is a very condensed version and if it whets your appetite for story's you'll love the original link.

Benjamin Fulford -
Basically we're dealing with the Royal families of Europe, the Thule Society, and the people who own the, you know, the printing machines for money worldwide, except for the bank of China... And, you know basically, they've been ruled by terror and murder for hundreds of years and they've been very scared.
And so, the minute some people came out with some actual, you know, backing, in other words, some heavies standing behind you, so you can speak the truth without worrying about being immediately killed, then all sorts of people popped out of the woodwork and said, "Oh yes, we hate those guys. Please help us."

You know? And "We're not with them." This is the sort of thing that happened.

But it's clearly not over. They still have a lot of power because they're still, you know, you're reading all that nonsense in the corporate propaganda media, still...

You actually have to go back to the time of when the Jews were taken to Babylonian captivity. What happened was, the Babylonian King killed the male descendents of King David.
His bodyguard, his imperial guard, decided to become a secret society and restore the bloodline of their king by protecting the females in the family. So they were married off to various princes in different places and they kind of secretly guarded them. And before Jerusalem fell, they buried and hid the gold that they had, and so…

So, when they went on the Crusades, they dug up the gold and they became the Knights Templars.

...they built a bunch of banks and charitable works around Europe, and then on Friday the 13th, in 1300, whatever it was, the King of France and the Pope starting arresting them all and killing them and torturing them. They found out they were worship[ing] the Skull and Bones, called Baphomet, and stuff.

Then they fled in several directions. One group fled to the mountains of Switzerland, and that later became the BIS [Bank of International Settlements] and the Swiss whole thing, banking thing...

Another group fled to northern Europe and they became the kind of Teutonic Knights, the Knights Templars in the Nazi Thule Society.

A different group fled to Scotland, where they formed the Rosslyn Chapel and they intermarried with the British Royal family...

Another group went to Spain, and they were kicked out of Spain and sent to North America, and that was in 1492.

So, these are the different factions that originally existed. In more moderate times, I think that what your friend was saying, or your source was saying, was more or less right, but there is a pro-Russian Christian faction that kicked them out of Russia...

In Japan, I would say the secret government, 70% are pro-Western and 30% are pro-Chinese at this point...They are led by former Prime Minister Nakasone and that whole group. But, they are no longer really in control here. The battle is still going on. Basically, the Emperor signed a treaty with the Rockefellers. Things are changing here too, but it's not over.

So in other words, there's a lot of chaos and confusion, but what is for sure is that the Asians - that includes the Japanese and the Chinese, and the southeast Asian countries - have all agreed that they control most of the world's money and they're no longer going to let the City of London and Wall Street decide how it's invested.

That is the core of this crisis. You see, the people of Wall Street and the City don't want to lose their power, and this is what the battle's all about.

Well, yeah, there you have it. You have the Rothschilds pushing this global warming, which was really an effort to promote the nuclear industry and make it seem environmentally friendly again... they battle against the oil and the war industry in the US. So you got two big factions there fighting. That was manifested in the election that Al Gore had stolen from him, although it turns out he's also a scumbag. [laughs] But, what the thing that they have in common is that they want to have a central control over the energy. They want to charge everybody a monthly bill. Yes, the different factions all want centralized control of the economy. In other words, they all want to have a Babylonian God-King type system, you know, a secret ruler with Godlike powers, and everything under central control.

What the difference is -- who is that person in central control? That's what the fighting has been about.

And I think what most of humanity says is "We're tired of having secret God-Kings ruling us and we want this system to end."

So, that's the other real battle and I, personally, believe in meritocracy as the best form of government.

*** Editor's note, I don't believe in government ***

Back to Benjamin Fulford's words...

Well, that's where the Black Dragon comes in, yeah? Because we're going to have a secret organization that will… it will go back to sleep, but we'll monitor these people and make sure it doesn't happen again. So, there's no way they're going to be able to get away with it again. Yeah. And the Asians will have their own secret network, and they will keep these people out of there. And that'll be one.

And hopefully, you know, there's a new organization in the West which I've called the Black Dragon Society, but…

I need to make this clear: there is a different Black Dragon Society that was responsible for trying to create the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere during World War II. And there are still… there are descendants of these people who run an organization that has the same name. We know them, we talk with them, we have similar goals in many ways, but they're a separate organization.

I chose the name "Black Dragon Society" because they set up martial arts centers all over the world, and these are run according to a meritocracy. And they've always had a philosophy against nepotism. So, we're saying, no, the original Black Dragon philosophy was to build a world-wide network for self defense, and never attack.

We have very, very powerful people in the Asian underworld who support this and who are a part of it. So, the head of it is a Japanese person.

Well, I mean, if you took all the people around the world who study karate, judo, jujitsu and stuff, and the people who have studied them, and you think, you know, you'd get about that many people. And in an emergency, we believe these people can be mobilized. In fact, we know they can. Yeah. I mean, there is a hierarchy; there is a command structure in place. And if there are people out there trying to kill 4-billion people, then of course, they're going to say, "Hey, no, you're not going to kill my family!"

More can be read at

Search "Benjamin Fulford David Wilcock" on youtube to hear the interview on youtube.

Edited by Arch Stanton


Display the following 7 comments

  2. what a douche — jo blogs
  3. Fuck off — CH
  4. Is this OK, Captain? — I work for the Pentagon
  5. Um, April Fools day was two days ago... — anon
  6. the NSA is better — Heritage Foundation
  7. Yeah So — SOB