Iran has the right to possess nuclear weapons
Khalid Amayreh | 01.04.2010 21:16 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | World
The claim that the Iranian leadership is irrational, unbalanced and un-calculating is based more on racist western, especially American, stereotypes than on reasonable evidence.
It would be unthinkable to even imagine Iran using weapons of mass destruction against Israel which possesses a huge stockpile of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. I think most Israeli and western strategic planners know this fact too well.
The West simply wants to maintain Israel’s nuclear monopoly, which enables them to seriously blackmail and bully more than 500 million Muslims into submission.
It would be unthinkable to even imagine Iran using weapons of mass destruction against Israel which possesses a huge stockpile of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. I think most Israeli and western strategic planners know this fact too well.
The West simply wants to maintain Israel’s nuclear monopoly, which enables them to seriously blackmail and bully more than 500 million Muslims into submission.
One of the most scandalous manifestations of the present international order is the so-called “nuclear hypocrisy.” The United States, the only country to have committed a nuclear holocaust, is insisting that Iran has no right to possess a nuclear capability.
This nearly pornographic hypocrisy which the U.S. displays vis-à-vis the issue of nuclear proliferation is provocative and indefensible.
The US thinks it is fine to have Israel possess several hundred nuclear bombs and warheads, along with their American-supplied or Israeli-manufactured delivery systems. However, the same America vehemently rejects the very suggestion that Iran, or any other Middle Eastern country, should possess a nuclear capability.
The US, along with influential Zionist circles which control US politics to a large extent, routinely come up with a spate of largely spurious arguments about the inadmissibility of an Iranian nuclear capability.
They claim that Iranian leaders are too unreasonable, too unbalanced and might be too suicidal, as Bernard Lewis once claimed, to be allowed to possess a nuclear capability.
Another irrational claim is that once Iran possessed such a capability, it might attack the terrorist state of Israel, an entity armed to the teeth.
Well, these arguments are ridiculous as much as they are mendacious. First of all, the claim that the Iranian leadership is irrational, unbalanced and un-calculating is based more on racist western, especially American, stereotypes than on reasonable evidence. The Iranian leadership may occasionally seem too adventurous, but it is certainly not irrational.
Even with regard to its approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Iranian leadership consistently displayed a great deal of reasonableness and moderation.
The Iranian regime has repeatedly called for an equitable settlement for the Palestinian question based on the dismantlement of the infrastructure of racism and apartheid under Zionism. This is a fair and just demand by any standard of equity and justice.
Indeed, Iran has never ever called for the extermination of any group of people, including Jews. In the final analysis, justice for the Palestinians, which overrides Zionism and its vacuous whims, doesn’t mean and in no way implies “annihilation of Jews” as the barking dogs of Zionist hasbara keep claiming.
The truth of the matter is that the Zionists keep invoking these rhetoric hypes and morbid lies in order to gain more western support for their own efforts to destroy the Palestinian community through the ongoing slow-motion holocaust and ethnic cleansing meted out to the Palestinian people.
More to the point, it would be unthinkable to even imagine Iran using weapons of mass destruction against Israel which possesses a huge stockpile of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. I think most Israeli and western strategic planners know this fact too well.
But if so, what then keeps the US and Israel, and the rest of the chorus, blathering about “stopping and checking the Iranian threat?”
Well, the answer is very clear. The West simply wants to maintain Israel’s nuclear monopoly over the Muslim Middle East from Pakistan in the east to the Maghreb in the West. This Zionist supremacy, which is already in place, would effectively enable Israel to seriously blackmail and bully more than 500 million Muslims into submission.
It is pathetic, lamentable and scandalous to see a large and important country such as Egypt lack a nuclear capability that would deter Israel from carrying out some of its morbid follies such as bombing the Aswan Dam, a possibility invoked by the Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman.
After all, nations that respect themselves don’t rely on the goodwill of habitual aggressors such as Israel .
When and if the hour of truth arrives, God forbid, nothing will help the eighty million Egyptians. Only a total surrender to the whims of the Judeo-Nazi regime would save Egypt from a nuclear holocaust at the hands of the Hitlers and Eichmanns of our time. Their cries will not be heard by a whoring world enslaved by the me-first doctrine.
Perhaps the prospect of Israel using weapons of mass destruction against its Arab and Muslim neighbors seems fairly unlikely now. However, the present situation could very well change when the genocidal fanatics of Gush Emunim and religious Zionism reach power in Israel.
According to most experts, the seizure of power by these genocidal elements, mostly through ballots, is not a matter of “if” but rather a matter of “when” as the Israeli Jewish society continues to drift menacingly toward religious fascism.
In the past, the “Samson Option” e.g. Israel using nuclear weapons against a neighboring Arab country, would be resorted to only in case Israel was about to face a mortal an existential danger, e.g. annihilation at the hands of one or a group of Arab states.
However, this doesn’t mean at all that Israel wouldn’t use nuclear threats to blackmail and bully its neighbors into submission once a real crisis broke out over such problems as the shrinking water resources in the Middle East.
There is no doubt that the collective Arab failure to possess a genuine strategic deterrent vis-à-vis Israel might eventually be proven one of the most fateful blunders ever to be committed by the Arabs.
None the less, if the Arabs choose to succumb to their own impotence, there is no reason why the Iranians should follow suit. Iran, like Pakistan, has a right to possess a nuclear deterrence to protect its people from the prospect of annihilation by arrogant evil predators such as Israel. Yes, such a prospect may not be credible right now, but who would guarantee that Israel wouldn’t fall into the hands of a fully-fledged Nazi-like leadership ten or twenty years from now? In fact, one could argue with little exaggeration that Israel is already in the grip of a quasi-Nazi leadership. Remember, the holocaust didn’t start with Auschwitz , but much earlier with generally mundane German policies that appeared relatively innocuous and reversible.
These are not phobic calculations or far-fetched speculations. The genocidal Israeli onslaught against the Gaza Strip last year, a mini-genocide carried out in full view of a hypocritical and callous world, would very much look like a minor skirmish compared to what could happen if Israel’s genocidal urges are not kept under control.
For sure, nothing, absolutely nothing, could keep Israel at bay except a genuine deterrent, the kind of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) that kept the peace in Europe during the Cold War era.
We owe it to our children to have them protected from the specter of genocide at the hands Nazi-minded Zionists who would do the unthinkable in order to see their messianic whims fulfilled.
Trust is good, so are hope and good will, but these virtues alone wouldn’t be sufficient to shield our people from the prospect of annihilation at the hands of a diabolical force.
* Khalid Amayreh is a journalist living in Palestine.
This nearly pornographic hypocrisy which the U.S. displays vis-à-vis the issue of nuclear proliferation is provocative and indefensible.
The US thinks it is fine to have Israel possess several hundred nuclear bombs and warheads, along with their American-supplied or Israeli-manufactured delivery systems. However, the same America vehemently rejects the very suggestion that Iran, or any other Middle Eastern country, should possess a nuclear capability.
The US, along with influential Zionist circles which control US politics to a large extent, routinely come up with a spate of largely spurious arguments about the inadmissibility of an Iranian nuclear capability.
They claim that Iranian leaders are too unreasonable, too unbalanced and might be too suicidal, as Bernard Lewis once claimed, to be allowed to possess a nuclear capability.
Another irrational claim is that once Iran possessed such a capability, it might attack the terrorist state of Israel, an entity armed to the teeth.
Well, these arguments are ridiculous as much as they are mendacious. First of all, the claim that the Iranian leadership is irrational, unbalanced and un-calculating is based more on racist western, especially American, stereotypes than on reasonable evidence. The Iranian leadership may occasionally seem too adventurous, but it is certainly not irrational.
Even with regard to its approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Iranian leadership consistently displayed a great deal of reasonableness and moderation.
The Iranian regime has repeatedly called for an equitable settlement for the Palestinian question based on the dismantlement of the infrastructure of racism and apartheid under Zionism. This is a fair and just demand by any standard of equity and justice.
Indeed, Iran has never ever called for the extermination of any group of people, including Jews. In the final analysis, justice for the Palestinians, which overrides Zionism and its vacuous whims, doesn’t mean and in no way implies “annihilation of Jews” as the barking dogs of Zionist hasbara keep claiming.
The truth of the matter is that the Zionists keep invoking these rhetoric hypes and morbid lies in order to gain more western support for their own efforts to destroy the Palestinian community through the ongoing slow-motion holocaust and ethnic cleansing meted out to the Palestinian people.
More to the point, it would be unthinkable to even imagine Iran using weapons of mass destruction against Israel which possesses a huge stockpile of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. I think most Israeli and western strategic planners know this fact too well.
But if so, what then keeps the US and Israel, and the rest of the chorus, blathering about “stopping and checking the Iranian threat?”
Well, the answer is very clear. The West simply wants to maintain Israel’s nuclear monopoly over the Muslim Middle East from Pakistan in the east to the Maghreb in the West. This Zionist supremacy, which is already in place, would effectively enable Israel to seriously blackmail and bully more than 500 million Muslims into submission.
It is pathetic, lamentable and scandalous to see a large and important country such as Egypt lack a nuclear capability that would deter Israel from carrying out some of its morbid follies such as bombing the Aswan Dam, a possibility invoked by the Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman.
After all, nations that respect themselves don’t rely on the goodwill of habitual aggressors such as Israel .
When and if the hour of truth arrives, God forbid, nothing will help the eighty million Egyptians. Only a total surrender to the whims of the Judeo-Nazi regime would save Egypt from a nuclear holocaust at the hands of the Hitlers and Eichmanns of our time. Their cries will not be heard by a whoring world enslaved by the me-first doctrine.
Perhaps the prospect of Israel using weapons of mass destruction against its Arab and Muslim neighbors seems fairly unlikely now. However, the present situation could very well change when the genocidal fanatics of Gush Emunim and religious Zionism reach power in Israel.
According to most experts, the seizure of power by these genocidal elements, mostly through ballots, is not a matter of “if” but rather a matter of “when” as the Israeli Jewish society continues to drift menacingly toward religious fascism.
In the past, the “Samson Option” e.g. Israel using nuclear weapons against a neighboring Arab country, would be resorted to only in case Israel was about to face a mortal an existential danger, e.g. annihilation at the hands of one or a group of Arab states.
However, this doesn’t mean at all that Israel wouldn’t use nuclear threats to blackmail and bully its neighbors into submission once a real crisis broke out over such problems as the shrinking water resources in the Middle East.
There is no doubt that the collective Arab failure to possess a genuine strategic deterrent vis-à-vis Israel might eventually be proven one of the most fateful blunders ever to be committed by the Arabs.
None the less, if the Arabs choose to succumb to their own impotence, there is no reason why the Iranians should follow suit. Iran, like Pakistan, has a right to possess a nuclear deterrence to protect its people from the prospect of annihilation by arrogant evil predators such as Israel. Yes, such a prospect may not be credible right now, but who would guarantee that Israel wouldn’t fall into the hands of a fully-fledged Nazi-like leadership ten or twenty years from now? In fact, one could argue with little exaggeration that Israel is already in the grip of a quasi-Nazi leadership. Remember, the holocaust didn’t start with Auschwitz , but much earlier with generally mundane German policies that appeared relatively innocuous and reversible.
These are not phobic calculations or far-fetched speculations. The genocidal Israeli onslaught against the Gaza Strip last year, a mini-genocide carried out in full view of a hypocritical and callous world, would very much look like a minor skirmish compared to what could happen if Israel’s genocidal urges are not kept under control.
For sure, nothing, absolutely nothing, could keep Israel at bay except a genuine deterrent, the kind of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) that kept the peace in Europe during the Cold War era.
We owe it to our children to have them protected from the specter of genocide at the hands Nazi-minded Zionists who would do the unthinkable in order to see their messianic whims fulfilled.
Trust is good, so are hope and good will, but these virtues alone wouldn’t be sufficient to shield our people from the prospect of annihilation at the hands of a diabolical force.
* Khalid Amayreh is a journalist living in Palestine.
Khalid Amayreh
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'Non-aligned Movement' statement in support of Iran's nuclear program
01.04.2010 21:24
The following is the statement by the Non-aligned Movement (NAM) read out in a Wednesday meeting of the UN nuclear watchdog's board of governors in support of Iran's nuclear program.
1. The Vienna Chapter of the Non-aligned Movement wishes to thank the Director General, Mr. Yukiya Amano, for his report on the implementation of the NPT safeguards agreement in the Islamic Republic of Iran as contained in document GOV/2010/10.
2. Before expressing our comments on the Director General's report, NAM would like to reiterate its principled positions on the matter.
a. NAM reaffirms the basic and inalienable right of all states to the development, research, production and use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes, without any discrimination and in conformity with their respective legal obligations. Therefore, nothing should be interpreted in a way as inhibiting or restricting the right of states to develop atomic energy for peaceful purposes. States' choices and decisions, including those of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in the field of peaceful uses of nuclear technology and its fuel policies must be respected.
b. NAM recognizes the IAEA as the sole competent authority for verification of the respective safeguards obligations of Member States and stresses that there should be no undue pressure or interference in the Agency's activities, specially its verification process, which would jeopardize the efficiency and credibility of the Agency.
c. NAM emphasizes the fundamental distinction between the legal obligations of states in accordance with their respective safeguards agreements, as opposed to any confidence building measures undertaken voluntarily and that do not constitute a legal safeguards obligation.
d. NAM considers the establishment of a nuclear-weapons-free zone (NWFZ) in the Middle East as a positive step towards attaining the objective of global nuclear disarmament and reiterates its support for the establishment of such a zone in accordance with relevant General Assembly and Security Council resolutions.
e. NAM reaffirms the inviolability of peaceful nuclear activities and that any attack or threat of attack against peaceful nuclear activities, operational or under construction, poses a serious danger to human beings and the environment, and constitutes a grave violation of international law, of the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations, and of regulations of the IAEA. NAM recognizes the need for a comprehensive multilaterally negotiated instrument prohibiting attacks, or threat of attacks on nuclear facilities devoted to peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
f. NAM strongly believes that all safeguards and verification issues, including those related to Iran, should be resolved within the IAEA framework, and be based on technical and legal grounds. NAM further emphasizes that the Agency should continue its work to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue within its mandate under the Statute of the IAEA.
g. NAM stresses that diplomacy and dialogue through peaceful means as well as substantive negotiations without any preconditions amongst the concerned parties must remain the means whereby a comprehensive and lasting solution to the Iranian nuclear issue is found.
3. NAM takes note that the latest report of the Director General includes many references to events that transpired prior to the previous report contained in document GOV/2009/74 dated 16 November 2009, and contrary to the expectation of NAM, does not mention the responses provided by Iran to the Agency on several issues.
4. NAM also takes note that the Director General has stated once again that the Agency has been able to continue to verify the non-diversion of declared nuclear material in Iran.
5. NAM notes with concern, the possible implications of the departure from standard verification language in the summary of the report of the Director General, when stating that "Iran has not provided the necessary cooperation to permit the Agency to confirm that all nuclear material in Iran is in peaceful activities.", and would like to seek clarification from the Agency on this matter.
6. NAM welcomes the continued cooperation between the Agency and Iran as elaborated in the latest report of the Director General, and in this regard, notes the following:
a. That the activities of the production of nuclear material, particularly those related to enrichment, continue to remain under the Agency's containment and surveillance and that to date, the results of the environmental samples taken at Fuel Enrichment Plant (FEP) in Natanz and Pilot Fuel Enrichment Plant (PFEP) indicate that the plants have been operating as declared. Since the last report, the Agency has successfully conducted four unannounced inspections. A total of 35 unannounced inspections have been conducted as FEP since March 2007.
b. That the Agency has confirmed that the Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant (FFEP) corresponded with the design information provided by Iran, and that the facility was at an advanced stage of construction, although no centrifuges had been introduced to the facility. Since the last report, the Agency has conducted four design information verifications (DIV). A total of 5 DIVs have been conducted at FFEP since October 2009.
c. That the Agency has continued to monitor the use and construction of hot cells at the relevant nuclear facilities in Iran, and there have been no indications of ongoing reprocessing related activities at those facilities.
d. That the Agency has finalized its assessment of the results of the physical inventory verification (PIV) carried out at Fuel Manufacturing Plant (FMP) in August 2009, and has concluded that the inventory of nuclear material at FMP as declared by Iran is consistent with those results. Iran has provided the Agency with access to the IR-40 heavy water reactor at Arak, at which time the Agency was able to carry out a DIV. the Agency verified that the construction of the facility was ongoing.
7. NAM notes that the report of the Director General stated that "the period of notice provided by Iran regarding related changes made to PFEP was insufficient for the Agency to adjust the existing safeguards procedures before Iran started to feed the material into PFEP. In this regard, NAM encourages Iran to provide design information regarding its nuclear facilities in accordance with its full-scope safeguards agreement with the Agency.
8. NAM fully supports the previous requests of the Director General to those Member States that have provided the Secretariat information related to the "alleged studies" to agree that the Agency provides all related documents to Iran. NAM expresses once again its concerns on the creation of obstacles in this regard, which hinder the Agency's verification process. In this regard, NAM recalls that the Director General previously reported that:
a. The Agency has limited means to authenticate independently the documentation that forms the basis of the alleged studies.
b. The constraints placed by some Member States on the availability of information to Iran are making it more difficult for the Agency to conduct detailed discussions with Iran on this matter.
9. Taking into account the recent developments mentioned above as well as previous Director General's reports on the implementation of the Work Plan on "Understanding of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Agency on the Modalities of resolution of the Outstanding Issues" (INFCIRC/711), NAM still looks forward to the safeguards implementation in Iran being conducted in a routine manner.
10. NAM reiterates its principled position that diplomacy and dialogue are the only way for a long term solution of Iran's nuclear issue. NAM encourages all Member States to contribute positively to that effect.
11. NAM encourages Iran to intensify its cooperation with the Agency to provide credible assurances regarding the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran within the Agency's mandate.
The Non-aligned Movement (NAM)
NATO chief:Our deterrence must be based on conventional and nuclear capabilities
01.04.2010 21:37
NATO chief: Our deterrence must continue to be based on a mix of conventional and nuclear capabilities
[propaganda alert]
1) NATO chief Rasmussen: Our deterrence must continue to be based on a mix of conventional and nuclear capabilities (12 March 2010)
2) NATO forces interested in Iron Dome (10 March 2010)
from the archives:
3) Israeli President Peres: The best way to deter Iran from continuing its nuclear program is to threaten it with a nuclear response (April 2009)
excerpts from: Speech by NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen
NATO website, 12 March 2010
“We need to decide what kind of capabilities will ensure that no one ever thinks that an attack against a NATO member country can be successful. For our [collective] deterrence to remain credible, I firmly believe it must continue to be based on a mix of conventional and nuclear capabilities. And our new Strategic Concept should affirm that. [...]
In the coming years, we will probably face many more countries – and possibly even some non-state actors — armed with long-range missiles and nuclear capabilities. Therefore, I believe that NATO’s deterrent posture should include missile defence.
Deterrence works against rational actors, but not all actors that we will have to deal with in the future will be rational. That’s why [conventional and nuclear] deterrence and [missile] defence need to go together. [...]
As we prepare for [...] [the] future, we need to reconcile collective defence with our new expeditionary missions”
[NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, speech at the “NATO's New Strategic Concept - Global, Transatlantic and Regional Challenges and The Role of Central Europe” conference, Warsaw, 12 March 2010]
excerpts from: NATO forces interested in Iron Dome
by Yaakov Katz, Jerusalem Post, 10 March 2010
The [Israeli] Defense Ministry is in talks with a number of European countries about the possible sale of the Iron Dome short-range missile defense system which the IDF [Israeli Defense Forces] plans to deploy in the coming months along the border with the Gaza Strip […] [and] along the northern border with Lebanon. […]
The Iron Dome is supposed to be capable of intercepting all of the short-range rockets fired by Hamas in the Gaza Strip and Hizbullah in Southern Lebanon. [...]
Following the round of tests two months ago, a number of European countries that are currently fighting in Afghanistan, sent delegations to Israel to meet with Iron Dome manufacturer Rafael Advanced Defense Systems.
“Anyone fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq today is interested in this system,” one official involved in the Iron Dome project said Tuesday.
from the archives:
excerpt from: Israel’s Peres sees containment for a nuclear Iran
by Dan Williams, Reuters, 29 April 2009
“Simply [pre-emptively] attacking the nuclear facilities [in Iran] is not the be-all and end-all. There are other options for the West, or the coalition that arises. The first thing is to tell the Iranians … ‘If you use a nuclear weapon — no matter against whom — you’ll get a nuclear response.’ ”
[Israeli President Shimon Peres, interview with Israel’s Channel Ten television, 29 February 2009]
relevant articles:
NATO Chief: Weapons of Mass Destruction threat is real and growing
by Cem Ertur, Dandelion Salad, 27 March 2010
Rasmussen In Poland: Expeditionary NATO, Missile Shield And Nuclear Weapons
by Rick Rozoff, Dandelion Salad, 14 March 2010
NATO’s role in the military encirclement of Iran
by Rick Rozoff, Dandelion Salad, 10 February 2010
Israel: Global NATO’s 29th member
by Rick Rozoff, Dandelion Salad, 17 January 2010
NATO’s secret transatlantic bond: Nuclear weapons in Europe
by Rick Rozoff, Dandelion Salad, 3 December 2009
Israel: Forging NATO missile shield, rehearsing war with Iran
by Rick Rozoff, Dandelion Salad, 5 November 2009
The US-NATO preemptive nuclear doctrine: Trigger a Middle East nuclear holocaust to defend “the western way of life”
by Michel Chossudovsky, Dandelion Salad, 11 February 2008
dandelion salad
CSIS report designates Turkey as the optimum route for a possible Israeli attack
01.04.2010 21:54
Once again, a CSIS report designates Turkey as the optimum route for a possible Israeli attack on Iran
[propaganda alert]
Three weeks before the US President Barack Obama’s visit to Ankara in April 2009, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) published a report which claimed that Turkey would be the optimum route for a possible Israeli attack on Iran.
A new CSIS report released in March 2010 makes exactly the same point.
1) Once again, a CSIS report designates Turkey as the optimum route for a possible Israeli attack on Iran (23 March 2010)
2) Israeli army chief Gabi Ashkenazi visits Turkey to hold talks on Iran’s nuclear program (15 March 2010)
from the archives:
3) Pentagon offers Patriot anti-ballistic missiles to Turkey (September 2009)
excerpts from: Options in Dealing with Iran’s Nuclear Program
by Anthony H. Cordesman and Abdullah Toukan, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), 23 March 2010
“We conclude that a military strike by Israel against Iranian Nuclear Facilities is possible and the optimum route would be along the Syrian-Turkish border then over a small portion of Iraq then into Iran, and back the same route. […]
The flight route [along Turkey’s border with Syria] would also be ideal for the F-15’s and the F-16’s to do aerial refueling from airborne tankers, on ingress and egress [i.e. entry and exit] from Iran. […] Refueling can [also] be done [on a] temporary landing strip, along the Syrian, Turkish and Northern Iraq region […]
Israel could again utilize its EW [Electronic Warfare] capabilities [to disable the air defense systems of Iran and Syria] as during the [bombing] raid [through Turkey’s airspace] on Dayr az-Zawr, Syria, on September, 2007. […]
If the Israeli aircraft do actually fly over Turkey that would constitute a clear Turkish – Israel and even U.S. conspiracy to attack Iran, so the Political risks could be high with Turkey. Operationally, […] the risk from Turkey could be of medium level if Turkey deems it necessary to react militarily.”
excerpts from: Ashkenazi holds security talks in Turkey
by Yaakov Katz, Jerusalem Post, 15 March 2010
[Israeli Army Chief] Gabi Ashkenazi flew to Ankara on Monday to hold talks with his Turkish counterpart Gen. Ilker Basbug. […]
Ashkenazi discussed regional security issues with a focus on Iran’s nuclear program as well as the rearmament of Hizbullah in southern Lebanon. […]
“This visit is on the military-strategic level, not a diplomatic level. The Turks are not hiding it and neither are we,” [said Israel Defense Forces spokesman Avi Benayahu].
from the archives:
excerpt from: Turkey – PATRIOT Advanced Capability-3 Guided Missiles
US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), 9 September 2009
“Today the [US] Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) notified Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Turkey of 13 PATRIOT Fire Units, 72 PATRIOT Advanced Capability (PAC-3) missiles, four PAC-3 Lot Validation Missiles, 197 MIM-104E PATRIOT Guidance Enhanced Missiles-T (GEM-T), four MIM-104E GEM-T Lot Validation Missiles, five PATRIOT Digital Missiles, five Anti-Tactical Missiles and other related support and equipment. The estimated cost is $7.8 billion.”
related links:
President Gul: Iran’s ultimate aspiration is to acquire nuclear weapons (29 March 2010)
NATO chief: Iran’s Shahab-3 missiles will put Turkey, Greece, Romania and Bulgaria within reach (27 March 2010)
US official: Turkey has international responsibilities that extend beyond its immediate neighbourhood (18 March 2010)
Israeli army chief visits Turkey to hold talks on Iran’s nuclear program (16 March 2010)
Israeli minister warns Turkey: Iran’s nuclear programme would pose a danger for the whole world (November 2009)
Pentagon offers Patriot missiles to Turkey (September 2009)
US Ambassador to Turkey: Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons is a great danger to Turkey (June 2009)
Obama: No one in the Middle East is served by Iran’s nuclear weapons ambitions, least of all Turkey (April 2009)
dandelion salad
Homepage: http://
Iran has a right to possess nuclear weapons
01.04.2010 22:17
dr strangelove
never thought i'd see the day on indymedia
01.04.2010 22:25
very, very, very strange
ever thought of condemning the use and proliferation of nukes?
why not call for countries that have them to get rid of their, instead of countries that don't have them to get some?
The ongoing denial by the ‘antiwar community’
01.04.2010 23:01
It’s truly shocking to see that even supposed friends to Iran, such as Turkey and Russia, are busy stabbing Iran in the back. To help Israel prepare for an attack on Iran and Syria by allowing them to perform military exercises on the borders of Iran is a very, very hostile act.
What is equally shocking is to see that the ‘antiwar community’, assuming that there still can be said to be such a thing, continues to largely reject the notion that we are on the verge of yet another major war based on lies. This is an indication of the utter, crushing defeat that the Left has suffered in America. WE HAVE BEEN UTTERLY DEFEATED AND WE CONTINUE TO REFUSE TO RECOGNIZE THIS, and as a result we carry on as before, as if there weren’t a gigantic, flaming problem. And what makes this all the more sad is that the potential power of the Left is greater than it has ever been. Vast majorities in society are fully aware that the system stinks. They are looking for answers. They are DESPERATE for answers.
There has never been a time when the Left was more needed, but coopted ‘leaders’, from Markos to Obama (in many cases the Left has accepted as leaders people who NEVER were progressives) has stifled the Left. It seems to be a version of the Stockholm Syndrome. Beaten down for decades now, many FauxGressives have chosen to side with their tormenters. How else does one explain the fanatical lefty and progressive devotion to deep-dyed DLC types like Obama? This man has spit in the face of everything we believe in. He has dared to evoke the name of MLK while making a pro-war speech at Nobel, and still many on the left cling to him with a kind of desperation. And EVEN NOW, those who are aware enough to oppose Obama are smeared as “racist” by their ‘friends’ on the Left. Do you for one moment think that Martin Luther King would not fervently oppose Obama were he with us today? Can you possibly be so delusional that you think King would support this man?
How sad it is that a group has finally made a desperate public plea to the antiwar movement to please, please, finally come to your senses and realize that we MUST oppose the coming war against Iran …
… much thanks to Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran (CASMII) for taking this step, which shouldn’t have been necessary, but which nonetheless was necessary.
02.04.2010 01:56
Dont' worry - nukes are such awful weapons that even just one of them would deter an attack. And your lynch-happy mates are already the second most powerful country in the ME and able to deter attack quite effectively, what with their ability to disrupt the worlds oil supplies if anyone messes with them.