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Private Prisons a good idea for Ireland - Espcially with the Economic Downfall?

Garry Grace | 28.03.2010 22:47 | Analysis | World

In recent years the British government has given reputable private security firms (like G4S Justice Services/Reliance Custodial Services etc) the responsibility of prison transport/court custody/youth detention/police station custody/immigration detention & even the responsibility of policing the general prison population in so-called private prisons across the nation.

This allow officers of the Irish prison service to concentrate primarily on monitoring & policing the general prison population.

It would also prove more cost effective.

Why not pay a newly trained privately contracted prison officer 14.00 euros an hour with a salary cut off point of about 17.00 Eur per hour (unless he/she is given a new position with more duties - team leader/Shift Manager etc)

This would clearly result in a huge saving for the Irish Prison Service & the savings that they would get from what they would usually spend on staff wages could be spent on prisoner rehabilitation, updating facilities & an end to the inhumane practice of "Slopping it out"

Having fully vetted, well trained, licensed, experienced & responsible Police/Garda custody assistants working alongside members of the Gardai in Garda stations or perhaps even central custody suites - particularly in the main cities- would free up the time Gardai (Irish National police) spend dealing with rowdy drunks, processing "clients" & babysitting individuals held in Garda custody.

Obviously a member of the Gardai would remain in the custody area to ensure that prisoner mistreatment/excessive force etc does not occur.

This means that a Garda who arrrests somebody doesn't have to spend hours in the Garda Station processing the individual as a privately hired custody assistant can do this.

The result = More Gardai on the streets & arresting criminals

= A Safer Ireland.

Garry Grace
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makes sense

28.03.2010 23:11

There always seems a lack of policeman on the street when you need one. I'm not talking about standing around at demonstrations, i mean on the beat detering yobs and ruffians from opportunist crime on the weak and defenceless

Sounds a great idea

justice for the common man

no real industry, so why not?

29.03.2010 01:11

little britain is short of real industry, so why not "bang up" as many of the population as posible? Stop them claiming unemployment benefit, and create jobs in the new industry. Could even put prisoners to work doing menial tasks for Wilkinson Hardware. Better not protest or we might find ourselves serving time, not at her majesties plesure but at the plesure of the supermarkets and privet corporations. We could even use it to get around that damed annoying minimum wage and pay workers as little as people in the rest of the world.

Policy Police

This is a wind up!

29.03.2010 07:25

I thought the irish had a better sense of humour than this....

Please Remove this shite

lol, classic troll! nice one

29.03.2010 17:12

excellent troll, very well done, sir!


Private Prisons - Garda Custody Suites - Custody Assistants @ Garda Station

30.03.2010 18:46

It makes sense people don't you all think so? Less spending on staff wages, overtime, cut the perks - More well paid jobs = More employee & employer PRSI contributions. More PAYE for the Government. Less individuals on Social Welfare Benefits. More Jobs for the community! Happily Newly employed people spending more money particularly in the retail sector = An increase in V.A.T for the Government & of course more and more retail employees/Managers/Security personnel being hired. This "New Industry" could easily create between 2500-3000 DIRECT jobs (Possibly ALOT more..)

& don't forget the hundreds upon hundreds of indirect jobs that could be created as a result of this radical change.

Garry Grace (The Author)
mail e-mail:

Mr. B

09.01.2013 18:16

Not a good idea prevention is the best cure, read the above article for a fuller picture.