Big Pharma spies on World Health Organisation
Spycatcher | 26.03.2010 08:43 | Animal Liberation | Health
Big Pharma received documnets obtained from a "confidential source" well before member governments of the WHO did. According to wikileaks
According to wikileaks:
"Released December 9, 2009
This is a confidential pharmaceutical industry trade association dossier about the WHO Expert Working Group (EWG) on R&D Financing.
The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA; "Big Pharma") gave its members 4 documents: a non-public draft report of the WHO EWG and a non-public Comparative Analysis done by the working group, the IFPMA Overview of the EWG Comparative Analysis, and IFPMA summary slide on the EWG Draft Report.
The compilation of documents shows the influence of "Big Pharma" on the policy making decisions of the WHO, the UN body safeguarding public health. These confidential documents were obtained by the drug industry before their public release to WHO member states (scheduled to be released May 2010). The document also illustrates that the WHO expert group was highly responsive to industry lobbying — a result that public health groups had feared since early 2009, when the expert group met with the industry, but refused to meet with public health groups known to be industry critics.
The likely audience for these documents include countries, public health policy makers, civil society, industry, academia, media, patients and the general public.
Journalists can contact Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO: and Malebona Precious Matsoso, WHO Director, Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property:
According to our source, the English version of the final report of the EWG with its recommendations is expected to be released to member state countries this week."
The files and internal mail can be seen here:,_8_Dec_2009/
"Released December 9, 2009
This is a confidential pharmaceutical industry trade association dossier about the WHO Expert Working Group (EWG) on R&D Financing.
The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA; "Big Pharma") gave its members 4 documents: a non-public draft report of the WHO EWG and a non-public Comparative Analysis done by the working group, the IFPMA Overview of the EWG Comparative Analysis, and IFPMA summary slide on the EWG Draft Report.
The compilation of documents shows the influence of "Big Pharma" on the policy making decisions of the WHO, the UN body safeguarding public health. These confidential documents were obtained by the drug industry before their public release to WHO member states (scheduled to be released May 2010). The document also illustrates that the WHO expert group was highly responsive to industry lobbying — a result that public health groups had feared since early 2009, when the expert group met with the industry, but refused to meet with public health groups known to be industry critics.
The likely audience for these documents include countries, public health policy makers, civil society, industry, academia, media, patients and the general public.
Journalists can contact Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO:

According to our source, the English version of the final report of the EWG with its recommendations is expected to be released to member state countries this week."
The files and internal mail can be seen here:

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