BA Cabin Crew at Heathrow
Peter Marshall | 22.03.2010 09:51
No BA staff would show this t-shirt because of fear of victimisation
Unite banners at the cabin crew meeting
Unite members give support to BASSA
Although many BA employees were at the rally, the BA management had threatened anyone who spoke at it or appeared in TV interviews with dismissal. So although a number of trade unionists spoke, including of course McCluskey, the voice of the actual workers could not be officially heard, although the thunderous applause they gave the speakers who criticised Willy Walsh and some chanting made their opinions crystal clear.
Local MP John McDonnell spoke giving his full support for the cabin crew in this dispute.
Pickets were in place from the early hours at entrances around Heathrow, and although there were no reports of any trouble on the picket lines, one photographer was reported arrested and others attempting to cover the event ordered off the airport. Many BA planes were visible on the ground.
Further pictures are on Demotix:
and I will post a larger selection later on My London Diary
Peter Marshall
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The average IM reader...
22.03.2010 13:05
"Strikes good!"
"No, wait - airlines bad!"
Worth noting
22.03.2010 16:01
I was there with Workers' Climate Action supporting the workers on the picket lines. In honesty, they weren't keen to be seen as militant, but were receptive to us when we talked about how we, as climate change activists can support them. We share a common enemy: capitalism. That page has our report, and the leaflet we handed out. Hopefully it should answer the dilemna the first commenter mentioned. I agree, much of the contemporary so-called anti-capitalist movement has a lack of understanding of class, and would probably say - oh no, work for an airline = bad! Which just goes to show how anti-capitalist they are... It's called capitalism - wage slavery and exploitation, and we oppose it - not the workers!