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Nottingham AF present: Freedom to Organise! Thursday 25th March

DeadRussian | 21.03.2010 16:52 | Repression | Workers' Movements

Nottingham AF present the Nottingham leg of a national speaking tour by the current secretary of the IWA to highlight on going repression of independent worker's associations in Germany and Serbia.

Nottingham AF present: Freedom to Organise! @ the Sparrow’s Nest, Thursday 25th March at 7:30

This is the Nottingham leg of the national speaking tour on the recent state repression of independent workers' organisations in Europe.

In Serbia, 6 members and associates of ‘Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative’ (ASI), the Serbian section of the International Workers’ Association (IWA) have been framed for ‘International Terrorism’ after a different group threw a petrol bomb at the Greek embassy in Belgrade, causing minor damage totalling just £18 (yes, eighteen!). They have already spent over three months in prison awaiting trial. More information:

Meanwhile in Germany, the Berlin IWA section FAU-B (the Free Workers Union) has been effectively banned by bosses at the Babylon Cinema through the courts. Workers at the cinema joined the FAU as a radical alternative to the existing union. The German court has now banned FAU from organising and some of its members face possible prison sentences. More information.

Main speaker: Secretary of the International Workers’ Association (IWA)

The event will be held at the Sparrow’s Nest, St Anns, at 7:30 on the 25th March. Follow the link below for details of how to find us.


5th March - Bradford (West Yorks SF)
7th March - Leeds (West Yorks SF)
9th March - Belfast (Organise!)
15th March - London, afternoon at Goldsmiths College + evening at SOAS
16th March - Brighton, Cowley Club (back room), 7:30pm (Brighton SF)
18th March - Liverpool (Liverpool SF)
23rd March - Manchester (Manchester AF)
25th March – Nottingham (Nottingham AF)

