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Yarl's Wood Migrant Solidarity Noise Demo

Yarl's Wood Migrant Solidarity | 20.03.2010 19:05 | Gender | Migration | Cambridge

On Sunday March 14th around 40 people gathered at Yarl's Wood immigration detention centre to show solidarity with the hunger strikers. Drummers and trumpeters turned out in force to let the women inside know of the wide support for their struggle. The demonstrators also made clear their view that detention of migrants is wrong, and the imprisonment of women and children in particular highlights the perversity of border enforcement.

Police blocked the entrance to the site, making it difficult for the noise to be heard. However, resourceful protesters contacted one of the hunger strikers by phone who was able to pass on the message. She also talked of her and other inmates distress at being imprisoned indefinitely and the disdainful treatment they are being subjected to by Serco and UKBA. She strongly refuted claims that hunger strikers were smuggling in food, and said that the medical effects they are suffering were being ignored.

The hunger strike, which began on 5th February with 84 women involved, escalated three days later when Serco attempted to break the strike by force. Several women were assaulted, and four 'ring leaders' were transferred to Holloway prison without charge.

The women have since released a statement of their intention to suspend the hunger strike from 19th March until 9th April, subject to a full investigation into the violence on 8th February, an end to the detention of mothers and their children, and a list of other demands that basically equate to humane treatment. On March 18th a judge ordered an urgent High Court hearing into the conditions at Yarl's Wood. The women have stated that they will resume the hunger strike if there is not enough progress on these issues.

Yarl's Wood Migrant Solidarity
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