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Report on protest against BNP Sutton meeting

Eaga | 16.03.2010 23:23 | Anti-racism

The BNP held a fundraising dinner in the East Midlands on Sunday (March 14). There was a hastily arranged protest against it.

On Sunday evening Nick Griffin attended a large BNP fundraising meeting at the Nags Head, Sutton in Ashfield, Notts. Anti-fascists didn't have long to respond after a tip-off but managed to get 30 or so there to protest at short notice (including a large contingent from a nearby animal rights protest). The BNP pub (which is right in the centre of the town, near the square) was protected by a large police contingent with dogs and horses, and protestors heckled Nick Griffin and barracked the meeting. With more time to mobilise we would have tried to close the meeting down hopefully.



Photo's of the bnp meeting

18.03.2010 01:13

Here are the photo's of the bnp meeting on Sunday night, I manage to resize them using GNU.





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Photo's were uploaded

16.03.2010 23:40

I upload photos of the demo outside the Pub where the bnp where meeting.
Why has not Indymedia not put them up?


Photos - try again

16.03.2010 23:50

please make sure you resize them to display properly!!!

silent Bob

to late

17.03.2010 08:48

Why do I never hear about bnp is Sutton till it is to late? I am soooooo close, and I should be there.

a radical fool

Boycott BNP boozer

17.03.2010 11:53

Boycott the pub, its the Nags Head, Low Street, Sutton in Ashfield, NG17 1DH. Telephone 01623 554605.



17.03.2010 14:09

Use the number the address the pub deserve hell for giving voice to scum. extra ventialtion need to be put in there. fucking scum

steve WCAN- working class against nazis


17.03.2010 17:55

@ existent_x

We haven't done anything to your photos. Looks like the upload didn't work for some reason. Please try again.

As bob suggests, please make sure they're resized (to less than 600 pixels across) before uploading. Thanks.
