EU and US Are Involved in the Torture of Palestinians
Raul D. Manzanas | 16.03.2010 12:55 | World
The European Union, US war criminal General Keith Dayton, the Egyptian and the Jordanian regimes, are all jointly responsible for the torture of Palestinian prisoners at the PA jails. Dayton is the de-facto head of the corrupt PA repression system; his forces taught the PA thugs numerous kinds of torture and how to violate the rights of political detainees.
US agents are complicit together with Palestinian officers at the PA jails in these criminal activities; also, the EU has trained the corrupt police forces of the PA on how to arrest and torture political opponents. Britain, the US and the EU have invested hundreds of millions of pounds, dollars and Euros, respectively, to support the corrupt regime of the PA in the occupied West Bank. These funds were used to rebuild the corrupt PA repression system, not to help the people in any way or fashion. Recently, over 1200 political prisoners were jailed by the PA. Among them are teachers, engineers, students and … union leaders, etc. The PA also recently kicked out over 2000 teachers from the ministry of education in the West Bank from their jobs; many of them have been jailed, interrogated and tortured by the Dayton thugs at the PA jails. .... MORE: ...... The organization called on the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Luis Ocampo, to move immediately and prosecute for the aggravated suffering of the Palestinians under occupation, whether or not in detention, for torture and humiliation. Also, that these crimes be declared as crimes against humanity and violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention and within the jurisdiction of the Court.
The European Union demanded an end of support for the security services until it is resolved and consolidation of a police based on the Palestinian citizens’ rights and which do not serve other agendas is brought about.
The organization also called upon the Presidency to set up a committee of legal experts and specialists in the field of Human Rights to investigate human rights violations in the territory of the Palestinian Authority and to work hard to stop Torture and Unlawful Arrests. In addition, the organization called upon the European Police Mission to withdraw from the territory of the Palestinian Authority.
The organization called on U.S. President Barack Obama to withdraw Gen. Keith Dayton, and end the mission of American Intelligence in the territory of the Palestinian Authority, and to bring the perpetrators of human rights violations to justice.
Picture: ..... Kawther Salam - Daily Life ... US agents are complicit together with Palestinian officers at the PA jails in these criminal activities; also, the EU has trained the corrupt police forces of the PA on how to arrest and torture political opponents. .... and
P.S.: Notice - General Keith Dayton and the rest are clearly war criminals under International Law. Following the principle that the Commander in Chief is responsible for what his troops do, and seeing that President Obama is the Commander in Chief of Dayton, then the International Court of Justice should indict Barak Hussein Obama as a war criminal and bring him into the docket and try him for war crimes.

The European Union demanded an end of support for the security services until it is resolved and consolidation of a police based on the Palestinian citizens’ rights and which do not serve other agendas is brought about.
The organization also called upon the Presidency to set up a committee of legal experts and specialists in the field of Human Rights to investigate human rights violations in the territory of the Palestinian Authority and to work hard to stop Torture and Unlawful Arrests. In addition, the organization called upon the European Police Mission to withdraw from the territory of the Palestinian Authority.
The organization called on U.S. President Barack Obama to withdraw Gen. Keith Dayton, and end the mission of American Intelligence in the territory of the Palestinian Authority, and to bring the perpetrators of human rights violations to justice.

Picture: ..... Kawther Salam - Daily Life ... US agents are complicit together with Palestinian officers at the PA jails in these criminal activities; also, the EU has trained the corrupt police forces of the PA on how to arrest and torture political opponents. ....

P.S.: Notice - General Keith Dayton and the rest are clearly war criminals under International Law. Following the principle that the Commander in Chief is responsible for what his troops do, and seeing that President Obama is the Commander in Chief of Dayton, then the International Court of Justice should indict Barak Hussein Obama as a war criminal and bring him into the docket and try him for war crimes.

Raul D. Manzanas
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