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Free Vegan food Giveaway at the AR Spring gathering

eva g | 16.03.2010 09:31 | Animal Liberation

On 13th March campaigners set up a free vegan food stall outside McDonald's - getting a great response from the public and handing out plenty of 'McLibel' leaflets and information about the relation of diet to a range of other important issues.

As part of the Animal Rights Spring Gathering on 13th March, activists engaged in various actions across Nottingham city centre. One of these was a free food give-away outside McDonalds, where people gave out free vegan food and recipes. In addition, the stall contained literature about the environmental benefits of adopting a vegan diet, as well as the benefits to the animals.

Of course, plenty of McLibel leaflets were also handed out to show that – despite superficially (and characteristically cynically) trying to re-brand themselves as an 'ethical', 'green' company – the same problems remain in relation to workers' rights, litter, unhealthy food, exploitative marketing aimed at children, animal welfare, and the general steamrollering of anyone who tries to get in their way!

A small camping stove was set up to cook hot veggie sausages for people, and vegan pizza and cupcakes were also provided. The food got lots of compliments and even managed to get an endorsement from a community police officer!!

The most positive part of the day was the amount of people who approached us and wanted to have long and serious discussions about the reasons behind the protest. It was particularly refreshing to have groups of teenagers approach us and want to talk at length about the importance of considering how what you eat relates to so many other issues. As one group were leaving they said (without even a hint of sarcasm) 'Thank you, we've really learned a lot today'.

Overall, it was a really positive experience for all involved, from local activists to those who'd travelled from further afield for the gathering.

It follows a successful give-away from last month at the same place, where we got support and food from local veggie cafe Dotty's, and the campaign is aiming to happen monthly from now on – with other local businesses already offering to donate food for future events.

eva g


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  1. Thoughts... — (A) person
  2. More thoughts — Thinker
  3. (A)Person, you'd be surprised... — Ronny
  4. Vegan Free Food Give-Away — Pat