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West Bank administration bans ceremony for the Palestinian resistance fighter

Chiara | 12.03.2010 15:53 | Palestine | Repression | Social Struggles | World

The “Palestinian Authority”, which is the puppet administration in the West Bank, is now allowing Israel to dictate which Palestinians may or may not be honoured by the Palestinian people. Permissible: celebration of collaborator Mohammad Dahlan’s birthday. Not permissible: any Palestinian with dignity.

Dalal al-Mughrabi
Dalal al-Mughrabi

(current Defense Minister) Ehud Barak, after killing Dalal al-Mughrabi in 1978
(current Defense Minister) Ehud Barak, after killing Dalal al-Mughrabi in 1978

The “Palestinian Authority”, which is the puppet administration in the West Bank, is now allowing Israel to dictate which Palestinians may or may not be honoured by the Palestinian people. Permissible: celebration of collaborator Mohammad Dahlan’s birthday. Not permissible: any Palestinian with dignity.

The Palestinian Authority ordered the cancellation of a ceremony to commemorate the anniversary of Dalal al-Mughrabi’s death.

The cancellation of the ceremony planned for Thursday coincided with a visit to the West Bank by the U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, who recently declared that he considers himself a Zionist.

Dalal al-Mughrabi was a symbol of the Palestinian resistance. She led one of the most talked about attacks against Israeli forces 32 years ago. On March 11, 1978, Dalal led 11 other resistance fighters by boat from south Lebanon into northern Israel where they captured a bus and tried to drive it to Tel Aviv and ram it into the Israeli parliament.

Trapped by an Israeli army unit led by the young Ehud Barak, Dalal declared an independent Palestinian state and fought for some dozen hours before destroying the bus and many of those inside. Dalal’s attack killed some 70 Israelis.

Ehud Barak, who is the current Defence Minister of Israel, was seen on TV shooting bullets at her dead body, dragging her on the ground, unclothing her and fondling her breasts. He stuck the bayonet of his rifle into her body, as well as performing other atrocities on intimate parts of her body

Dalal has been reported on in the U.S. press before and they usually mention - and in cheering and hero-lionizing prose - that Ehud Barak killed her, but never mentioned the disgraceful and crude manner he treated her afterwards.

If an Arab and/or Muslim had treated a Jewish woman like that, even a ‘terrorist’, they’d never fail to mention that fact and would usually follow it with some bullshit ‘analysis’ about how this reflects misogynistic treatment of women in Arab-Islamic culture, how Arab men are sexists and how he was trying to dishonour her in a culture obsessed with ‘sexual honour’.

Dalal al-Mughrabi, the 20-year old woman, who had never seen her homeland until the moment of her death, was born in the refugee camp of Sabra in Lebanon in 1958.

Three decades after her death, Dalal is still seen by Palestinians and Arabs as a hero and an outstanding resistance fighter. According to her mother, who was speaking to an Arabic TV channel:

“Dalal will never be forgotten as she will remain an admirable symbol of the Palestinian women's struggle and an example to be emulated by young Palestinian men and women who will pursue the armed struggle until the liberation of Palestine.”



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Barak: The Israeli Army is among the most moral militaries in the world

12.03.2010 16:07

excerpts from: IDF probe: White phosphorus use legal

by Yaakov Katz, Jerusalem Post, 22 April 2009

Following the 22-day offensive in January, [Israel’s] Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi appointed five colonels to lead investigations into a number of allegations made against the IDF [Israeli Defence Forces]. […]

Regarding the IDF’s use of white phosphorus during the operation, which drew international condemnation and accusations that Israel was committing war crimes, a probe discovered that in all cases it was used in accordance with international law. […]

The IDF said it would reconsider the use of white phosphorus in a future conflict with Hamas in Gaza.

Following the released of the findings, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said that the “investigations proved again that the IDF is among the most moral militaries in the world.


dandelion salad
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12.03.2010 17:59

"On March 11, 1978, Dalal led 11 other resistance fighters by boat from south Lebanon into northern Israel where they captured a bus and tried to drive it to Tel Aviv and ram it into the Israeli parliament." - not so clever considering the Parliament is in Jerusalem

"Dalal’s attack killed some 70 Israelis. " - and that's a good thing?


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This post glorifies terrorism

12.03.2010 18:09

Welcome indeed to Nazymedia.

Remove this shit

Corrections? (body count wrong, wounded ins tead of killed))

12.03.2010 18:17

On the morning of March 11, 1978, Mughrabi and her Palestinian unit of eleven members, including one other woman, landed on an Israeli beach, killed an American photographer named Gail Rubin and hijacked a taxi, killing its occupants. They proceeded along the coastal highway shooting at traffic along the way. They next hijacked a bus and later a second bus, from which the passengers were transferred to the first one. The bus was finally stopped at a police roadblock. A shooting battle ensued. Eventually, Mughrabi blew up the bus which became a large deathtrap of fire. Many of the passengers were killed. In total, Mughrabi and her team killed 37 people, including at least 10 children. Some 71 people were wounded. Mughrabi and several other attackers died.

Yes there were stories about her dead body being shot/mutilated as described in the post. But considering that the bus was blown up and burned that story doesn't seem all that plausible. Not because I'm claiming Barak wouldn't have done this but because difficult for him to have done so. How would he know which body was which? I wouldn't think it would have been possible to identify the bodies all that quickly at the scene. I think that story arose later in Lebanon and the journalists Butters and Fisk published without sources/evidence.

In any case, is it THIS sort of attack we want to glorify? Makes it kind of hard when we want to call Israelis not worrying about civilians in the line of fire "war crimes". Here not "collateral" damage to civilians but no attempt at any military target. Brave yes, Self sacrificing yes. But "war"?


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12.03.2010 20:25

to Nazymedia

Remove this shit

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She killed Israeli civilians

12.03.2010 22:24

She killed Israeli civilians -- IMCistas celebrate!

it's Indymedia in a nutshell

Flashback: Fatah warns of intifada against Mahmoud Abbas

13.03.2010 01:32

1) Fatah warns of intifada against Mahmoud Abbas (28 December 2009)
2) Abbas: As long as I’m in office, I will not allow a new Intifada (22 December 2009)


excerpts from: Fatah warns of intifada against PA

by Khaled Abu Thoameh, Jerusalem Post, 28 December 2009

The killing of the three Fatah operatives in Nablus by the IDF [Israeli Defense Forces] over the weekend could trigger a third intifada, Fatah officials warned on Sunday. But the new intifada, they said, would be different from the first two – this time it would be directed against the Palestinian Authority [i.e. Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah administration in the West Bank].

During the funerals of the three men, all veteran members and leaders of Fatah’s armed wing, the Aksa Martyrs Brigades, thousands of Palestinians chanted slogans accusing the Palestinian Authority of collusion with Israel and calling for an end to security coordination with Israel and the dismantling of the Palestinian Authority. […] It was, in the words of a local journalist, “one of the biggest anti-Palestinian Authority demonstrations” in many years.


excerpt from: Transcript: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas

by Charles Levinson, Wall Street Journal, 22 December 2009

“I will not allow a new intifada. As long as I’m in office, I will not allow anybody to start a new intifada. Never never.”

[Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas, interwiew with the Wall Street Journal, 20 December 2009]


related link:

IDF praises PA security performance

by Yaakov Katz, Jerusalem Post, 27 December 2009


dandelion salad
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making hitler proud

13.03.2010 10:40

if he could see the contemporary actions of the israeli state, i am in little doubt that hitler would be full of admiration for the ethnic cleansing and land and resource seizures that are being carried out.
the shame that those in power in israel are using the holocaust as an excuse to further perpetuate the cycle of violence is hard for me to bear.
i had members of my family die at the hands of the nazis, i am sad that we as a species have not learned from that awful episode.... instead we carry on the same patterns.
yes its true that there were palestine terrorist bombings but can you blame them.... against overwhelming force what else were they to do.
these attacks hardly dented israel, in fact they probably served mainly to reinforce the israeli position, giving them more of an excuse to continue their holocaust.
it is absurd to steal a nation violently and not expect people who were already there to try to fight back, even with the odds stacked against them.
the awful acts of terror perpetrated by palestinians pales into insignificance when compared to the hitler-esque actions of the israeli nuclear state.
i hope that there are no more bombings, i am sad when i hear of a wasted life of somebody driven to such desperation as to want to blow themselves and others up, it is truly a tragedy.
there is no way on earth that palestine can win a fight with israel, with its nuclear arsenal and american jets.
but the conversation and debate is another matter.
as long as israel can hide cowardly behind these relatively insignificant terrorist atrocities and continue to dishonor the memory of those jews and others killed during the nazi holocaust, then open debate will continue to be avoided.
open debate and fair discussion is the last thing israel wants, they know that no amount of plutonium will help them win that battle.
illegal israeli settlement continues to spread like cancer through what little remains of palestine.
zionists from the bronx carrying machine guns constantly harass and attack unarmed palestinians.
If a palestinian was caught carrying such weaponry in his or her own homeland, they would disappear without trace into one of israels dungeons.
so please don't bore me any more with lists of terrorist bombings..... i would be much more interested in such a list if it also detailed israeli atrocities, and i am certain that would be much, much longer.
let us hope that one day this absurd cycle of violence and revenge can be broken, breaking the cycle will be the hardest battle of all, and it will take the bravest among us to do it.....

jewish israeli

The only 'celebration' she deserves

14.03.2010 10:31

is to fuck her, and to kill her.
Well, and then to fuck her again :)


Have a word

14.03.2010 19:29

What gives? Been censored off this website for bringing political arguments never mind
war rape glorification. : x

Israel post

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