National Demos - Easter Sat and Easter Monday at Noah's Ark Zoo Farm
Bristol Animal Rights Collective | 12.03.2010 12:39 | Animal Liberation | Ecology
Most of you probably know about the local campaign in the South West against Noah's Ark Zoo Farm following a recent undercover investigation. There is a real chance this zoo could be closed down if the campaign is strong enough. For more info about the campaign and the investigation visit uk/join/noah% 27s%20arc% 20zoo%20farm. htm and
Despite being under council investigation, they are applying for an elephant enclosure. Anyone can object online:
http://wam.n- somerset. showCaseFile. do;jsessionid= 5765C0C6446AAEC2 02566D8CAA875F60 ?action=show& appType=Planning &appNumber= 10/P/0238/ F
The more objections (obviously) the better.
There will be national demos on Easter Saturday and Easter Monday outside the zoo from 11am - 3pm, and as there are Easter events on that weekend, we are hoping for a good turnout.
It feels like there really is a chance this zoo could close down, so if you don't have anything on yet on either Easter Sat or Easter Mon, please come along! Get in touch for information about transport from your area.
Demos continue regularly every Saturday, including tomorrow.

Despite being under council investigation, they are applying for an elephant enclosure. Anyone can object online:

The more objections (obviously) the better.
There will be national demos on Easter Saturday and Easter Monday outside the zoo from 11am - 3pm, and as there are Easter events on that weekend, we are hoping for a good turnout.
It feels like there really is a chance this zoo could close down, so if you don't have anything on yet on either Easter Sat or Easter Mon, please come along! Get in touch for information about transport from your area.
Demos continue regularly every Saturday, including tomorrow.
Bristol Animal Rights Collective