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Jon Proctor - His links to the National Front

uncle sam | 11.03.2010 13:07 | Migration

Information is wanted, about Jon Proctor's links with the National Front.
Immediate Expulsion from the Animal rights movement should be applied unless one hell of a good reason as to why this "anarcho-communist", "vegan" Animal rights activist was at a national front protest less than 18 months ago.

Jon Proctor from Newcastle has been on the scene for a while now, his links to the national front are well-known but kept on the down-low.
perhaps now, as he plans to attend the Animal Rights gathering this weekend, we should discuss his past and find out just which side he's on.

At what age does a person become responsible for his/her actions?
does the excuse "my parents made me do it" really cut it?

within 2 years he's gone from marching with the National Front, to being a fully fledged "anarcho-communist" doing solidarity demos and fighting for asylum.

Attached to this post are 5 photos,
2 taken at "operation liberation",
1 at a "action for refugees rally",
one at an Palestinian solidarity "die in",
and one at a National Front demo.
are all these photos of Jon Proctor?
what the fuck is he playing at?

uncle sam


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Maybe he infiltrated the NF demo...he looks like he's filming in that photo.

11.03.2010 13:33

He also looks like he is shitting it. The rest of the photos are all left wing demos.
Maybe he was NF and changed his views to the other side having matured.
Maybe he infiltrated the NF demo for someone on the left in which case you've just potentially put his life on the line by posting this up.
It could also be that he's right wing and went on the left demos for them but he looks comfortable on the left protests and very uncomfortable at the NF one.
Have you asked him what his views are?

As for the expulsion from AR...animal rights is about the animals. So many people are being expelled from AR these days that we have to wonder who is behind this. The state? Commercial interests? There's hardly anyone left in AR. They might as well hold the gathering in a shoe box. If you are going to expel all those with right wing links does that include a certain Mr Steele?

So many people have been chucked out of or pushed out of AR and it has been so compromised that you shouldn't be surprised to see a whole new group [of the old crowd and all the expelled with some new faces] pop up somewhere away from the "official scene" soon.


is this really the best way to go about suspicions/paranoias?

11.03.2010 13:39

Who are you that's posted this? 'Jon' as you call him has been involved with immigration campaigning for a lot longer than 2 years i can tell you that for a start do you assume that as someone was seen on a nf demo they're one of them? what about the red watch photographers that constantly infiltrate our demos?


Explain the bit about his parents made him.

11.03.2010 14:17

He clearly looks like he doesn't want to be there. [On the NF demo]. There is a chance as it goes that the NF posted that first post themselves...that it was Redwatch that put it on here to find out things about him? Maybe it's the right wing who are trying to find out.

What the fuck does his other politics have to do with animals? Surely you should be asking should he have been on one or other of the demos?

"Does anyone have any info about him?" ...who are you to be asking this?

This is one of those moments where yet another ex scene AR person is reading this and glad to be out of it as AR stopped being about the animals ages ago.

AR has become cliquey scene run by dubious people while many more have been jailed. Now we have this against this Jon fella. Couldn't you have just said to him privately "we don't want you at our gathering"? Lets face it alot of people are being shoved out. If he's got any sense he'll continue to campaign for the animals but away from AR if this is what you are going to do.

Look at the photos properly...he looks relaxed in the left protests and terrified at the NF march. Leave the man alone.

I suspect that Redwatch are the ones who are asking...but it's possible that it's fascists from AR.

Expel him if you must...the animals won't lose if he cares for them as he will campaign without you.


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if he's been involved over 2 years...

11.03.2010 14:29

then he's been playing both sides of the field... thats a worrying thought.
who would he be working undercover for? and surely he'd be filming the people around him on the demo rather than away from it?
this seems very suspicious.


Where did you get all these photos from and how do you know so much about him?

11.03.2010 14:46

This is personal and an "outing" that is about something else going on in AR rather than a genuinely concerned activist. I notice that you don't ask for his immediate expulsion from asylum campaigns or from the other groups [or even NF] but from Animal Rights. This doesn't surprise me at all.
Why don't you use a broom cupboard for the next AR gathering? Meanwhile all the people who have been chucked out of or who have left the current AR scene can meet up somewhere else.
It's a very relevant question too....a number of right wing people have been outed or set up with dodgy evidence "found" on people's computers [ie Matthew Gibbons] while leading AR people who are far right wing don't get ousted from AR even though everyone knows they are far right.
Someone for whatever reason wants people out. It's possible this is the state, HLS, or someone who has other ulterior motives. Something has gone very, very wrong with AR and this is yet another shining example. Jon is better off away from all of you for his own sake, and that of the animals, truly. As for the gatherings....the ones in Kent were held at an animal sanctuary. The animals who would normally have the whole field to wander about or play in were all stuck in a tiny paddock crammed together for the whole weekend while overly loud pounding music was played at night until around 3am. That event was meant to be for and about the animals who had a really crap weekend each year that it ran in Kent because of human AR activists. Worse still, one year there was a drugs raid which saw hoards of people being filmed running for the compost toilets just before the police moved in on the site. That shows just how selfish all those AR people in charge really were and about how much the animals were secondary to the weekend all weekend. The people in charge of those Kent gatherings didn't give a toss about the poor animals. Eventually it seems the Kent people asked that it wasn't held there again..for the animals sake. What sort of AR people are you to treat the animals like this? Why treat Jon like this? DID you get all those photos of Jon and why do what info on him really? Why are you not asking that anarchists expel him or that the asylum campaign people expel him? Why just AR? Who from AR are you and what's your agenda as if that wasn't obvious.

I think people should leave this Jon bloke be and that he's better of without AR.


Indymedia should remove this post

11.03.2010 14:55

It's a hatchet job and incitement. It's not protecting anyone and is attacking a young working class bloke on the basis he can't make his mind up about his politics. Even if true, so what?


seems like some trolling going on here

11.03.2010 15:11

I've never heard of the person mentioned here, so I won't comment on that except to say it's not unheard of for people to change their views. I've known several excellent anti-fascist and anarchist activists who flirted with fascist politics when they were younger.

But some of the comments here show a classic trolling pattern: pretend to be AR activists who are very negative about things and critical of everyone. Maybe the same person even posted the article and some of the comments pretending to be opposed to the article, just to shit-stir.

And if the poster is genuine, which I doubt, have they considered they may be just doing the police's work for them? You don't invade someone's privacy in this way unless you are 100% sure they are currently dodgy, otherwise it counts as snitching/grassing. Maybe speak to a few people in private so they are aware, but this is out of order. Doesn't Indymedia have a policy against releasing personal information?

e.g: "As for the gatherings....the ones in Kent were held at an animal sanctuary. The animals who would normally have the whole field to wander about or play in were all stuck in a tiny paddock crammed together for the whole weekend while overly loud pounding music was played at night until around 3am."

This is complete nonsense, as anyone who attended will know. Could it be that you attended only from the outside, and wearing a uniform?


why have you put this under migration if your agenda is AR?

11.03.2010 15:17

What are YOU playing at?

if you are AR then file it under AR Why have you put it under migration and then talked about expelling him from AR? If he has sense he will leave...I suspect that you know what's going on with Jon and that this is revenge or a part of a state tactic to get people out of AR.

I expect that Jon will now end up on Redwatch. Well done, not. AR scores yet another home goal while the animals are the losers.

I think that this whole post should be taken down and completely hidden. Jon can't explain or defend himself on here like this and neither should he have to. You possibly know him, more than likely and this is something that could have been dealt with privately. If Jon was undercover it is more than likely for the anarchists and so on. AR have now just endangered Jon and won't give a shit. How could you? Jon is better off campaigning away from you people. Someone wants him out of the gathering / AR for some reason and he isn't the first to be fucked off out of things like's becoming an epidemic and has been over the last two to three years.

We are also seeing all those ridiculous ALIU spoof posts on Indymedia that don't get removed....I dare say Jon will end up on that notorious wanky blog now and labelled as " Jon SHAC NF" or something equally stupid. It wouldn't come as a shock that the person who created that is the same person who wants Jon out of AR and went to an awful lot of trouble to get hold of all of these protest photos and posted the first post up on did YOU manage that? If anyone's undercover it's the tosser who put the original post up about Jon in the first place.


Re "Critical Troll"

11.03.2010 15:42


We have been defending Jon. We have defended Matthew. What we are critical of is how Jon has been treated here and he isn't the first. There are a lot of good people who have been treated quite badly by the AR gestapo.
The was like that. The neighbours complained and there are plenty of photos of the police raid which include the pictures of the animals stuck in the tiny field at the back. We know that some of the police [wankers] wouldn't walk through the sheep dip having claimed that AR people had "pissed in it" when they didn't. We know that because we were there. We are not critical of Marion who does an amazing job of looking after the animals at FRIEND farm. What we are critical of is the appalling treatment of Jon and other people by others and how the animals were treated at the gathering by people who should know better but don't. Marion doesn't want the gathering to be held in Kent any more which is why it is now held elsewhere...this is for the animals sake as Marion and Mark care about them. The noisy selfish twats who played loud music all night don't.

Some people in AR give it the big mouth where the animals are concerned but don't actually give a shit about them. Much of AR has been fucked up...and this is evident especially when shit like this happens. AR is meant to be about the animals and if you don't like hearing that we don't care. If people are going to do things like this to Jon then we will criticise them and we don't care who doesn't like that. we are not trolls...we are people sitting here together thinking that what has just happened to Jon is wrong and bang out of order. The real Troll is the wanker who posted that crap and the photos about him in the first place. Whoever it is really has it in for him and should never have put it on here. Yes we criticise whoever was behind that but you can't say we criticised everyone if we have stood up for Jon. We do not criticise the many good people who have walked out of or been pushed away from you are wrong when you say we criticise everyone. We have stood up for those people.

If there is something wrong in AR then we should say it. We don't care if you don't like that as those people are good people who were there for the animals..we have no criticism of them. We do not however like what has been done to this young man Jon and other people like him who have been treated terribly behind the scenes. You are lying when you say that the gathering wasn't like that. Enough people were there to know that it was like that and there are photos to prove it.

We suspect Jon knows who is behind the first post and that person / those people should be ashamed of themselves. We're on Jon's side.


The troll is the original poster and the wtf person...please remove all of this.

11.03.2010 15:59

Leave Jon alone you cunts. This isn't the first person you've gone after. You're the ones who are not really AR but are all across the scene. How did you know he was planning to go to the gathering? You must therefore be "AR" yourselves and the other person was correct that you don't seem to care about the pro asylum demos...this is about AR, like it or not.

Anyway, leave Jon alone you nasty bastards. One day there will be people who won't be pushed around by you and it would serve you right if the people you do this sort of thing to come for you. It's easy to push a young bloke around and in a cowardly way like you just did..anonymously, online in a false name. The lowest of the low. I hope he gets you for it.

Why don't you go and tell all the rest of the NF men to stay away too? No, thought not. Why didn't you do that at the time seeing as you were in a position to get close ups? How did you manage that? Even if you just google knew already. What's the point of this?

The original poster is just a cowardly little cunt. End of story. It hasn't worked either as most of the posts and replies are in support of Jon...NF or not.


how do we even know its an NF demo?

11.03.2010 16:36

cant see anything to indicate an NF demo in any of these photos... not into AR definitely an Antifa and i recognise a nasty libel from a coward who hides their identity and which if untrue could result in very bad consequences- Indymedia if anything should be removed this should be removed



11.03.2010 16:44

this is guy is sound, please remove this thread



remove this

11.03.2010 17:19

i have no idea who Jon Proctor is but this is clearly slander from an anonymous source with no supporting evidence other than a photo allegedly showing an NF rally but with nothing to indicate that this is the case or that the person accused was even taking part in whatever was going on

tho mixing with animal rights types seems inevitably to lead to this type of nasty lunacy...


This shite should be removed. AR people wouldn't post it!

11.03.2010 18:08

This entire thread and 99% of these comments are an absolute diabolical waste of time. I would advise Indymedia just to remove it all.

While anyone is totally welcome to provide genuine criticism of the AR movement, most of these comments are totally out of line. It's so obvious the original post was not by an AR person, why rise to the police's bait? Most of the comments are clearly by SHACwatch trolls and police, posting under the guise of well-meaning activists. If you think properly about the claims being made, like "so many people being expelled from the movement" and comments regarding the AR gathering in Kent, it's quite clear.

Like I said, criticism is fine, if it comes with genuine explanation, honesty and reason. But this seems a total waste of time.

If someone AR has a genuine concern over this lad, then they would approach others in person about it, rather than pasting it all over the internet with no sound allegations or proof.

Steve Discombe CO2558

very poorley done

11.03.2010 18:21

should have been done differently but at least it has been done the debate about what to do abotu this has gone on way too long with out someone just doing it.



11.03.2010 19:15

Matt? Is that Matt Gibbons from York?

Dodgy character

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