EDL: Carrying on Pissing.
Anarchist Antifa | 05.03.2010 22:10
The EDL march on Parliament once again highlighted the weakness of the enemies bladder!
EDL: Taking the piss? If muslims did this....
EDL: Taking the piss? If muslims did this....
Anarchist Antifa
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EDL Piss Off
05.03.2010 23:05
so what?
05.03.2010 23:46
EDL Piss Off 2
06.03.2010 02:20
As for "who the fuck cares if EDL members piss on a Church? We're in the business of stopping the bastards, not complaining when they relieve themselves" - one way of stopping the bastards from successfully engaging the sympathies of British Christians is by pointing out to Christians that they piss on Christian Churches you berk
As for "stopping the bastards" in the more general sense - YOU havn't stopped them, in London or anywhere else, have you "@ntifascist"... FACT
"We" ?
06.03.2010 02:53
@ntifascist / Norfolknonaligned, firstly who EXACTLY is this "we" you're talking about and secondly please reassure me that the time you spend making dumb comments about other Anti-fascists isn't time you could have better spent trying to engage with and disillusion Fascists (Christian or secular, working-class or otherwise)?
I had a look at the Norfolknonaligned website and it seems to be pretty much ALIGNED to the IWCA - a microscopic ultra-left-wing organisation who do have some interesting ideas but who have also manifestly totally failed in their approach to "defeating" Fascism
Your Bathroom Mirror
06.03.2010 03:05
06.03.2010 04:15
Your Bathroom Mirror- Firstly I am not speaking for the Norfolk group, now actually called Norfolk Community Action Group, not non-alligned- as I'm sure you should of understood from your brief visit to the blog.
OK, by 'we' I mean anyantifascist worth their salt- who is interested in creating a movement that can challenge the fascists and the conditions that they arise from. As for the IWCA, yes their politics are an influence to the group but no, we are not alligned as we are of a different political viewpoint as them, you know, predominatley being comprised of anarchos. However, so what if they are a small organisation? Up and down the country groups and individuals are becoming well aware of how neglected their input to the struggle has been.
Q... E... D...
06.03.2010 10:34
Yes pointing out to ordinary Christians who feel threatened by militant Islam that the EDL have no knowledge of or respect for Christian culture definitely is a pragmatic approach to reducing support for the EDL.
As for you setting yourself up as the arbiter of which Anti-Fascists might or might not be "worth their salt", I'll ask you to re-read the the 2nd part of the 1st sentence!
Gay Dee El
06.03.2010 17:25
Dale Winton
"Engaging Christians"
06.03.2010 20:27
I'd support this too. Criticiisng the EDL because they aren't really Christian is like the Pakistani authorities criticising al-qaeda because they are "anti-muslim". Perhaps we could tell the BNP members involved with the group that they aren't really nationalist or the NF members that they don't hate people with brown skin enough? All such psuedo critiques do is reinforce the notion that religion is a force for good and that Muslims, Christians, people with white skin or darker skin are genuinely different to one another and need to be addressed and organise on a seperate basis to one another.
There are plenty of genuine criticisms of the EDL without reverting to this nonsense.
Villa anti-fascist
Kudos to the EDL for attacking brainwashing bigoted Christianity!
06.03.2010 23:51
It gives me hope yet that they are actually opposed to all religions rather than focused on Islam.
I hope to see EDL urination on more religious buildings of all denominations in the future. Maybe this is a form of protest that could catch on?
Anti-Fascists who are worth their salts?!
08.03.2010 23:46