Changes at Pogo Cafe
Pogo Cafe | 05.03.2010 19:09 | Animal Liberation | Culture | Education | South Coast
The last week has been a turbulent and emotional time for all concerned with Pogo.
Many regular volunteers at Pogo Cafe became concerned that animal products were being stored and consumed in the premises. Pogo has always been a vegan space, and the presence of these products motivated concerned volunteers to dispose of them.
Spontaneously a meeting was called the following day, inviting both volunteers and co-op members. It was an emotionally-charged gathering, which became incredibly difficult for all who attended. It became evident that the gulf between volunteers and co-op members had grown so vast that the strength of feeling on this issue was unappreciated. We had hoped we would all be able to continue working together, but the co-op members decided to resign and discontinue volunteering at the cafe.
Pogo is a unique vegan space, valued by members of the activist and local communities. We will implement the ideals of collective working so, from now on, Pogo Café will be operating an open collective, with everyone invited to meetings, shifts and responsibilities, including decision-making. We hope this will make being involved in Pogo a more enjoyable and fulfilling experience, once again a space to comfortably promote moral veganism within the local community.
Currently we are training up new chefs, so if you would like to become a chef within Pogo, or help out with any other shifts, please do not hesitate to email us. No experience is needed, we will teach you everything you need to know.
If you would like to help with any other aspect of the collective, you can contact us via telephone or the email below.
Pogo will be open for business as usual from next Thursday 11th, from 12.30pm to 9pm and beyond.
76 Clarence Road
E5 8HB
Tel: 0208 533 1214
Pogo Cafe
What's been happening at Pogo
06.03.2010 20:32
48hrs… and this is what happened.
it all started one snowy day over the xmas holiday when, around the corner from Pogo, the Somerfield freezers broke and they threw away everything that was inside of them.
Some of us who are involved in the coop and some people from surrounding squats went down to salvage some food, which was otherwise going to waste, including dairy products, frozen vegetables and meat.
Seeing as we had just recently acquired a new freezer from freecycle and there were a lot of people who wanted to keep the food but who did not have freezers at home we decided to allow for temporary storage of said produce in the new freezer, which is located in the garage, our store room, which doesn’t share an entrance with the cafe.
In the next couple of days while cleaning and organizing the garage we moved all that food from the chest freezer into two smaller freezers and labels were stuck on them explaining that this is skipped food (including non-vegan products) and it’s not for cafe use.
The aim was to take these old freezers out of the Pogo garage, complete with food, as we were aware that it’s presence might cause discomfort to some people. We never got around to it due to a lack of time and energy.
Two weeks ago, one of the volunteers asked us why there was meat in the pogo freezer. The story was explained, and also tha the freezers will be gone at some point. The reaction was a question: ‘doesn’t it make you feel uncomfortable?’. Upon hearing ‘no’ as an answer, the conversation ended.
Tuesday this week, as you may be aware, an alternative pogo meeting was called at short notice. This was the result of two secret meetings that not all volunteers and none of the then-existing coop members were invited to. Those meetings obviously weren’t held at the cafe. On Monday night a group of people let themselves into the cafe garage, threw away all the non-vegan produce from the freezer, left animal rights literature stuck to said freezer, along with a patronizing note about freeganism being a slippery slope and suggesting that we might start to cook this food at the cafe, saying that a vegan cafe couldn’t be run by not vegans and complaining that not everyone had been explicitly consulted. Someone also used the email account the coop uses for keeping in touch with volunteers to send out notice of the alternative meeting, scheduled the same day seven hours later… even though another meeting was already scheduled at the same time at the cafe. We asked them to postpone the alternative meeting so that the previously booked meeting could go ahead as planned, to which they agreed, although not very promptly.
At the meeting we were first told, by someone who doesn’t actually work at the cafe, that the government is paying people to infiltrate vegan spaces and put meat there!
More seriously, we were also told that we, as a coop, were impenetrable and cliquey and that all the 15+ people present wanted more responsibilities at the cafe. They all thought that this was the only way to go about it, citing impenetrability and cliqueyness again. They also implied we weren’t vegan enough to run a vegan cafe.
The outcome of the meeting was that all the then current coop members and some long-term volunteers quit.
The following are some of our reasons.
- we were involved in this project for various reasons, one of them being cooperative working. Calling a meeting with a few hours notice and holding secret meetings are NOT cooperative working. Neither is holding a preliminary briefing they didn’t announce to all volunteers.
- it seems as if no thought was given to how intimidating +15 people arriving all at the same time (including people who never volunteered and people who some of us didn’t recognise) could be. Or maybe it was intentional. Either way – we find it unacceptable.
- it seemed too remarkable that so many people wanted to take on responsibilities yet had never mentioned it. Especially seeing as a lot of responsibilities (such as: Monday cleaning, Wednesday prep, any-day baking, errands) were actively advertised via e-mail and signs in the cafe. When this was brought up, those tasks seemed to be considered menial and unimportant. It was especially surprising seeing as the current involvement of that group of people was such that they hadn’t actually noticed the skipped food that had been in the freezer for two months (even though there were labels on the freezers explaining it) and weren’t aware that there already a meeting booked for that day and time.
- we felt that our hard work for the last couple of years to keep pogo open was entirely unrecognized, let alone appreciated. The “menial” tasks like cleaning, most of the time fell to the coop.
- whilst we accept that we are cliquey – working hard together for a long time can do that – impenetrable is going way over the top.
Recently two new people had started coming to coop meetings and many of the people present at the Tuesday meeting had found us approachable enough to become good friends with us. There were also a few people outside of the coop who were taking on extra responsibilities. All they had done was asked, or taken the initiative.
- their suggestion that being in the coop means being in a position of power is, quite frankly, worrying. We don’t want to work with people who want power, or think that we do. Being in the coop is actually being in a position of responsibility which are not necessarily fun.
- the implication that only vegans who are practicing animal rights activism should be allowed to run the cafe is very exclusive and alienating. Especially seeing as cooperative voluntary working was always as important a point as veganism to all of the coop and long-term volunteers.
So yeah, that’s what happened. The cafe is now going to be run by a different group of people. We aren’t happy about leaving the cafe but we feel like they left us no other option. The cafe was very important to us and leaving it is going to take a massive chunk out of our lives. We would wish them the best of luck, but we’re still too angry to be able to do that.
the other side
freeschool.pogo at
A historical perspective
07.03.2010 12:11
I appreciate all the hard work the crew who followed us put in to keep the project running, and am very thankful that its kept going and stayed vegan. However, we also put in a lot of hard work to set it up and run it during the first few years, and one of the fundamental principles which Pogo was founded on has been breached by this mistake. Working hard to keep a project going does not give anyone the right to act as they wish. I don't know if this situation was handled in the best way by those who challenged it, but the situation would not have arisen if the co-op members had not stored meat in the freezer.
The original Pogo constitution stated that all members of the co-op should be vegan. This is not because we were anti non vegans, it is precisely to avoid this sort of situation, or worse, that if vegans became out numbered by non vegans, people might start saying things like "we would make more money if we allowed people to have cows milk in their tea" and before you know it Pogo would no longer be vegan. Is it unreasonable to want to keep Pogo vegan?
The crew state in their email that it would be alienating if the only vegans could run Pogos. Alienating to who? Veganism isn't exclusive, anyone can be vegan and I suggest anyone who wants to be in the Pogo co-op goes vegan. This is what happened with a couple of people when I was involved and the one I still know is still vegan. It doesn't mean that the cafe would be unwelcoming to non vegans, this was not the case when it was run by a vegan co-op.
Living in a non vegan world as a vegan can be very alienating, so is it too much to ask that we have one space that is completely vegan? The volunteer who found the meat in the freezer may not have worked as hard as the co-op members, but was still giving up their time to work at a vegan cafe and must have been very shocked and upset to find animal products there, and should have been given and apology and assurance that the animal products would be removed.
I wonder why the co-op member questioned did not feel uncomfortable about the animal corpses in the fridge? Would they feel comfortable if a murdered human corpse was kept in the fridge? I'm assuming they wouldn't, which underlies a specisist attitude that as a vegan I am fighting against. This doesn't mean I hate all non vegans, as Leviathen points out most of us were non vegan once. However, in my experience the vast majority if not all of non vegans do not really understand how strongly we feel about animal exploitation, hence meat being stored in the freezer, and to me this demonstrates why non vegans should not be running Pogos.
I wouldn't spend my time arguing against freeganism, I would rather use my energy on the vast majority who economically support the meat and dairy industry, but Pogos is not a freegan cafe, and if people want a freegan space I suggest they set one up.
I know this email sounds very critical of the former crew, I am not in general and really do appreciate all the hard work they have put into Pogo over the last few years. I have nothing against them personally and.wish them all the best for whatever they decide to do next. Good luck to the new crew too, more notice about the meeting would have been good, I would have tried to come along.
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just a question
05.03.2010 21:47
Pumpkins was much better
05.03.2010 21:56
06.03.2010 00:24
Pogo is a Gogo.
It's a shame
06.03.2010 01:18
Not really about food
06.03.2010 10:12
Long live the revolution!
Th Fool
Too Expensive
06.03.2010 10:36
I never returned as I found the prices for Food And Drinks very expensive. Hardly Social Centre type prices ( and Measily Portions).
The Fish
06.03.2010 11:52
Moving on, I can understand that people think the food and drinks are expensive as they are a bit more than a lot of activists, and other people, can afford. But you have to remember that Pogo is a not-for-profit cafe, so it is literally making the money it needs to to keep running.
We would like to make some changes in Pogo and try to work out ways that we may be able to reduce prices, etc. (though this would potentially mean a change in food or using less organic food... we'll have a think). However, at this moment in time, we need to work on getting Pogo back to "business as usual" next week and re-organising everything, so we can't take on too much too soon.
If you would like to help out at Pogo or make some suggestions, please contact us at Pogo and we can talk to you about what you think and/or invite you to one of our open meetings.
It has been a turbulent time and it's been emotional lately for all involved. Let's look to the future now and keep Pogo open so that it can continue to be a good place for activists and the community and regular and irregular customers alike. Don't give up on Pogo now - come along, help out and make your own suggestions!
this stinks
06.03.2010 14:29
how the hell can you think you can open for business as usual before this conflict has been resolved? where is your compassion? haven't you heard of mediation?
start acting like human beings, and like people who care, instead of just abandoning people because you disagree with them on one issue. veganism is meant to be about more than just your diet, it is meant to be about compassion to all living creatures. start acting like it, please.
if you think that conflict is just about winning an argument, proving your rightness and getting your own way, then you need to start learning, and learning fast, because otherwise this project is doomed. conflicts will happen again and next time it could be you being bullied out of the place.
grow up!
someone who cares
06.03.2010 20:33
get the facts straight
06.03.2010 21:21
there was some meat, which had been skipped, in a freezer in a garage at the back of the building. this garage does not share an entrance or any space with the cafe. the freezer was entirely seperate from any of the cafe food or products.
nonetheless it should not have been there, as i am sure everybody involved now realises.
incidentally the meat had actually been there for two months or more. nobody had noticed, until last week, when suddenly everything exploded.
this could have been dealt with very differently, in a way that did not cause such pain for anyone involved in this project, and would have been better for the project. instead people have been effectively pushed out for one mistake, despite much positive work for the project by them. does one mistake genuinely negate all their good, indeed vital, contributions to this project?
sometimes people sit in the cafe wearing leather shoes. sometimes people stand just outside the door, in the porch, smoking cigarettes. however much i may disapprove or dislike these facts how productive would it be for me to start shouting at and abusing these people so that they stop coming to the cafe? surely it would be more constructive (and helpful to the animals' cause) if i spoke to them with empathy and understanding, explained my thoughts and genuinely communicated with them as fellow human animals?
learning and change does not come about through bullying. scoring points and being right does not help animals, communicating with understanding can and might.
where's the compassion? is being meat-free the only thing that matters? i think it does matter, i think veganism is very important, but i think there are also other issues that are important too.
someone who cares
the odds
06.03.2010 21:28
i'd say the odds of pogo being able to balance the books and therefore SURVIVE are currently at about 1-54. my own personal bet would be that it closes or changes hands within 6 months at the most.
they might have had their faults but thanks to them pogo has existed this long, now its in the hands of the naive and fascistic twats who did this to them, it will die an ugly death.
your twisted politics would just about pass in a squat cafe but with rent and bills to pay you are going to find life very challenging from now on and i suspect you will soon learn and realise what you have lost.
hackney people do not care about a bit of meat in a contained space seperate to the cafe, half as much as we care that pogo continued to exist for all its imperfections. once its gone, and been replaced by a fecking starbucks, we will know who to blame.
storm in a teacup
06.03.2010 21:51
POGO cafe was a con for years! Cliquey for a reason & about to get worse
07.03.2010 03:01
A friend of mine [who is a vegan and runs a successful business of her own] was completely excluded from conversations at POGOS when vulunteering there. She thought it was an important project to help but was frozen out for no reason and never went back.
There was a massive gap between co-op members and volunteers and the POGOS self appointed leader ran everything pretended not to and is thought to have made a tidy few quid for himself.
There have been problems in the past with volunteers smoking heroin and crack in the toilets and at the back of the kitchen which is disgusting and people could smell it.
The food is very, very expensive and the portions tiny.
What will happen now however is that SHAC and shacwatch will be taking over POGOS. Lucky old won't be there much longer.
It's shame because a great idea went sour and is about to go off altogether.
POGO and what we think has happened....
07.03.2010 07:01
It's not the police, they wouldn't bother with all these complicated tactics...they would just raid you or close you down on a pretext or get environmental health to shut you down. Am I right in thinking that some of the 15 people who wanted you out have links with the the APP? It won't be long before the police will find a reason to close POGOS.
POGOS won't last much longer...this much is true and I think that all your customers should boycott the place from now on.
a veegan
07.03.2010 13:04
you say that the volunteer who found the meat "should have been given and apology and assurance that the animal products would be removed" - they were! apparently that wasn't enough though...
07.03.2010 14:15
If you want to know what happened, ask the people involved. The reason Pogo needs to open as "business as usual" is so that we can keep it going. AT THE SAME TIME (not after) things are being done to try to keep the friendships we have and things are being talked about. But Pogo meanwhile needs to keep going or we'll lose it forever.
Don't assume that the people who "took over" wanted that to happen or don't have compassion. They're all individuals, they all have different feelings about what happened and they're all involved in different ways.
Let's stop arguing on here (and making stupid comments about the APP... we know who posted that and we're not listening to you anymore, you're not a troll, you're a sick individual). Talk to everyone personally, you'll get several different accounts of what happened and why because individuals have individual perspectives but let's not lose this space!
The Fool was right....
07.03.2010 15:30
Pogo has been stolen.
NoGo Pogo
Got issues?
07.03.2010 16:06
Pogo is too important to try to tear apart with this ignorant, aggressive crap. Grow up everyone. And get a life!
not involved and not a whiney little bitch
Vegan cafe for people passionate about veganism.
07.03.2010 16:42
Also, the accusation that the co-op didn't have the opportunity to resolve the problems is not true. The meeting was called, granted extremely hastily, for precisely that reason and although no-one asked one of the previous co-op members to leave, they all took it upon themselves to resign. The co-op ran the cafe as an inseparable clique, and they left in the same way. They followed each other over the cliff like lemmings. This was their decision, but they have also been told that they are welcome back to join the new collective when they like (though realistically we know that is very unlikely.)
Customers who are passionately vegan (and even vegetarian) have voiced their disgust that meat was being kept in the freezer and said that they would have eaten elsewhere if they had known that. From now onwards there will be no ifs, no buts. Pogo is 100% vegan in the cafe, 100% vegan in the kitchen and 100% vegan in the garage - how it should be.
Pogo opens again on Thursday.
Dairy Products were being consumed in the cafe.
07.03.2010 17:02
Meat was being stored the the freezer in the garage where all pogo stock is stored. The garage is pogo premises regardless of whether the entrance is shared with the cafe.
Co-op member(s) were eating and drinking dairy products in the cafe after opening hours using cafe crockery and cutlery.
Having clarified that this is what I personally think..........
If the ex co-op members were no longer vegan and had become freegan and or vegetarian then they could have quite happily stored and consumed those products in their house two doors away rather than compromise the ethics and vegan standing of pogo as well as upsetting many regular volunteers and customers.
To me, a workers co-op should be transparent and accessible to all workers. It should not be a small amount of people who act like a management committee and then disseminate (or not) decisions and policy to volunteer workers.
As difficult as this may be to swallow I feel like the ex co-op members created the conditions for something drastic (removal of said animal products and spontaneous volunteers meeting) like this to happen, I believe totally unintentionally.
If it was unintentional then it illustrates how far away from Pogo's constitution the co-op had drifted and one has to question whether the co-op's heart was really with a vegan cafe any more.
One also has to question whether they wanted to be a workers co-op or were happier working in a hierarchical structure. Either way it seems like they made two whopping and fundamental mistakes thus paving the way for a drastic reaction. How they responded to this reaction was up to them and how quickly the ex co-op members 'jumped ship' was a surprising development and they certainly were not forced out and I am sad that they did.
I can only speak for myself, but I certainly did not go to the meeting expecting anyone to leave the co-op or to be unintentionally involved with a coup! I certainly do not believe this was the intention. I wanted a return to vegan ideals and a wider inclusive co-op, which seems to be what's going to happen now.
Anon = Mad Mandy
07.03.2010 17:46
Please know that Mandy has probably been up all night smoking crack so excuse the fact that her posts make no sense whatsoever.
Sounds like good stuff
07.03.2010 20:06
I'm not so worried about the mistake of holding freegan meat in the freezer that the over sensitive attitude of the ex-coop after it was removed. It is totally appropriate that anyone removes animal products from a vegan cafe as soon as it is found, with or without consent of anyone. It is not necessary for anyone to take a non-confrontational attitude about this matter.
I also find it interesting that the ex-co-op decided to walk out in a huff like spoilt little children rather than work stuff out! If it is also true about the non-vegan beer and the comments about vegans/ARAs, then a vegan cafe was not for them, clearly.
A positive step forward!
07.03.2010 21:08
Support Pogo!
07.03.2010 22:06
If someone has drank tea with dairy milk in a pogo cup then they should be told not to and that's the end of it. Obviously it's not a policy of Pogos to keep meat in the freezer. If it's been sorted now then no problem.
The person writing about "sick individuals" is shacwatch. Please remove it.
08.03.2010 01:23
As for the APP, there is a general consensus [as previously argued on Indymedia] by a growing number of the people that the APP harm the animals, that they are supported openly on Indymedia by shacwatch, that the APP have taken a decision to stand against Animals Count, that there are mental ill health problems involved [aliens etc] and I agree that there should be a rallying cry for them to disband. Some people do not want to believe what is happening with the APP, but then again did any of you expect to find meat in POGOS freezers? It does not help any people involved with the APP who might be genuine that they have the support of shacwatch.
If genuine AR people can run the place and perhaps give support to genuine animal lovers such as Animals Count, then all the better. Most people do not want to see POGOS closed as it's a great space but you have to keep shacwatch out of there if it's to be a success.
The meat in the fridge is a disaster but then so is the fact that POGOs have used animal testing cleaning products in the past...both of these issues show that half the time things are never necessarily what they are sold as from behind the scenes.
History is only written by the 'victors'...
08.03.2010 12:54
Real Truth
It wasn't just the meat in the freezer.
10.03.2010 05:01
Some time later more new people came along and most of the LAA people for various reasons left or drifted away.
POGO was then run along the lines of an anarchist social centre cafe that while it served vegan food & drink wasn't an AR cafe and the people running it ie Jon Active, Carolyn etc would say quite frankly that POGO was not an AR cafe but a social centre and a place for open political debate.
This led to some heated discussions etc when animal tested cleaning products were used at POGOS. It is true that there were also arguments and frustration over cliqueyness etc.
Now we have the row over meat in the freezer and the walk out of the co-op.
I hope the new POGO crew can make a success of POGO and that it doesn't get fucked over by Big Pharma etc. It would be a shame if that happens.
11.03.2010 08:00
The last poster is right too. POGO has been ruined. It's a shame.
12.03.2010 02:15
The way POGO was before [ie when Jon and Carolyn ran it] people were happy to volunteer there. This will probably change and there will not be much genuine consensus any more in my opninion about anything as the new people, in reality are in fact far more cliquey and impenetrable than the people that they accused of this.
I doubt very much that I can bring myself to go in there again. Many will be hesitant about the new people having their money or their time and I think that you will find that this will apply to alot of the mainstream people in Hackney who were previously customers. With all the bad press that AR has received too I think that you will find many ordinary people will be wary about who or what they are funding and won't go there any more. Reading these comments might piss off AR and the new POGO people but what we're talking about is POGO. POGO that wasn't an AR cafe but an alternative and very much LOCAL and locally run vegan cafe which was successful because of that. What has happened at POGO is a disaster and I can't see it lasting much longer.
The meeting was called by hacking into POGO email account..then goons arrived.
12.03.2010 05:17
Someone, in a complete and utter breach of trust hacked into the email account and called a meeting at 5 hours notice. Then a bunch of aggressive people, many of them strangers who POGO co op had never seen before occupied the cafe and put the POGO co op people on trial and demanding to be part of running the place leading to the co op walking out. It seems too that this was organised. Who were all the aggressive goons and who hacked into the POGO email account? How can ANYONE trust the people who did this? Is this how they intend to run things from now on? Why not change the name of POGOS to Gestapos? Or Stasis? I suppose one of them will reply "who cares?" as they think that they can just bully people and push people around with no come backs. The people who have taken POGO over have behaved like gangsters or state goons. Worse still they have done it so openly with thuggery and a "who cares"? and "what's your problem"? attitude.
How long before POGO is closed by Hackney Police? You can bet your life that people on the Pembury estate won't want a load of security services people sitting in cars on their estate, wandering up and down Clarence Road spying on the hardline AR people that have taken over POGOs or the fact that the said state goons could end up running the place across the road from their estate. This is a terrible mess for POGOs and while you can just say "Who cares?" or it's "only so and so who's saying it and they don't matter" this is indicative of how these people operate and how they treat people. There is nothing compassionate about these people who claim to be animal lovers...but treat people like shit and bully them.
What has happened at POGO is horrible and there are quite a few people who want nothing to do with the place or with the people who have taken it over.
MI5? Who else would get away with this?
12.03.2010 18:14
Who are all the thugs, who asked them to come, why did they think they had the right to do this?
Anyone who volunteers there now is a traitor to POGO and the co op who had no choice but to leave. You will more than likely be working for the secret police as who else would do this and expect to get away with it?
I miss pogo [the old pogo] too
Pogos has always been about more than animal rights
12.03.2010 22:40
Pogos was an off shoot of Emmaz, a project where a group of anarchists were aiming to buy a building to create an autonomous social centre, meeting space and vegan cafe. Emmaz never got off the ground, but a couple of people involved decided to start off with the cafe, and thus Pogo a vegan workers co-op was born. We started off running a weekly cafe in a squatted social centre in Leyton, but when Pumpkins closed down we seized our chance, took on the lease and opened up as Pogo Cafe.
A few of the original co-op members were involved in London Animal Action, but the others weren't and it was never a "animal rights cafe" whatever one of those is. Many though not all were anarchists; Jon Active was involved from the start. We promoted veganism and animal rights alongside many other issues, hosting film nights, art exhibitions and special events on a range of topics, boycott coca cola, McLibel and Art not Oil are just three I can remember. We also opened the cafe 6 days a week and our customers came from a cross section of the community.
So Pogos has always been about more than animal rights and I see no reason why this shouldn't continue just because some of the "new" crew felt passionately enough to take action when meat was found in the freezer. Whatever the rights and wrongs of this were, it seems people are assuming because of this that they only care about animal rights and nothing else, and also that they can't run a cafe. I think this is an unfair assumption and we should give them a chance rather than writing them off before they've started, and predicting Pogos demise which surely no-one wants.
Is Jon Active still there or did he walk out too?
13.03.2010 09:27
who cares about pogo?...
20.09.2010 15:44
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